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Topic: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify (Read 8245 times) previous topic - next topic
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'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Hi, thanks in advance for your help.

Here's a link to the relevant post(s), with console excerpts and everything. If you care to click on it, it's all there:

I'm stuck and I don't know what I could do. Is there a way you can help me ? Thank you.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #2
Oh boy, talk about excellent timing ! Thank you !! :D
OK, so I have uninstalled foo_input_spotify and installed foo_spotify.
Premium authorization worked, but only for WebAPI, not for LibSpotify  :o (see attached pic). I've tried several times, it just won't accept my valid premium login/password for LibSpotify, but it accepts the SAME login/password for WebAPI.
Spotify songs display nicely in Playlist View, including artwork which is a great improvement over foo_input_spotify.  8)
However my problem remains the same :
Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
I guess we're closing in on the problem, which was the same with foo_input_spotify (so it doesn't seem to be component-related).
foobar connects well to Spotify for tags & artwork retrieval, but not for music playing.
I can add new tracks and playlists via File menu > Add Location, but I can't play them.

For the record, I'm also connected to Spotify via the official app, and everything works perfectly on the app.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #3
Premium authorization worked, but only for WebAPI, not for LibSpotify
LibSpotify is required for music playback (actually it's the only thing that it's used for). I.e. you can't play music without it.
I will try to check whether the problem is actually on my end (perhaps I've borked the LibSpotify login process somehow).
And I will try to open your track as well.

Btw, please use the dedicated support thread if you encounter any other issues with `foo_spotify` as to avoid cluttering the board:

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #4
Thanks. Like I said, I've encountered this problem with both foo_input_spotify and foo_spotify, so I doubt that it's component-related. I think it's on my end.
If you'd still like me to post in the foo_spotify thread I'll do it, but I think the problem lies in my foobar and/or in my OS. Hence my support request.

Your component showed us that the problem lies in the LibSpotify side, but it was already present before I tried your component.
The problem is not related to any particular track : I can't play any track from Spotify.

Of course for other issues I would use the dedicated support thread. :)

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #5
Do you have two-factor authentication enabled?

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #6
I have asked my wife and I will know soon.
However, like I said, the Spotify app is running on my PC too, with her premium credentials.
If Spotify had detected a login from an unknown device, I shouldn't be able to log in from the app either, right ?

Just in case it would be a "simultaneous logins" thing, I have exited the Spotify app, checked that no Spotify process was running, then entered again the credentials in foobar. Same problem.
Then I've launched the app again : it logins automatically and I can play music from the app.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #7
There are no limitations on simultaneous logins. Only on simultaneous playback.
Can you check fb2k console to see if there are any additional logs?

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #8
I'll check with her, but I'm 100% sure she's not playing music at work, lol. Unless she has left it on pause and Spotify is counting it as playing ?

Here's the full Console log from a fresh startup :
Start foobar > Play track > Error > Enter credentials > Play track again > Same error

Code: [Select]
Components loaded in: 0:03.948308
Configuration read in: 0:00.036727
foobar2000 v1.5.1 [portable]
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LOSSY
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LL_16
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LL_24
Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.3 (Biography v1.1.3 by WilB): initialized in 2194 ms
Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.3 (Thumbs by marc2003): initialized in 327 ms
>>> vol = 0
JScript Panel v2.3.6.1 (id:67992): initialised in 132 ms
User Interface initialized in: 0:03.728538
Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:02.546373
"20xx" : 0:00.556422
"Danse - Autres" : 0:00.044552
"Danse - Rock" : 0:00.044536
"Danse - WCS" : 0:00.045043
"Ecoute" : 0:00.043762
"New Playlist" : 0:00.068351
"Remasters ? (pas Phoenix)" : 0:00.043593
"[A] %artist% HAS "(" (hors Classique)" : 0:00.065174
"[A] %composer% HAS xx" : 0:00.060733
"[A] %performer% HAS xx)" : 0:00.065524
"[A] Album missing" : 0:00.042167
"[A] All dansables" : 0:00.046483
"[A] Autres dansables" : 0:00.048525
"[A] Bonnes Chansons" : 0:00.044186
"[A] Created missing" : 0:00.051738
"[A] Date missing" : 0:00.046123
"[A] Date unknown (----)" : 0:00.041503
"[A] Jingles Danse" : 0:00.078162
"[A] Language missing" : 0:00.046491
"[A] Lyrics existantes" : 0:00.045679
"[A] RG missing" : 0:00.058659
"[A] Rating missing" : 0:00.066324
"[A] Rocks dansables" : 0:00.093711
"[A] Smartphone autres" : 0:00.045568
"[A] Smartphone autres + WCS" : 0:00.046871
"[A] Smartphone autres MEDLEY" : 0:00.044541
"[A] Smartphone mp3" : 0:00.044673
"[A] Smartphone mp3 MEDLEY" : 0:00.044164
"[A] WCS R>=3 & <=27mpm" : 0:00.047287
"[A] WCS dansables" : 0:00.477971
"[A] WCS et R>=3" : 0:00.047563
FFmpeg version: 3.4.6-0ac9001
Startup time : 0:14.004700
>>> dsp presets count = 2
>>> dsp active name = dsp 0
Opening track for playback: "spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA"
Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
Minibar scanning spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA
Track couldn't be analyzed
foo_spotify (log): 15:00:24.622 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP
Autobackup: Backed up 388 items to
foo_spotify (log): 15:00:24.652 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
foo_spotify (log): 15:00:24.882 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
foo_spotify (log): 15:00:25.892 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
foo_spotify (log): 15:00:25.892 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
Opening track for playback: "spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA"
Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
Minibar scanning spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA
Track couldn't be analyzed

