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Topic: foo_scrobble (Read 53441 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #100
I'm having an issue wih this extension: it scrobbles only files from the folders which are added to foobar2000 library. When I play a file that's not in the library folder, the extension simply doesn't scrobble anything.

In the settings, there's an option to "Only submit tracks in the media library"

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #101
I'm having an issue wih this extension: it scrobbles only files from the folders which are added to foobar2000 library. When I play a file that's not in the library folder, the extension simply doesn't scrobble anything.

In the settings, there's an option to "Only submit tracks in the media library"
Oh, thank you! I had no idea about that.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #102
Is there any way of telling to ignore any text in square brackets in the artist or track title fields?

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #103
Dealing with multiple sets of [] would be very difficult but you can ignore the opening [ and all text after it with this...

Code: [Select]

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #104
Dealing with multiple sets of [] would be very difficult but you can ignore the opening [ and all text after it with this...

Code: [Select]
Oh, I missed your reply. Thanks very much.

Do I put that in the Title box here:

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #105
Dumb question but what are Now Playing Notifications?

Where do the notifications show up? What do they tell you? I mean I know what I'm playing because I'm playing it, lol.

I want to know whether to tick the box in the settings - - but I can't find anywhere on the web that explains what Now Playing Notifications are.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #106
I guess this setting refers to the shown "Scrobbling now" track on your user profile in your Recent Tracks list. It uses a different API request than the usual one for actually scrobbling the track.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and it rather means the normal Windows desktop notification in the lower right corner when the next track starts playing - and scrobbling.  ;)
ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen
BLUEZZ BASTARDZZ - "That lil' ol' ZZ Top cover band from Hamburg..."
INDIGO ROCKS - "Down home rockin' blues. Tasty as strudel."

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #108
I guess this setting refers to the shown "Scrobbling now" track on your user profile in your Recent Tracks list. It uses a different API request than the usual one for actually scrobbling the track.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and it rather means the normal Windows desktop notification in the lower right corner when the next track starts playing - and scrobbling.  ;)
I guess this setting refers to the shown "Scrobbling now" track on your user profile in your Recent Tracks list. [...]

Correct. See also
Thank you both. I think I've got it. 👍

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #109
I'm having trouble getting this to work on Linux with Wine after the last update. I just get this message in the console every time I try to request authorization:

Code: [Select]
0024:fixme:urlmon:InternetBindInfo_GetBindString not supported string type 20

...and then this once it fails:

Code: [Select]
03d4:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
03d4:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation handle 00000000, info_class 1, info 00000000, size 0 stub!
03d4:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation handle 00000000, info_class 1, info 00000000, size 0 stub!
03e4:fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000380, 00000000): partial stub.
03e4:fixme:service:QueryServiceConfig2W Level 6 not implemented
03e4:fixme:service:QueryServiceConfig2W Level 6 not implemented
03e4:fixme:service:QueryServiceConfig2W Level 6 not implemented
03e4:fixme:service:QueryServiceConfig2W Level 6 not implemented
03e4:fixme:service:QueryServiceConfig2W Level 6 not implemented
0024:fixme:urlmon:InternetBindInfo_GetBindString not supported string type 20
0024:fixme:urlmon:InternetBindInfo_GetBindString not supported string type 20

Tried reinstalling dotnet40 and vcrun2015 to my prefix so far. Didn't seem to help

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #110
Hey, I seem to have run into a weird situation. Using foobar2000 2.0 beta 19, foo_scrobble-

At some point a few days ago a silent track played (called "Kid606 - Dramatic Pause of Silence to Signify the End of the Album and Beginning of Additional Songs Included on the CD to Make People Feel Better About Buying the CD Instead of the Vinyl Version"). Playing it back again, it seems to skip to the next track after 5 seconds, despite a duration of 0:30.000 (1 323 000 samples). Bitrate 1kbps, format FLAC.

