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Topic: [development suspended] Spotify Integration (foo_spotify) (Read 52293 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #76
The plugin is very promising and handy. Hoping for further development. But right now I'm not going to use it frequently.

Because one thing came to my eye is: I'm scrobbling to via "foo_scrobble", which usually works like a charm.

When - thanks to foo_spotify -  listening to a spotify track in foobar, I get multiple scrobbles for this track (e.g. 5 times). Is there any way to avoid this or is you theoretically able to resolve this in further releases?

Thank you,

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #77
Hi, try entering the following title formatting string into the foo_scrobble's settings for skipping Spotify tracks:

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #78
Hi, try entering the following title formatting string into the foo_scrobble's settings for skipping Spotify tracks:

You guys are amazing. Thank you, it works as it should be.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #79
Hi, try entering the following title formatting string into the foo_scrobble's settings for skipping Spotify tracks:

You guys are amazing. Thank you, it works as it should be.

:( Someone cheered too soon. They're back, 4 scrobbles for each listen. Seems like they didn't show up in the first place, but after a certain time.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #80
Hi, maybe it is on the Spotify side - foo_scrobble should not add to it anymore (you can see it in the foobar2000's log). I have an opposite experience - none of my tracks listened from yesterday through Spotify Integration appear in the scrobbling history (I thought anything going through Spotify should have been scrobbled). Have you tried checking Spotify apps if there aren't any you don't want that could interfere ( I have the Spotify scrobble app there as well as the one to play through and also foo_spotify for foobar2000 integration.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #81
Basically, I have more than one app which is authorized. I will leave it as it is. The amount of scrobbles never were an issue for me as long as Spotify wasn't openened up on more than one device simultaneously. Technically I WANT my spotify tracks to scrobble while listening to songs in foobar via foo_spotify. Ideally one time per song.

Besides I observed one behavior: The scrobbling count is "One" after listening in foobar to a spotify link. As it should be.

But the next time when I'm done listening to a track in - let's say - the official desktop app from Spotify the count for each track, which was listened before in foobar, will go up to 3-5 times.

All in all it seems like the plugin works correctly as long as I'm not switching the Spotify App. Than Spotify counts up the bygone scrobbles from foobar multple times!? Like it is monitoring a cache or something.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #82
Hi, well I understand it so that Spotify scrobbles from everywhere no matter what player you use as long as you have their Scrobbler app authorized. ( This way, when I have this app authorized and listen in either the desktop app, Android device or whatever else, I am being scrobbled, hence I entered the title formatting string into Foobar2000's foo_scrobble to skip another scrobble and stay on one scrobble generated by Spotify itself. I don't know why it is generating more for you but will investigate on my side as well to take any action should it happen to me too.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #83
1. Is it theoretically possible to implement Spotify library navigation in foobar2000?
Yes, I've put it on the TODO list, but I don't think I will get to it any time soon.
Integration into the media library as a source would take care of pretty much all of the front-end stuff, like search, auto-playlists and so on. The releases of followed artists known to foo_spotify would need to be updated regularly though, maybe once per startup or every X hours.

This feature would be really awesome and put the plugin on a whole new level!

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #84
Hi! I'm brand to new to the forums and pretty much brand new to foobar2k as a whole so excuse me if this has a simple answer or I am blatantly missing something.

This component is amazing! Works perfectly and makes it easy to import my playlists. Anyways I had a small issue which is that I can't get songs imported from Spotify to work on my phones/other devices when streaming with foo_upnp. The songs show up with the correct metadata but when I try to play them I get an object missing error. I assume this is because foo_spotify doesn't actually download the files from Spotify and instead streams them to foobar2k. Anyways I guess my question is just is there a workaround for this or am I missing something that is already built-in?

(Also feature request: some of my playlists have offline/online files in them and I get an error from the offline ones when importing a playlist. It would be cool if this component could look at the metadata for the offline song and try and match it to something in your media library just to make the process a little quicker.)

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #85
The songs show up with the correct metadata but when I try to play them I get an object missing error.
Can you provide the full error message (from fb2k console)?

Also feature request: some of my playlists have offline/online files in them and I get an error from the offline ones when importing a playlist. It would be cool if this component could look at the metadata for the offline song and try and match it to something in your media library just to make the process a little quicker.
An interesting idea =)
I'll add it to my TODO list (no promises or ETA though).