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #9
Hm... When you say that LS authorization failed, do you mean that it asks you for credentials repeatedly (i.e. it shows auth dialog again after you enter credentials)? Or does it ask only one time, but the LS status is `logged out`?

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #10
This is getting weirder.
Out of ideas, I have rebooted the PC (restarting foobar apparently wasn't enough).
Now both LS and WebAPI say that I'm logged in  :o (green on both lines). That part seems to work now, and without any extra login on my side since the reboot. My credentials were always good, but somehow a reboot was needed.
But I still can't play Spotify music. Same error, and same Console output.  :'(

To answer your previous question, it only asked for credentials once, then the LS status showed 'logged out' immediately, like there wasn't any checking. If I wanted to enter credentials again, I'd have to click on 'Log in'.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #11
To answer your previous question, it only asked for credentials once, then the LS status showed 'logged out' immediately, like there wasn't any checking. If I wanted to enter credentials again, I'd have to click on 'Log in'.
Sounds like a bug. I'll look into it.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #12
Feel free to look into it of course :) Still, I can't help but think that my problem isn't component related.
I couldn't play music with foo_input_spotify either.
Unless your component shares code with foo_input_spotify, of course.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #13
Check that console. The Minibar Seekbar control is attempting to decode the files in the background. You are only allowed to decode once per account.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #14
Makes sense I guess. But if that is the origin of the problem, then how could we prevent Minibar from scanning Spotify files, while allowing it to scan all local files ?
Maybe @Case could patch Minibar so that it doesn't scan Spotify files ? Or is there something that I could change in the prefs ?
I guess decoding every file twice isn't very efficient. I'm not a dev, but maybe there would be a way for Minibar and foobar core to work together, so that a file is only decoded once, then cached or something like that ?

EDIT - It may not be Minibar after all : I have halted Minibar processing (right click on the component), even restarted foobar, then tried to play a Spotify file, and the problem is still the same. Here's a fresh Console log.

Code: [Select]
Components loaded in: 0:00.808450
Configuration read in: 0:00.025970
foobar2000 v1.5.1 [portable]
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LOSSY
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LL_16
Watching: D:\AUDIO\LL_24
Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.3 (Biography v1.1.3 by WilB): initialized in 973 ms
Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.3 (Thumbs by marc2003): initialized in 124 ms
>>> vol = 0
JScript Panel v2.3.6.1 (id:460662): initialised in 15 ms
User Interface initialized in: 0:02.190419
Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:02.565087
"20xx" : 0:00.543482
"Danse - Autres" : 0:00.044798
"Danse - Rock" : 0:00.045392
"Danse - WCS" : 0:00.045665
"Ecoute" : 0:00.044704
"New Playlist" : 0:00.068407
"Remasters ? (pas Phoenix)" : 0:00.045956
"[A] %artist% HAS "(" (hors Classique)" : 0:00.064794
"[A] %composer% HAS xx" : 0:00.051965
"[A] %performer% HAS xx)" : 0:00.065752
"[A] Album missing" : 0:00.050235
"[A] All dansables" : 0:00.046966
"[A] Autres dansables" : 0:00.049092
"[A] Bonnes Chansons" : 0:00.049253
"[A] Created missing" : 0:00.047760
"[A] Date missing" : 0:00.042471
"[A] Date unknown (----)" : 0:00.041944
"[A] Jingles Danse" : 0:00.067791
"[A] Language missing" : 0:00.044500
"[A] Lyrics existantes" : 0:00.048305
"[A] RG missing" : 0:00.055267
"[A] Rating missing" : 0:00.067523
"[A] Rocks dansables" : 0:00.094246
"[A] Smartphone autres" : 0:00.046083
"[A] Smartphone autres + WCS" : 0:00.046730
"[A] Smartphone autres MEDLEY" : 0:00.045792
"[A] Smartphone mp3" : 0:00.045050
"[A] Smartphone mp3 MEDLEY" : 0:00.045061
"[A] WCS R>=3 & <=27mpm" : 0:00.049659
"[A] WCS dansables" : 0:00.505560
"[A] WCS et R>=3" : 0:00.054585
FFmpeg version: 3.4.6-0ac9001
Startup time : 0:07.633886
>>> dsp presets count = 2
>>> dsp active name = dsp 0
Opening track for playback: "spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA"
Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
Opening track for playback: "spotify:track:28yOC8MxDYj87XFZM2FMiA"
Unable to open item for playback (Object not found):
Autobackup: Backed up 388 items to

