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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 563090 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #26
For me it does not look at all like mire777.
I can listen, but I don't have any image or bio.

It's not an option in this component..
I think that 3dyd will do something to support this..
For now, you can use my script:
In field 'Artist format' you should enter: $if(%artist%,%artist%,%title%) , and use 'google' or 'yahoo' server for image, because from didn't work..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #27
Thanks a lot Mire777. I thought it was part of the component
I'll try your script, but I'm not sure to know how to.

What do you mean by
use 'google' or 'yahoo' server for image
You mean to use Chrome, instead of Mozilla or Opera?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #28
Thanks a lot Mire777. I thought it was part of the component
I'll try your script, but I'm not sure to know how to.

What do you mean by
use 'google' or 'yahoo' server for image?
You mean to use Chrome, instead of Mozilla or Opera?

No this is a part of script, in properties- ''download source'' for images you should enter: google or yahoo instead of
For text biography in properties- in ''download source'' you should enter: And in Artist format you also use: $if(%artist%,%artist%,%title%)
Only you must have instaled and functional Internet Explorer because script use that browser in background to download images..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #30
No this is a part of script, in properties- ''download source'' for images you should enter: google or yahoo instead of
For text biography in properties- in ''download source'' you should enter: And in Artist format you also use: $if(%artist%,%artist%,%title%)
Only you must have instaled and functional Internet Explorer because script use that browser in background to download images..

I'll have to understand where to put the script. Sorry, I'm very low and stupid
On the other hand I have the components foo_uie_biography, foo_uie_lyrics and I don't use and don't have WSH panel.
I think it would be easier for me just to listen to Youtube

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #31
The idea is great but unfortunatelly there is one moment. Youtube clips haven't such properties like artist, album name etc. All what can be used in context of this component - clip title (as %title%) and clip duration. The user who uploaded the video gives a title for it and there are no rules regarding to this. So for example it can be 'Manowar - Mountains', 'Mountains (Manowar) ^___-' or just 'The best sogn ever!!!1'. Thus in many (or most) cases search info on separated services (, Google etc) by clip title may result in nothing. Other variant here (which will provide less useful info but at least will provide it always) - is to use in Biography View thumbnail and description from original Youtube clip page. But this task is out of foo_youtube scope and for somebody who is familiar with Biography View extending (I'm not)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #32
New version:

- show clip thumbnail in Album Art (disabled by default)
- show info in Log about clips skipped due to feed loading

Also updated first post of the topic, take a look.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #33
- show clip thumbnail in Album Art (disabled by default)
- show info in Log about clips skipped due to feed loading

everything is perfect.
but i think thumbnail option must be enabled by default.
good job

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #34
The idea is great but unfortunatelly there is one moment. Youtube clips haven't such properties like artist, album name etc. All what can be used in context of this component - clip title (as %title%) and clip duration. The user who uploaded the video gives a title for it and there are no rules regarding to this. So for example it can be 'Manowar - Mountains', 'Mountains (Manowar) ^___-' or just 'The best sogn ever!!!1'. Thus in many (or most) cases search info on separated services (, Google etc) by clip title may result in nothing. Other variant here (which will provide less useful info but at least will provide it always) - is to use in Biography View thumbnail and description from original Youtube clip page. But this task is out of foo_youtube scope and for somebody who is familiar with Biography View extending (I'm not)

'Albumart thumbnail' is perfect,thank you..  One thing, you can split title in tag fields if it has ''-'' separator, example: 'Manowar - Mountains' , to be: artist: 'Manowar' , title: 'Mountains' , because user on youtube in most cases use this format. Then we can have biography photos and text if use ''biography component'', also if use ''foo_uie_lyrics3'' you can have lyrics. You can add in preferences, something like: 'split title in tags'.
I also use this metod in foobar to 'automatically fill values in tags' directly from foobar(when i download some song from youtube), i use titleformat: #youtube# %artist%  -%title%- , and it fill all my tags..