I think I may have had repeat (track) on, and accidentally left it playing silently for a good while. It has caused tens of thousands of scrobbles to be logged to my account. Newly played songs aren't updating on my due to the huge backlog. An example of what's happening in the console:

Code: [Select]
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23279 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23229 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23179 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23129 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23079 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 23029 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22979 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22929 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22879 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22829 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22779 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22729 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22679 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22629 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22579 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22529 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22479 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22429 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22379 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22279 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22229 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22179 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22129 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22079 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 22029 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21979 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21929 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21879 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21829 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21779 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21729 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21679 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21629 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21579 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21529 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21479 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21429 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21379 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21279 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21229 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21179 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21129 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21079 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 21029 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20979 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20929 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20879 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20829 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20779 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20729 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20679 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20629 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20579 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20529 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20479 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20429 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20379 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Scrobbling failed (error: 29, Your IP has made too many requests in a short period.)
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Scrobbling failed (error: 29, Your IP has made too many requests in a short period.)
foo_scrobble: Submitting 50 of 20329 cached tracks
foo_scrobble: Scrobbling failed (error: 29, Your IP has made too many requests in a short period.)

This huge backlog of scrobbles are stopping new ones from getting through. I tried reinstalling the plugin to try to clear the scrobble cache, but that didn't work. Is it something I can clear myself to fix the issue, or do I just have to wait for the backlog to clear (whilst manually deleting the erroneous scrobbles from my Thanks.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #111
Your account will be blocked for 24 hours after submitting more than 3k scrobbles per day, that is probably the reason why you cannot repeat scrobbling on the same day. I don't know if you could still delete the cached scrobbles in the foobar plugin though, so this problem will not occur anymore after your account works normally again.

To delete the submitted scrobbles in your library at once you could simply delete the track in your library from the track page.
ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen
BLUEZZ BASTARDZZ - "That lil' ol' ZZ Top cover band from Hamburg..."
INDIGO ROCKS - "Down home rockin' blues. Tasty as strudel."

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #112
You can browse the configuration folder inside your foobar2000 profile folder

%appdata%\foobar2000\configuration for normal installs
install folder\profile\configuration for portable installs.

Pretty sure foo_scrobble.dll.cfg will contain your cache so you can delete it when fb2k is closed. But it also contains all your settings/authorisation state so you'd lose that as well and you would need to set it up again.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #113
Thanks to you both for the info. Deleting the .cfg removed the cache and I've removed the scrobbles from my account, all's good now. :)

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #114
Hey, quick question - does this support scrobbling from iPods? I'm probably the only person in the world still using one (when my iPod isn't waiting for replacement parts to arrive from aliexpress) but the old plugin stopped doing that years ago and I'd really love the ability to scrobble from my iPod again.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #116
This is an updated version - see the last page of the other thread.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #117
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "E:\flac\Porter Robinson - Nurture (2021) {SICX-154} [CD]\04. Wind Tempos.flac"
Using decoder shim instead of DSP: Skip Track
Resampler (RetroArch): 44100 Hz sample rate is excluded
on_metadb_changed(): 0 handles, fromhook: undefined
on_metadb_changed(): 7 handles, fromhook: true
Querying Robinson&track=Wind Tempos&limit=200&format=json&page=1
Found 0 scrobbles in of "Wind Tempos"

Every track i played found 0 scrobbles in How to fix this

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #118
Hi.  First, a disclaimer: The issue I'm about to describe occurs on a system running fb2k in wine on funtoo linux.  That said, I have not reproduced the conditions on a Windows system, and may affect those as well.  I recently switched over to foo_scrobble since finding some 800 scrobbles in the submit queue that I didn't know about.  Since changing over, I've had a number of fb2k crashes (which are usually very rare).  I have intermittent ISP connection errors on this system, and the crashes happen when the internet connection is down.  I can only conclude that foo_scrobble is reacting poorly when it can't connect to the servers.  Has any one else seen this?  Can someone other user here try to reproduce?


Hello. I’m on Linux too and using Foobar 2.0 on Wine. Everything’s doing okay, and scrobbling has been working fine except that the component forces Foobar to close if I’m not connected to the internet.
Took me a while to know it was this plug-in causing this, as the theme I use means I have a lot of components installed and I finally isolated the component causing my crash whenever I’m not online
I’ve tried to disable scrobbling by unticking the option in Preferences, but it still just closes Foobar when I play any track at all without proper internet connection or internet dropout.
Did you find a fix?
How do I stop this component from doing this without going the route of reinstalling and removing it each time I want to use Foobar without internet?
Alternatively, if there’s a way you to disable a component on an instance of Foobar run session, that could also work for the times I don’t need scrobbling. Or just a way to make it not force-close Foobar when it can’t reach the servers

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #119
Any crash dump? I cannot reproduce this using foobar2000 v2.0 and wine 5.0 on ubuntu.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #120
Any crash dump? I cannot reproduce this using foobar2000 v2.0 and wine 5.0 on ubuntu.

