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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 61815 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #300
Well personally I hate when software forces you -by default- : (any of them)
- Network calls to check an update.
- Popup about new update.
- Download the update.

You have valid points with these, I personally also do not like this behavior BUT you can turn off auto-check as personal
preference. For the general public I would enable this as default though. I think most people do not manually check often
or forget to even check for new updates.

But I DO fully understand, less effort, more time for other things 8)


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #301
I wonder if checking for updates can be done with foo_acfu. I don't know since these are scripts for SMP.

I use rss feeds to keep me informed of updates, and they notify me first (before foo_acfu). But it's a bit more complicated and not everyone uses rss feeds. Otherwise I think I'd be happy to have a pop-up that informs me of an update (with an option to disable it), I like programs that do that, but here I won't use it because I already do otherwise.

I've made some small modifications for my use in Search by distance (these if you're interested), so I have to manually redo these modifications each time I update, or replace files with my versions. At the moment I'm trying Github Desktop. I can update very easily as long as you don't modify the files I'm modifying. It happened once and it was a mess. I don't know anything about Git.

Speaking of popups, I commented some stuff in helpers_xxx_so, so those popups don't show up anymore, I think it's for linux. Some time ago, I also spent an afternoon looking for the source of these "test" in my clipboard. I discovered that it came from this.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #302
I wonder if checking for updates can be done with foo_acfu. I don't know since these are scripts for SMP.
No. It would require a rewrite of SMP to integrate it.

Also there has been zero interest in the community on showcasing JS scripts on the foobar components list, even if some scripts are much more mature and less buggy than some components  ::) My point is there is zero interest -by devs- on anything down that road.

I use rss feeds to keep me informed of updates, and they notify me first (before foo_acfu). But it's a bit more complicated and not everyone uses rss feeds. Otherwise I think I'd be happy to have a pop-up that informs me of an update (with an option to disable it), I like programs that do that, but here I won't use it because I already do otherwise.
I'm considering that. Enabled by default, a global setting to enable/disable it by default on any new script installation (like the global tag remap files) and a setting per panel to switch it.

Speaking of popups, I commented some stuff in helpers_xxx_so, so those popups don't show up anymore, I think it's for linux. Some time ago, I also spent an afternoon looking for the source of these "test" in my clipboard. I discovered that it came from this.
They are supposed to be taken into consideration to be fixed, but yep, they can become annoying if you don't want to. I will add a new file at 'profile\js_data\presets\global\' (along the other global config files), with a toggle to simply omit the popups. The update check behavior on new installs will be there too.

I've made some small modifications for my use in Search by distance (these if you're interested), so I have to manually redo these modifications each time I update, or replace files with my versions. At the moment I'm trying Github Desktop. I can update very easily as long as you don't modify the files I'm modifying. It happened once and it was a mess. I don't know anything about Git.
Will look at this. The buttons customization, not sure how they look. I may provide additional settings for that. Then you seem to have a "fix" for an incomplete commit of mine. Will upload today all update files.

EDIT: To remove borders, just set buttons colors to -1 at properties. It also affects the highlighting. The code is already there for that, no need to touch the files. Just click ctrl when on the buttons color menu entry, as indicated at the header of the menu.

I'm not sure about your rationale to changing the width of the button to 1 px. though. That makes the button invisible (?) Neither why you changed the coordinates in some functions at the buttons framework file, which affects all buttons (?)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #303
Related to colors on UI, since I have been working on an updated fork of Chroma.js; have found an easy way to know which color is associated to an element in menus (without requiring to open the color picker).

Thanks to Name that color and the new chroma fork, I can show a name for the color in the entry (the most prox. color).
Which should give you at least a hint of the current settings on menus. 'None' in the case of the previous button discussion equals to 'no button color and border'.

