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Topic: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver (Read 335937 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #150
Great plug Garf.  Is it a zero-latency design?  If no, is the clean audio path (Mix Adjust = 0%) latency compensated?  There is strong phase issue with my own impulses for (say) Mix = 50% (it's possible they need editing).

BTW, I'd also love it if I could use different impulses for each sample rate (in my case it's for headphone or room corrections).
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #151
I have downloaded the Convolver component, with the hopes of auditioning some IR guitar cabs, but I have no idea how to use it. It appears to be installed but I can't find any mention of it apart from the under the "Installed Components" window. Can anyone help me please?

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #152
Preferences > DSP > right panel > double clic

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #154
aliendough:  You might want to try the newer foo_dsp_convolver available here:,85107.0.html

Has improvements over the other one and the settings are easily handled like most Foobar DSP's, i.e. add to the "Active" DSP component list and click the "..." button.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #155
I tried to download the convolver plugin, but I don' t know how to inastall it. It appears in the list of componets but it is dark and I can't see Dsp in the list to the left.
Can anybody help me ?

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #156
Are you talking about foo_dsp_convolver as I linked to above?  Once you have downloaded foo_dsp_convolver.fb2k-component, go to your "Components" window in Foobar preferences, hit the "Install" button, and select the file.  Then "Apply" to restart.  Same as other standard components.  Then it will show up as "Convolver (gapless)" in your Available DSPs list.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #157
I was talking of the standerd plugin. I have now succeded in installing it.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #158
After installing the Convolver component & setting is as an active DSP, I am not hearing any difference.

Should I define an impulse file ?
If yes, which one & where can I get it ?

Should I also change the level adjust to something different than 0.0 dB ?

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #160
How does one route channels to and from the convolver.

For instance for Virtual Surround, each of the five audio channels (5.1  6 channel file) needs an IR for each ear, and all of them need to be mixed together for binaural 2 ch. output.

I would imagine there would be similar routing requirements for crossover type applications.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #161
This convolver cannot process multichannel at all.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #162
I've just started using this plugin with the impulse file from AutoEQ for my HD600. The results are very impressive. I'm not sure how this plugin hasn't been on my radar earlier.
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I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #165
There is a 64-bit version of the stereo convolution dsp compiled by Case here:
I use that one too, but I need this one for EQ. The other one has a crossfeed effect (depending on the impulses you put in). Can the Stereo Convolver be used for EQ?
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #166
I had some time to test - foo_dsp_stereoconv gives much different results from foo_convolve, even when using the same impulses and volume-matched. From the looks of it, using mono impulses meant for EQ with the Stereo Convolver makes the music entirely mono.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #167
@Cannonaire , I am using MConvolutionEZ from MeldaProduction (free package available). In my opinion this is one of the best convolver today. Ver 15 is also for 32bit OS, while Ver 16 is only 64bit.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #168
The only best convolver is afir filter in FFmpeg. Anything else is crap.
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Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #169
@Cannonaire , I am using MConvolutionEZ from MeldaProduction (free package available). In my opinion this is one of the best convolver today. Ver 15 is also for 32bit OS, while Ver 16 is only 64bit.
Is that a component for foobar? If so, please link it if you can. I would love to try it. I need whatever I end up using to be a DSP in foobar.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #170
MConvolutionEZ is a VST plugin;  the Foobar vst3 host you need to run it with is of course an actual dsp;  I don't know if that matches what you're looking for, but it would extend your effect possibilities endlessly.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #171
MConvolutionEZ is a VST plugin;  the Foobar vst3 host you need to run it with is of course an actual dsp;  I don't know if that matches what you're looking for, but it would extend your effect possibilities endlessly.
I will look into using the VST host. I haven't used them before, but it's likely I'll need to use it to replace a different component I use anyway. Thank you!

I'm still wondering though - Peter seems to have updated all of his other components for v2.0/x64. Did he abandon this one? It seems like a Convolver would be a basic function for EQ in a player as versatile as foobar.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #173
Can I somehow extract impulse responses from equalizer apo to be used with this component?


Re: foo_convolve - Impulse response convolver

Reply #174
You could try to feed it single impulse input and record output....
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