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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1458350 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3276
Possibly bypass:  Tag mapping... - Action - Write+Update instead of Write (by default) ;)

Nice workaround, thanks. So maybe that´s why, could be because actions were fixed in Discogger.

bassstorm suggested on Github that the feature shouldn't deal with the mapping table at all, and should remove all pre-existing tags as preliminary step. I am considering this guideline for implementation.

Discogger v1.0.21

Acknowledgments to @mjm716 @frogworth for raising the release_ID disabled issue. Also to @bloniaq about the $filter function.

Change log:
- [fb2k v2] Custom list fonts.

- $filter function arrays as the second parameter.
- DISCOGS_RELEASE_ID tag map default mode.
- UTF file paths.

Please backup your config file and tag mappings before installing.