Will implement this to all my scripts. In case someone more is interested, it just requires 3 lines of code:

Code: [Select]
const Chroma = require('chroma-ultra-light.min');
const getColorName = (val) => {return (val !== -1 ?[1] : '-none-');}

For the require:
Code: [Select]
let module = {}, exports = {};
module.exports = null;
function require(script) { // Must be path relative to this file, not the parent one; add RegExp  if needed
include(script + '.js');
return module.exports;

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #305
Test release. If everything is right, will upload to github and create a proper release.
### Added
- Auto-update: added -optional- automatic checks for updates on script load; enabled by default. Compares version of current file against GitHub repository. Manual checking can also be found at the settings menu. Setting may also be globally switched at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json', by changing 'bAutoUpdateCheck'. It will apply by default to any new installed script (previous scripts will still need to be manually configured to change them).
### Changed
- UI: panel background can now use both 'Maintain proportions' and 'Fill panel' options at the same time when using the front cover.
- Helpers: updated statistics mode with new graphs and features from the latest [Statistics-Framework-SMP]( version.
- Helpers: replaced library [chroma.js with own version](
- Helpers: updated helpers.
### Removed
### Fixed


It should ask after 2 mins to update (since I changed the version num to something wrong on purpose). Manual update check can also be used.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #306
v0.9.0 - Auto-update
[0.9.0] - 2023-11-15

    Auto-update: added -optional- automatic checks for updates on script load; enabled by default. Compares version of current file against GitHub repository. Manual checking can also be found at the settings menu. Setting may also be globally switched at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json', by changing 'bAutoUpdateCheck'. It will apply by default to any new installed script (previous scripts will still need to be manually configured to change them).
    Added setting to disable popups related to features not being supported by the OS (at startup). Found at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json', by changing 'bPopupOnCheckSOFeatures'. By default popups are always shown. This setting will never be exposed within foobar, only at this file.


    UI: color menu entries now show the color name along the menu entry.
    UI: panel background can now use both 'Maintain proportions' and 'Fill panel' options at the same time when using the front cover.
    Helpers: updated statistics mode with new graphs and features from the latest Statistics-Framework-SMP version.
    Helpers: replaced library chroma.js with own version.
    Helpers: updated helpers.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #307

[0.10.0] - 2023-11-24

    Statistics: click on point to jump to list mode and filter by selected key.
    Statistics: added buttons to statistics mode. Menus are now opened via buttons, no longer with R. click. There is also a button to directly exit statistics mode.
    Statistics: added sorting options according to Y axis.
    Statistics: colors are now forced with a scheme based on selection color and background.
    UI: transparency input menu entries now have a hint about which value is opaque and which transparent.


    Lite mode: config json files are now saved with an UUID on filename, so they can't conflict with playlist managers panels associated to a physical tracking folder anymore.
    Lite mode: it's now possible to have multiple playlist managers panels in lite mode tracking different AutoPlaylist or with different manual sorting/folder structures.
    Helpers: updated helpers.
    Console: reduced max log file size to 1 MB.


    UI: minor fix to settings button's tooltip.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #308
Can the tooltips be changed to a dark background with white text? OR can they be turned off completely? They're too bright on my old tired eyes.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #309
Can the tooltips be changed to a dark background with white text? OR can they be turned off completely? They're too bright on my old tired eyes.

That's something to ask at the SMP thread or DUI/CUI threads. How tooltips are displayed is not something script related.

Delete or comment those lines in that file. It will work on any of my scripts.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #310
Ok, thanks!

One more question... Do I really need IE 11? I get that popup every so often. It seems to work just fine without it and I'd rather not install it unless I have to.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #311
Ok, thanks!

One more question... Do I really need IE 11? I get that popup every so often. It seems to work just fine without it and I'd rather not install it unless I have to.
Read this, to disable such popups.

(will also add a setting to disable tooltips globally on the same file)

About the functionality, for IE on my scripts you only lose automatic clipboard functionality at some points, since I made all to ensure they would work on Wine too.
Will reword the popups to make more clear what are you losing.

