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Please note that most of the software linked on this forum is likely to be safe to use. If you are unsure, feel free to ask in the relevant topics, or send a private message to an administrator or moderator. To help curb the problems of false positives, or in the event that you do find actual malware, you can contribute through the article linked here.
Topic: Free Encoder Pack (Read 33083 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #26
This is a new low for anti-virus software. Are they overcompensating for their failure to detect WannaCry in time by making their products suspicious of anything not whitelisted?

It's a false positive.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #27

It has nothing to do with wannacry, antivirus is signature based, it is normal that they do not detect a new malware like wannacry.

Might be false positive for foobar has only 2 AV trigger, but already a bit suspicious... However for the latest encoder pack it is very suspicious. I just tested the 2 previous one, and 3 AV are alerting. Here are some sandbox analysis for the latest one. Are you the developer "Case" ? why is it doing something with sc.exe as it is only meant to copy files to the correct places ??

Suspicious Activities
Malware detected ( Gen:Variant.Graftor.361717 )
Malware signature matched ( Trojan.Win32.Generic.W.gvaof )

Processes Spawned or Interacted with
C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe (Terminated ,Started)

Files Changed
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\nsn1061.tmp (Created ,Deleted)
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\nsn10FE.tmp (Created ,Modified)
C:\Windows\Temp\UACGateway.out (Created)

Registry Keys Modified
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\IntranetName (Deleted)
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\ProxyBypass (Deleted)

Registry Deleted
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\ProxyBypass
Registry Deleted
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\IntranetName
Process Creation
Process Termination
File Create
File Create
File Delete
File Create
File Write
Wrote To

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #29

interesting... didn't go to the individual file level. But personally I do not think this is false positive. 12 AV positive on virustotal is
bad. I just checked lame.exe version 3.99 release 5 downloaded from elsewhere (hard to find which is the official site) and it has no alerts. Hoperfully I use only flac and ogg  :-)

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #31
It has nothing to do with wannacry, antivirus is signature based, it is normal that they do not detect a new malware like wannacry.
They use signatures because they are fast, but all better products have behavior based analysis for threats too.

Are you the developer "Case" ? why is it doing something with sc.exe as it is only meant to copy files to the correct places ??
I scripted the installer. It doesn't touch sc.exe. Your report showed everything that was happening on the machine, not just what the installer does. The installer literally only asks the OS to elevate itself, reads foobar2000 install dir from the registry and checks if foobar2000.exe exists in that location. If the key is missing it checks the two default install locations under Program Files and Desktop. If foobar2000 install dir appears to be found it allows extracting the files.

But personally I do not think this is false positive. 12 AV positive on virustotal is
bad. I just checked lame.exe version 3.99 release 5 downloaded from elsewhere (hard to find which is the official site) and it has no alerts. Hoperfully I use only flac and ogg  :-)
It is a false positive. The lame.exe in the pack is my Visual Studio 2017 compile so I can be sure it doesn't require SSE2 or other new instructions. Fingerprint matching is way too prone to false positives and I really wish anti-virus makers would stop using them so broadly.

Would be great if you submitted the file for analysis to all companies that falsely detect it so they can fix their software.
I reported the false positive to F-Secure last night before going to bed and they fixed their detection during the night.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #32
I reported the false positives to the remaining companies apart from Palo Alto Networks. From what I saw they only want to deal with companies using their products.

Now only one scanner has yet to fix their lame.exe detection. Four products are still having issues with the installer.

Not sure McAfee submission ever made it past their automatic ignore rules as different support pages had contradicting requirements for submission. Either way I hope this proves there is no malware in the encoder pack.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #34
Free Encoder Pack updated with opusenc using libopus 1.1.5. This compile detects CPU instructions at runtime and works without SSE.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #35
Pack updated with Opus 1.2.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #36
Pack updated with Opus 1.2.
BTW, does it still works without SSE? It seems that other compiles are either 64-bit or require SSE2.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #37
It does. I verified it working on an emulated Pentium II.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #38
Updated with Opus 1.2.1.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #39
Update 2018-05-22: new qaac 2.67 and refalac 1.67.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #40
posted in wrong thread

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #41
Update 2019-04-25: new opusenc (opus-tools 0.2-3-gf5f571b, libopus 1.3.1).

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #42
2019-08-04: FLAC 1.3.3.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #43
Why oggenc2 included in encoder pack is standard libvorbis and not aoTuV? Shouldn't aoTuV be better in theory according to Hydrogenaidio wiki? Or things have changed since 2007 and info from wiki page is irrelevant for actual versions of libvorbis and aoTuV patch?

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #44
I don't feel comfortable promoting an encoder that Xiph people don't feel comfortable embedding in their own library. Also I'm not convinced of its higher quality, only that it creates larger files. I encoded my entire library as a test at the beginning of this year and aotuv encoder resulted in 11% larger size compared to official encoder. Puts target bitrate estimates way off.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #45
2019-12-23: WavPack 5.2.0.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #46
2020-04-17: WavPack 5.3.0.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #47
2020-07-11: qaac 2.69, refalac 1.69 and oggenc with libvorbis 1.3.7.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #48
2021-01-22: WavPack 5.40, qaac 2.71, refalac 1.71. WavPack is custom compile and supports Windows XP.

Re: Free Encoder Pack

Reply #49
Latest version flagged as trojan by Microsoft Defender.