About biography view component, develop has not been seen for a long time now, but idea to use thumbnail and description from original Youtube clip page is good..
This can be done in WSH..
Component is perfect now, only waiting search option  . Thanks a lot..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #35
One thing, you can split title in tag fields if it has ''-'' separator, example: 'Manowar - Mountains' , to be: artist: 'Manowar' , title: 'Mountains' , because user on youtube in most cases use this format. Then we can have biography photos and text if use ''biography component'', also if use ''foo_uie_lyrics3'' you can have lyrics. You can add in preferences, something like: 'split title in tags'.

Indeed; this is how foobar2000 handles SHOUTcast streams; %artist% takes the StreamTitle up to the first '-' character, while %title% the StreamTitle after the first '-' character.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #36
but i think thumbnail option must be enabled by default.

I'm not sure in it yet i.e. it should work fine but who knows... So disabled by default for now.

@mire777, @d125q
This approach will work not always. But yes, idea is good, so will be as an option.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #37
New version:

- clip title parsing rules. Read below
- remove black areas in Youtube thumbnails. Disabled by default
- clips history size control

About clip title parsing. There are three predefined ways:
- first is use whole clip title as %title% (as it now, this is default)
- second is split clip title to %artist% and %title% by first '-' character
- about third variant. ~5±5% of clips also have some comment at end of the title within () or [] e.g. Sonata Arctica - Don't Be Mean (New Album). Third variant is extension of second which ignores such comments. This may extend the chance that artist and title will be retrieved correctly.

Rules can be added manually, added some info to preferences help (at bottom of the page). There are also some info about removing black areas from thumbnails of Youtube clips.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #38
after every update it getting better.
-maybe u can integrate "stream recorder" for directly sound record from videos


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #39
after every update it getting better.
-maybe u can integrate "stream recorder" for directly sound record from videos


Room302 - You can save video sound with foobar converter, in mp3 or wav format, focus selected video from playlist and just hit convert.
If you chose best quality video in preferences, than your output sound in mp3 also be best quality..
It will also save tags: %artist% - %title% , and if you use foo_uie_biography component set to save artwork image, if you have path set in preferences>display, you will have thumbnails for each track in playlist

3dyd thanks alot , works great, all info is displayed: biography text, images and lyrics...

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #40
Good component, but I have a problem. If you set any quality other than 32kbps, youtube sound have interruptions.
I have to adjust the playback output buffer length in 30000ms to avoid this.
But even then, some video sound  have interruptions..
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #41
Room302 - You can save video sound with foobar converter, in mp3 or wav format, focus selected video from playlist and just hit convert.

ah well, its very useful and better than my idea
thank u for information.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #42
With the last version 0.0.5 I see an image

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #43
3dyd, I just want to thank you for making this component.  The only reason I come to this forum is about once a month just to see if someone has made this yet, and now you have:)
Browsers are overkill with ram and cpu just to stream music of YT, there are some great playlists and other stuff that can only be found there. 
Foobar is perfect for this and that's why it and it's community kicks ass!

Thanks again man, I really appreciate it.  It's already better than 'good enough' imo

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #44
I also come here to thank you for this component. The only thing I'd like to have also, is to be able to search youtube videos from foobar.
I hope that this will be added as option in next release..
Thank you very much for this component and your work, it's perfect.
Works great.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #45
Nice addon/plugin, have installed it and it has really nice possibilities.

I have gotten it only to show an Image in the "Album Art Viewer". If it is already possible to make it play a video, plz enlighten me how.
Is there any way in the future to let it actually play the you tube video ?

I would prob prefer if the you tube clip video was in a seperate window of it own instead, if that is possible, in the same way  as "Lyric Show Panel"

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #46
Thanks for this plugin. I  installed it an hour ago and it works stable and just as I want. Thanks again.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #47
Thanks to all for feedback!

Well, foobar is an audio player, so I will probably not even try this.