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #15
@wcs13 , just to avoid any misunderstandings and possible conflicts with other components, can you try the following steps?
1. Download the latest fb2k.
2. Install it in Portable Mode.
3. Open fb2k.
4. Download and install the nightly build of foo_spotify.
5. Preferences > Spotify Integration > Login
6. Fb2k main menu: File > Add Location... >
7. Start playback.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #16
Thanks  :) I have completed all the steps (they were really easy but I agree, listing them avoids misunterstandings), and I can confirm that indeed it works !  :D
That doesn't really surprise me (your component working on a brand new fb2k portable install), but it's always good to confirm it. So my PC and my Spotify connection both work fine.

So this may mean that there's indeed a component conflict within my main fb2k config.
I'm willing to perform further testing. I have invested hundreds of hours in my main config, so I hope we can manage to find what's wrong before resorting to redoing everything on a brand new portable installation, lol.
What would you suggest ?

Here's my component list. AFAIK all components have been updated to their latest versions. Also, foo_spotify still displays 1.0.0 despite the fact that it's 1.0.1 I guess. ;)

Code: [Select]
Core (2019-12-31 11:36:40 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.5.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:58 UTC)
    Album List 4.7
foo_bpm.dll (2014-11-05 15:48:26 UTC)
    BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:30 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:04 UTC)
    Converter 1.5.4
foo_dsp_convolver.dll (2018-09-30 20:38:50 UTC)
    Convolver (gapless) 0.4.8
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:54 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:54 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.5.1
foo_dynamicdsp.dll (2018-04-21 23:46:58 UTC)
    Dynamic DSP 2.1
foo_facets.dll (2011-08-18 18:06:16 UTC)
    Facets 1.0
foo_filedate.dll (2007-09-19 11:07:14 UTC)
    File date 1.0.4
foo_fileops.dll (2019-12-31 11:35:58 UTC)
    File Operations 1.5.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:08 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:20 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 3.4.6-0ac9001
    Standard Input Array 1.5.1
foo_jesus.dll (2014-09-15 18:41:41 UTC)
    Autosave & Autobackup 10
foo_jscript_panel.dll (2020-04-26 11:42:28 UTC)
    JScript Panel
foo_masstag.dll (2020-02-08 00:05:54 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.5
foo_musical_spectrum.dll (2014-11-05 17:37:55 UTC)
    Musical Spectrum 0.9.1
foo_out_wasapi.dll (2020-02-08 00:05:54 UTC)
    WASAPI output support 3.3
foo_playlist_revive.dll (2017-12-05 04:39:23 UTC)
    Playlist Revive 0.2
foo_plorg.dll (2016-06-10 15:51:13 UTC)
    Playlist Organizer 2.6
foo_preview.dll (2008-12-22 20:41:11 UTC)
    Preview 1.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:04 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.3
foo_simplaylist.dll (2018-01-16 13:30:10 UTC)
    SimPlaylist 1.0
foo_skip.dll (2020-07-10 22:19:46 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.29
foo_spider_monkey_panel.dll (2020-02-08 00:11:37 UTC)
    Spider Monkey Panel 1.2.3
foo_spotify.dll (2020-10-01 23:29:32 UTC)
    Spotify Integration 1.0.0
foo_ui_std.dll (2019-12-31 11:36:08 UTC)
    Default User Interface 1.5.1
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2011-05-28 23:06:46 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2016-06-10 15:51:13 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.5
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2012-10-16 07:45:20 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_verifier.dll (2020-07-02 11:34:34 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.4
foo_wave_minibar_mod.dll (2020-09-23 21:40:28 UTC)
    Waveform Minibar (mod) 1.0.38

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #17
Also, foo_spotify still displays 1.0.0 despite the fact that it's 1.0.1 I guess. ;)

It seems you've failed to download the nightly build =(
Nighly build: + go to `Nightly build` link.