Other scripts, like Bio, will simply not work at all.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #312

## [0.11.0] - 2023-11-28
### Added
- UI: added setting to disable tooltip on all scripts. Found at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json', by changing 'bTooltip'. By default tooltip is always shown. This setting will never be exposed within foobar, only at this file.
### Changed
- Helpers: updated helpers.
- Improved error messages about features not working related to OS checks (at startup) with tips and warnings.
### Removed
### Fixed
- UI: minor fix to settings button's tooltip.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #313
I'm updating the repositories to automate a bit releases and building packages (one of the things that takes me more time).
The '_createPackage.bat' can be run directly from github, so there is no need for me to upload a package for every release anymore.
AND, have automated it to create a new package file every-time I update the repository (kept for 1 day for now),

These nightly packages can be downloaded here;
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Will update the wikis accordingly and refine the process in all repositories. With this and the auto-update feature, it should be pretty easy now to retrieve new versions.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #314
On next version, apart from a lot of code cleanup and fixes, there are a few big features added.
- The import from JSON feature now also works with folders and any kind of playlist. It will also ask to overwrite existing playlists or allow to selectively import by format.
- New search modes by track's tags, playlist's metadata (for ex. M3U8 playlists already save the track's artist and title) and queries.
- Smart Playlists are now automatically refreshed whenever a playlist source changes . i.e. if a Smart Playlist has a query like "#PLAYLIST# IS A", and "A" playlist changes, the Smart Playlist is automatically refreshed now on real time (tracks added/removed).

Back to the 2nd point, it's now possible to do something like: 'ARTIST IS led zeppelin' to find all playlists with such tracks. The same you do on Library or Playlist search. Wildcards are also allowed, RegExp, and even fuzzy search. It works with playlist files and UI-only playlists.
  • ARTIST IS led zeppelin
  • ARTIST IS led*
  • ~led zop
  • /zeppelin$/i


(Automatic) nightly releases can be found here:

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #315
Some time ago someone asked if native AutoPlaylists could be imported automatically into the manager after the first install, and finally implemented it parsing the hex dat files on v1.6 (see nightly). Something similar will be possible reading the v2 sqlite files. No need to copy/past the original queries anymore to create the virtual copies.

In this example I import 4 autoplaylists which were not present on the manager. Note it may be done at any point, not just limited to the installation step.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(Automatic) nightly releases can be found here:

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #316
Hey, thanks a lot for keeping this manager Wine-friendly. I had settled with Strawberry but now I see that software support is really serious in Wine, in spite of gaming stealing all the spotlight. (which was my main reason for leaving Windows, so no complains there either!)

If I may make a suggestion for the Wine section in the wiki, I'd add that, at least on Wine 9.0, installing the mdac28 and wsh57 winetricks dependencies in a 32bit prefix is essential to perform the setup. No more popups will show even if you click Yes in the first one without installing those.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, either way; this comes from the Foobar Linux thread:,54933.msg1025558.html#msg1025558

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #317
Thanks for the report!

It was supposed that mdac28 is only for ADODB.Stream and wsh57 for VBS scripts, so not sure how that's related to popups at all, I would want to further test it to make sure only the minimum dependencies are required. Also mdac28 is limited to 32 bits, so I would prefer not to enforce using it.

In fact my scripts already show a warning if those 2 components are missing in some cases, but since they were not reported as essential to create popups... I did not check for them in Playlist Manager. Could someone with wine make a few test?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #318
Thanks for the report!

It was supposed that mdac28 is only for ADODB.Stream and wsh57 for VBS scripts, so not sure how that's related to popups at all, I would want to further test it to make sure only the minimum dependencies are required. Also mdac28 is limited to 32 bits, so I would prefer not to enforce using it.

In fact my scripts already show a warning if those 2 components are missing in some cases, but since they were not reported as essential to create popups... I did not check for them in Playlist Manager. Could someone with wine make a few test?

Without them besides the fact that biography didn't download images the rest of scripts that I have in the player seems to work just fine. Biography, last played, musicbrainz releases, worldmap, a lot of buttons in a buttons toolbar, youtube search, library tree, etc

No visible error and no crashes of any panel.

To download images in bio you need both.

The pop-up show fine without them too, in the scripts and in the rest of the components.

Maybe he is talking about the html pop-up of Options, that only works if you sacrifices all your possessions in the altar of ie8?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #319
Thanks for the report!

It was supposed that mdac28 is only for ADODB.Stream and wsh57 for VBS scripts, so not sure how that's related to popups at all, I would want to further test it to make sure only the minimum dependencies are required. Also mdac28 is limited to 32 bits, so I would prefer not to enforce using it.

In fact my scripts already show a warning if those 2 components are missing in some cases, but since they were not reported as essential to create popups... I did not check for them in Playlist Manager. Could someone with wine make a few test?