I don't know where Foobar stores its crash dumps on Linux when the application has been installed using PlayOnLinux (I don't know if this is different to using Wine itself).
This is a list of the components that prompted me to copy from my Preferences/Components page:
Core (2023-10-13 11:31:44 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_converter (2023-10-13 11:32:16 UTC)
    Converter 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_discogs (2020-04-11 04:21:32 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 2.23
foo_dsp_eq (2023-10-13 11:32:18 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.3
foo_dsp_std (2023-10-13 11:32:22 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_enhanced_playcount (2023-03-22 21:56:32 UTC)
    Enhanced Playback Statistics 5.0.0
foo_fileops (2023-10-13 11:32:26 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_freedb2 (2023-10-13 11:32:30 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.9
foo_input_std (2023-10-13 11:32:10 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
    FFmpeg Decoders 6.0
    FLAC Decoder 1.4.3
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.23
    Opus Decoder 1.4
    Standard Input Array 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_jscript_panel (2016-09-27 10:24:14 UTC)
    JScript Panel 1.1.6
foo_keep_queue (2010-11-12 03:28:44 UTC)
    Keep Queue 0.3.5
foo_multisource (2022-03-18 16:06:22 UTC)
    Multi-source lyrics 0.56
foo_navigator (2015-10-13 10:36:27 UTC)
    Navigator 0.8
foo_playcount (2023-03-14 13:03:58 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.1.5
foo_playlist_attributes (2023-05-21 19:21:58 UTC)
    Playlist Attributes 1.0.3
foo_playlisthistory (2011-05-04 12:14:36 UTC)
    Playlist History 0.1.6
foo_queuecontents (2019-12-10 16:25:39 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
foo_quicksearch (2016-02-08 11:08:38 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.6
foo_removeplayed (2007-09-02 13:15:30 UTC)
    Remove played Files 1.4.0
foo_scrobble (2022-09-05 23:43:00 UTC)
foo_skip (2023-09-15 08:15:02 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.38
foo_spider_monkey_panel (2022-01-13 21:29:00 UTC)
    Spider Monkey Panel 1.6.1
foo_stop_after_queue (2023-03-16 13:06:06 UTC)
    Stop After Queue 1.2.3
foo_ui_columns (2023-09-26 21:19:08 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.1.0
foo_ui_std (2023-10-13 11:31:56 UTC)
    Album List 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
    Decoding Speed Test 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
    Default User Interface 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
    File Integrity Verifier 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_uie_albumlist (2023-09-30 19:35:20 UTC)
    Album list panel 2.0.1
foo_uie_biography (2010-12-13 20:38:26 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist (2010-10-30 21:51:16 UTC)
foo_uie_esplaylist (2011-05-29 09:36:21 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics3 (2016-06-16 18:38:10 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.5
foo_uie_panel_splitter (2010-05-27 11:03:02 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum (2010-03-07 08:23:55 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum (2010-03-07 08:24:47 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod (2013-03-14 00:33:28 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack (2023-10-13 11:32:38 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.1 preview 2023-10-13
foo_vis_vumeter (2015-08-20 22:25:55 UTC)
    VU Meter 2013-02-16
foo_wave_seekbar (2014-02-08 21:37:10 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.45

I'm on wine-6.0.3 (Ubuntu 6.0.3~repack-1+zorin2)
Foobar version: Version 2.1 Preview 2023-10-13 [x86]

You don't even have to be playing anything sometimes. Once you open the application without prior connection to the Internet, it closes within about 4 secs. If you're looking at the Console before it closes, you see:

Components loaded in: 0:00.175264
Configuration read in: 0:00.019364
foobar2000 v2.1 preview 2023-10-13 x86 [standard]
Watching: G:\
Shell hook registration failure: 0
Playlist #1 loaded in 0:00.000397
Playlist #2 loaded in 0:00.002002
Playlist #3 loaded in 0:00.001780
Playlist #4 loaded in 0:00.000510
Playlist #5 loaded in 0:00.001845
Playlist #6 loaded in 0:00.000382
Playlist #7 loaded in 0:00.001099
Refresh visuals
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Cover Panel v1.0 build20160929 by tedGo, includes partial code by T.P Wang): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Cover Panel v1.0 build20160929 by tedGo, includes partial code by T.P Wang): initialized in 1179 ms
Playlist view initialised in: 0.012 s
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Seekbar Panel v1.0 build20160929 by tedGo): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Seekbar Panel v1.0 build20160929 by tedGo): initialized in 34 ms
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Rating Panel v1.0 build20160929 by super-gau and tedGo): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Rating Panel v1.0 build20160929 by super-gau and tedGo): initialized in 39 ms
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Menu Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample by T.P Wang): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Menu Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample by T.P Wang): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Drawbutton Object.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Menu Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample by T.P Wang): initialized in 38 ms
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Display Panel v1.0 build20160929 by super-gau and tedGo, includes partial codes by fbuser, Br3tt and T.P Wang): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Display Panel v1.0 build20160929 by super-gau and tedGo, includes partial codes by fbuser, Br3tt and T.P Wang): initialized in 38 ms
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Control Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample created by T.P. Wang, using partial code by Br3tt): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Global Script.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Control Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample created by T.P. Wang, using partial code by Br3tt): Parsing file "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\themes\DarkOne4Mod\Others\JScripts\DarkOne4Mod - Drawbutton Object.js"
JScript Panel (DarkOne4Mod - Control Panel v1.0 build20161002 by tedGo, based on a sample created by T.P. Wang, using partial code by Br3tt): initialized in 41 ms
User Interface initialized in: 0:02.772994
foo_enhanced_playcount: loaded
FFmpeg version: 6.0
Startup time : 0:03.173612
myLibrary init
Album list panel: initialised in 0.062 s
myInitStageCallback init
Library initialized after 0:03.363852

Then once I start playing a file, this gets added to the console:

Opening track for playback: "G:\FYDE - Lost in Daydreams.mp3"
Using decoder shim instead of DSP: Skip Track
Automatic resampling: using Resampler (dBpoweramp/SSRC): 44100 Hz, Resampler (RetroArch): 44100 Hz
Device: Pulseaudio
Mix format: 44100 Hz / 32-bit float / 2 channels (0x3)
Sending stream: 44100 Hz / 32-bit float / 2 channels (0x3)
Seekbar: taking GDI path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
Found 0 scrobbles in of "Lost in Daydreams"
foo_scrobble: NowPlaying notification failed (bad exception)

And then about 4 secs later, it closes by itself. Upon restart of the application, it shows that Foobar didn't close properly last time out, and whether you want to open in SafeMode, and the other 2 options. Opening in SafeMode without any component of course doesn't yield any error. Having the internet connection yields no error. Loading the component and not having internet, it just closes the application.

I don't know where else I can find the Crash Log because I'm new to Linux and still finding my way around after many years on Windows.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #121
This plugin has been unreliable the last three days for me, anyone else experiencing the same issue?
There's no cache output on the console so I guess my scrobbles are gone for good?

By the way I tried foo_audioscrobbler and it didn't work as well. AIMP works like a charm though so it isn't a server issue.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #122
This plugin has been unreliable the last three days for me, anyone else experiencing the same issue?
There's no cache output on the console so I guess my scrobbles are gone for good?
I also have had issues with handshakes. Restarting resolves it. "Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful."

Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 10 of 61 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 10 of 11 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
Audioscrobbler: Submitting track...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.

There is also ~ "ListenBrainz 2: Listen submitted OK!"

of course, one needs a ListenBrainz account ~
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #123
This plugin has been unreliable the last three days for me, anyone else experiencing the same issue?
There's no cache output on the console so I guess my scrobbles are gone for good?
I also have had issues with handshakes. Restarting resolves it. "Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful."

Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 10 of 61 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 10 of 11 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
Audioscrobbler: Submitting track...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.

There is also ~ "ListenBrainz 2: Listen submitted OK!"

of course, one needs a ListenBrainz account ~

Isn't this output from foo_audioscrobbler which is now outdated? (see:,44320.0.html)
foo_scrobbler doesn't give me any output on the console.
Only this after I listen to something:

foo_scrobble: Submitting track

And nothing happens on my profile.

Re: foo_scrobble

Reply #124
yes, it is foo_audioscrobbler v.1.5.0. on foobar v 1.6.71 because i'm old and update agnostic until something is dysfunctional and i'm nowhere near the bleeding edge. thankfully, i can leave that to the youngsters who still have enthusiasm and i can then read all about their exciting misadventures over a cup of joe ;~)

omne vetus novatur

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)