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #86
Can you provide the full error message (from fb2k console)?

Sure thing!
I have attached two screenshots of my phone view. The first photo shows a playlist I imported that contains only online songs from spotify. I have not added any of my offline music. The metadata is correct (except for the album cover when on the "Now Playing" screen which just shows the default grey album cover) but when I try to play a song I get that error at the bottom of my screen and it skips through each of the tracks with the same error. The white covered part is my IP btw. The second photo is the mobile foobar2k console showing how the same error. I should also mention no errors show up on my desktop instance of foobar2k's console (which is hosting the upnp server). If you need anything else let me know!

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #87
This is really great!
I'm quite new to Foobar, so maybe this is a stupid question.
How do I add the spotify albums to my library, it seems they are now only in my playlist.

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #88
This is great! I've been able to integrate and queue spotify links my friends send me.

I would absolutely love and would absolutely donate to see spotify radio/audio show support integrated. For example, this radio station..

Code: [Select]

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #89
This is great! I've been able to integrate and queue spotify links my friends send me.

I would absolutely love and would absolutely donate to see spotify radio/audio show support integrated. For example, this radio station..

Code: [Select]
Regretfully, show and radio support can't be implemented:

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #90
I mentioned a long while ago that foo_youtube and this component "clashed" in that foo_youtube, when having youtube-dl enabled, sometimes would pick up the Spotify URLs even though it didn't support them. I fixed that by ticking the "process only tracks played by the component" and everything was fine... until recently when youtube-dl started supporting Spotify podcast URLs. So now, once again, when youtube-dl is enabled in foo_youtube, it will *sometimes* process the URLs meant for foo_spotify and fail, because it doesn't support music URLs, just podcast URLs. Sometimes, however, foo_spotify will pick up the URL and everything will be fine. I haven't found a way to make foo_spotify always get "priority" when processing URLs (it doesn't matter in which order I put the decoders, for example) except turning off youtube-dl completely. For those that want to use foo_youtube for listening to Spotify podcasts, it's the same problem, but reversed, because foo_spotify will tell them that it doesn't support podcast URLs.
Is there a way to make foo_spotify always take priority when processing URLs?

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #91
This is great! I've been able to integrate and queue spotify links my friends send me.

I would absolutely love and would absolutely donate to see spotify radio/audio show support integrated. For example, this radio station..

Code: [Select]
Regretfully, show and radio support can't be implemented:

Damn. Hopefully spotify will open up the API for these one day. Unlikely i bet though. None the less, great component. Thank you. :)

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #92
Thank you for this great plugin! I found that some songs are region blocked, but I suppose there is no way around this?

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #93
I mentioned a long while ago that foo_youtube and this component "clashed" in that foo_youtube, when having youtube-dl enabled, sometimes would pick up the Spotify URLs even though it didn't support them. I fixed that by ticking the "process only tracks played by the component" and everything was fine... until recently when youtube-dl started supporting Spotify podcast URLs. So now, once again, when youtube-dl is enabled in foo_youtube, it will *sometimes* process the URLs meant for foo_spotify and fail, because it doesn't support music URLs, just podcast URLs. Sometimes, however, foo_spotify will pick up the URL and everything will be fine. I haven't found a way to make foo_spotify always get "priority" when processing URLs (it doesn't matter in which order I put the decoders, for example) except turning off youtube-dl completely. For those that want to use foo_youtube for listening to Spotify podcasts, it's the same problem, but reversed, because foo_spotify will tell them that it doesn't support podcast URLs.
Is there a way to make foo_spotify always take priority when processing URLs?
Not sure if it's possible, but I'll add it to my todo list.

Thank you for this great plugin! I found that some songs are region blocked, but I suppose there is no way around this?
You are welcome =)
Regarding region block: nothing much that I can do, but component does have a http proxy support (which can be set in advanced settings).

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #94
Since yesterday, I can not paste any music URL (track/album/playlist in Spotify) to foobar2000.
Will you confirm this situation?

Re: Spotify Integration (foo_spotify)

Reply #97
Version: 1.1.3
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SqrSoft Advanced Crossfader

Reply #99

One of my favorite Fb2k plug-ins is the SqrSoft Advanced Crossfader. Whenever I have it enabled and use this plug-in, it takes quite a long time to start playing tracks. Can you look into this? I've attached a screenshot of my current settings for Sqr.

Thanks for this fantastic plug-in!