Good component, but I have a problem. If you set any quality other than 32kbps, youtube sound have interruptions.
I have to adjust the playback output buffer length in 30000ms to avoid this.
But even then, some video sound  have interruptions..
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Actually I've noted a kind of this problem (that's why WebM disabled by default). Now seems it is time to think about this.
What need to play Youtube clip in context of this component:
#1. get link to playable media
#2. provide access to this media for decoder (i.e. download it from the Internet)
#3. decode media file data and play.
Component by itself does only #1. Downloading the media and decode[/preprocess]/play depends on foobar. I.e. if clip started to play - component's job was done and done successfully.
What can be done. First and foremost, should be understood that most of the media files on Youtube are video clips. In this case, if foobar plays an audio from the clip, it anyway downloads video file and plays audio from it. If bitrate of whole media file is greater than your Internet speed then you'll get interruptions. You can move Playback Start slider in component Preferences page to Medium - in this case in History tab will be shown also size of each media file (note, this slows down playback start) so you can determine if it is the problem of media file size in your case.
But. Looking more deeply, foobar seems always downloads the media by small pieces (v1.3.1). This is probably good for streamed media or has some other reasons but in case of Youtube clips this may give overhead and interruptions. So if somebody constantly has playback interruptions trouble, try this build: foo_youtube_0.0.6_(dev1).zip. Check in Preferences Use own downloader and say if this solves the problem. If this option enabled, component also takes role #2 from the list above (only for Youtube clips, any other downloading from the Internet (like Internet-radio) stays untouched). Difference with native implementation in general - it caches whole file in temp folder.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #48
Thanks to all for feedback!

Well, foobar is an audio player, so I will probably not even try this.

Good component, but I have a problem. If you set any quality other than 32kbps, youtube sound have interruptions.
I have to adjust the playback output buffer length in 30000ms to avoid this.
But even then, some video sound  have interruptions..
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Actually I've noted a kind of this problem (that's why WebM disabled by default). Now seems it is time to think about this.
What need to play Youtube clip in context of this component:
#1. get link to playable media
#2. provide access to this media for decoder (i.e. download it from the Internet)
#3. decode media file data and play.
Component by itself does only #1. Downloading the media and decode[/preprocess]/play depends on foobar. I.e. if clip started to play - component's job was done and done successfully.
What can be done. First and foremost, should be understood that most of the media files on Youtube are video clips. In this case, if foobar plays an audio from the clip, it anyway downloads video file and plays audio from it. If bitrate of whole media file is greater than your Internet speed then you'll get interruptions. You can move Playback Start slider in component Preferences page to Medium - in this case in History tab will be shown also size of each media file (note, this slows down playback start) so you can determine if it is the problem of media file size in your case.
But. Looking more deeply, foobar seems always downloads the media by small pieces (v1.3.1). This is probably good for streamed media or has some other reasons but in case of Youtube clips this may give overhead and interruptions. So if somebody constantly has playback interruptions trouble, try this build: foo_youtube_0.0.6_(dev1).zip. Check in Preferences Use own downloader and say if this solves the problem. If this option enabled, component also takes role #2 from the list above (only for Youtube clips, any other downloading from the Internet (like Internet-radio) stays untouched). Difference with native implementation in general - it caches whole file in temp folder.

Thank you I tested ver 0.0.6, this completely solves my problem. No playback interruption at all.
My settings are:
-Quality -best available
-Prefer youtube adaptive streams
-Use own downloader

Please add this as option in next ver.
I am happy that I now can listen youtube in foobar.
Thank's for your work, it's awesome

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #49
Just to confirm that this latest version works faster, even better than from browser, seekbar has faster response..

I have one more idea, if this can be done later.. is now using YouTube as a radio player, maybe it can be used to play videos from youtube with recomendation,

On this url: (, you have radio based player, when it starts play, you can copy that url from youtube, and send it to playlist in foobar, then when video is finished it can trigger new url, and send it to playlist an so on..

this is url with similar artist recomendation:
this is url with genre tag:
url with user personal playlist:{username}/personal