Maybe he is talking about the html pop-up of Options, that only works if you sacrifices all your possessions in the altar of ie8?

I mean the initial setup windows. When I click on the big "Setup" button (both with clean 32bit & 64bit prefixes and the required fonts), it brings up the "before the setup, close all Spider Monkey Panel windows" popup. I click yes and nothing else appears; the window disappears and I can click "Setup" again and once more the first "Yes/No" popup shows. The console doesn't mention any issue either... I'm clueless, honestly.

foobar2000 is a portable install, if that matters.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #320

I mean the initial setup windows. When I click on the big "Setup" button (both with clean 32bit & 64bit prefixes and the required fonts), it brings up the "before the setup, close all Spider Monkey Panel windows" popup. I click yes and nothing else appears; the window disappears and I can click "Setup" again and once more the first "Yes/No" popup shows. The console doesn't mention any issue either... I'm clueless, honestly.

foobar2000 is a portable install, if that matters.

I'm in a portable too. The first time I added the panel I have the initial set-up button. Clicking it, some yes/no and some windows with instructions. All yes and closing the windows gives me a panel like this
With the playlist that i have open.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #321

I mean the initial setup windows. When I click on the big "Setup" button (both with clean 32bit & 64bit prefixes and the required fonts), it brings up the "before the setup, close all Spider Monkey Panel windows" popup. I click yes and nothing else appears; the window disappears and I can click "Setup" again and once more the first "Yes/No" popup shows. The console doesn't mention any issue either... I'm clueless, honestly.

foobar2000 is a portable install, if that matters.

I'm in a portable too. The first time I added the panel I have the initial set-up button. Clicking it, some yes/no and some windows with instructions. All yes and closing the windows gives me a panel like this
[attach type=image]29066[/attach]
With the playlist that i have open.

I can manage to get to that panel and even use the manager with a 64bit prefix... if I install mdac28 and wsh57 on a 32 prefix and configure the panel there first. Unless there's some weird shenanigans from having foobar in a folder inside "Z:" (/home/) instead of the "C:" drive of the prefix, I'm really out of ideas.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #322
I can manage to get to that panel and even use the manager with a 64bit prefix... if I install mdac28 and wsh57 on a 32 prefix and configure the panel there first. Unless there's some weird shenanigans from having foobar in a folder inside "Z:" (/home/) instead of the "C:" drive of the prefix, I'm really out of ideas.

This could be the problem, why do you change to a 64 prefix?. mdac for example is only 32 and SMP needs a 32 foobar2000. To avoid strange behaviors, it is best to use a 32 prefix.

If you make a 32 prefix, install the winetricks verbs and configure foobar2000 it works.

At least until we have a 64 version of SMP it is safe continues to use a 32 prefix.

About the drives, C: it is only a "fake" drive, it is a folder inside your prefix and the user folders (documents, pictures, etc) are only links to folders in your real /home/user (and you can choose where they link in winecfg).  Z. it is a representation of your real drive structure.

For example.

C:\\windows is located in /home/user/<wine prefix>/drive_c/windows and also can be accessed in wine in Z;\\home\user\<wine prefix>\drive_c\windows. there is also winepath to translate between both types of paths.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #323
I can manage to get to that panel and even use the manager with a 64bit prefix... if I install mdac28 and wsh57 on a 32 prefix and configure the panel there first. Unless there's some weird shenanigans from having foobar in a folder inside "Z:" (/home/) instead of the "C:" drive of the prefix, I'm really out of ideas.

This could be the problem, why do you change to a 64 prefix?. mdac for example is only 32 and SMP needs a 32 foobar2000. To avoid strange behaviors, it is best to use a 32 prefix.

It was just to remark that SMP can work normally on a 64bit prefix once you get past the setup.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #324
It was just to remark that SMP can work normally on a 64bit prefix once you get past the setup.

Not all SMP scripts can fully work in a 64 prefix. Biography for example, can't download images because you can't install mdac in a 64 prefix. the autotag of regor scripts block the player when scanning and you can't click in it until the scan end, and I supposed that it will be more cases when you find odd behaviors without any advantage.

You can't say normally. It can, but with limitations and without benefits.

wine have enough problems by itself, there is no need to look for more