Regarding your fb2k build, you can try the following: in the portable build that you've installed before, install components from your old build one by one. If it fails after some component, that it would be a culprit. Otherwise the problem is likely to be somewhere in fb2k/component configuration.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #18
It seems you've failed to download the nightly build =(
No, I understand what happened:
- With the new portable foobar install, I downloaded the nightly build, so I've just checked and it correctly indicates 1.0.2
- With my main foobar install, I just updated the components automatically, so of course it didn't DL the nightly build, so it still indicates 1.0.0

I will try components one by one and report if I find anything. Question : for components such as Minibar, do I need to install them AND to add them into the layout, for them to eventually conflict ?

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #19
Question : for components such as Minibar, do I need to install them AND to add them into the layout, for them to eventually conflict ?
Yes, I think that would be best. Since some components do not actually do anything until they are added to the interface.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #20
OK, this is becoming really interesting.
It doesn't seem to be a component conflict !  :o
After a lot of work, I've ended up with two portable installations :

This is my current install. I've stripped down literally all optional components, all unnecessary playlists, config files, databases, etc., leaving only foo_spotify.
I've also updated it from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1 just in case.
And Spotify play still doesn't work.

This is a fresh 1.6.1 install. I've added ALL my previous components and complicated layout.
And Spotify play still works.

Please find attached INSTALL 1.rar, stripped as much as I could.
This issue seems to be beyond me, but hopefully one of you guys can find what's going on ?
There must be a culprit somewhere, right ?
Thanks again.  :)

PS : since this post is public, I've logged out from foo_spotify just in case before making the .rar (since I don't know if the credentials are stored within foobar portable folder or not), so you may have to enter your own credentials.


Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #21
Maybe I found the solution (at least in my case):
putting again the default buffering values, everything works perfectly!

I believe therefore, that each value different from zero, for read-ahead local buffer and full file buffering, causes the above error.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #22
@HifiPhil , you're right !  :o

I can confirm to 100% that the two buffering parameters that seem to matter are "Read Ahead" and "Full File Buffering up to (kb)".
If they're anything else than 0, Spotify playing through foobar won't work.
Mine were set to 0 and 100000 respectively. Setting them to 0 and 0 made Spotify work ! Finally !!
Problem solved ?  :D

But here's the question now : could that qualify as a foobar "bug" ? Because I'd like to keep my "Full File Buffering" at 100000 for all my local files, and still have Spotify working.
Would there be a way to "correct" that within foobar in a future version, please ?

The other question is : would there be a way to make Minibar work with Spotify files too ? @Case ?
I understand that maybe full file buffering is impossible with Spotify, but maybe Minibar could still process the data at least once a file has been fully played (hence fully cached), so the next time the same file is played, Minibar displays the waveform ? It would be better than nothing.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #23
But here's the question now : could that qualify as a foobar "bug" ? Because I'd like to keep my "Full File Buffering" at 100000 for all my local files, and still have Spotify working.
The full file buffering setting doesn't help you with anything. You can safely stop using it and things will only be better.

The other question is : would there be a way to make Minibar work with Spotify files too ? @Case ?
I understand that maybe full file buffering is impossible with Spotify, but maybe Minibar could still process the data at least once a file has been fully played (hence fully cached), so the next time the same file is played, Minibar displays the waveform ? It would be better than nothing.
Minibar is blocked by foo_spotify, it doesn't allow opening decoders for any other purpose but realtime playback. I could circumvent that but as Spotify only allows a single decoder at a time it would break actual playback. Building the waveform afterwards from data that has been played is a possibility. I may consider looking into it if I ever get too much spare time.

Re: 'Unable to open item for playback (Object not found)' with foo_input_spotify

Reply #24
Thanks for your insight. Maybe it would be useful to inform all foo_spotify users that these two parameters must be set to 0 or there will be trouble. That, or make some changes to foobar core of course.

I have added the feature request to the Minibar thread :

I guess we can close this topic now.