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Topic: Mac Version: Roadmap (aka when will it be possible to...?) (Read 1295 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mac Version: Roadmap (aka when will it be possible to...?)

Hi @Peter ,
the new mac version works great, in the sense that i can play my music and it seems to be light on resources, but it would be great to see at least a few of the visual features that the windows version has.

For example Album cover display in the Playlists.

Is it planned to make the player as flexible UI wise as the windows version, or is that impossible due to the difference between the two toolchains?

Can we help working on the codebase or testing or anything?

Thanks for the best player out there and all your hard work on it, really apreciate it, i have been using it for literally decades :)



Re: Mac Version: Roadmap (aka when will it be possible to...?)

Reply #1
It's impressive how good the MAC version already is. I have come from the PC version which I've used it since the 2000s. But I can say that the lack of seeking forward and backwards with the arrow keys is really bothering me. Hope that configurable hotkeys will be implemented.