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Topic: m-TAGS component (foo_tags) (Read 188711 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #350
I use this component for backup purposes only between two disks.
But i thing there is a problem when m-tags files already exists in folders because it seams that it can't overwrite ( although i have check it to do so ) the old files with the updated tags.
So i have to delete the old files and create new every time i want to make a backup.
Also when i have lyrics in a tag m-tags only writes a dot (.) . Is this normal.
Anyway thanks for this great plugin and i hope in future development.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #351
I want to use this component for backup purposes only between two disks.
But i thing there is a problem when m-tags files already exists in folders because it seams that it can't overwrite ( although i have check it to do so ) the old files with the updated tags.
So i have to delete the old files and create new every time i want to make a backup.
Also when i have lyrics in a tag m-tags only writes a dot (.) . Is this normal.
Anyway thanks for this great plugin and i hope in future development.
sorry i made a mistake in the first line

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #352
I had no issues with m-tags this far though today I noticed it was somewhat broken. While it still displays tracks perfectly fine it only shows about a third of all indexed files when I have the filter on artists rather than year, album title or genre. Is there any way to resolve this issue without having to re-add every single !.tags file?

Album title:

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #353
I had no issues with m-tags this far though today I noticed it was somewhat broken. While it still displays tracks perfectly fine it only shows about a third of all indexed files when I have the filter on artists rather than year, album title or genre. Is there any way to resolve this issue without having to re-add every single !.tags file?

Album title:
Never mind. Just had to remove the Artist tab and add it and it was back to normal.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #354
Thanks @luigimercurio, m-TAGS seems to be exactly what I needed to make compilations with individual tagging and cover without the burden of having duplicate files.

But how do I export these virtual albums?

File Operations > Copy to... only copies the !.tags and !.tags.front.bin files. So I use Convert to create the new files with applied tagging. Apart from the occasional "Could not attach image/File in use" bug this works as expected and seems a good choice in case of FLAC to FLAC or FLAC to lossy. But I want to avoid transcoding from lossy origin files, so how would I do that?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #355
How can I set up saving music files in a folder without using file Explorer? It's terribly inconvenient to scroll through all the subfolders until you get to the right one


Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #356
More questions how to create a file not unix and Windows?How do I create my own tag? How do I add it to filters so that the database is indexed by m-tags?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #357
I love this plugin, but I have found a bug related to how album art is displayed: In a generated m-tags file, the 'Properties > Artwork' panel will show attached album artwork for every song except the first song. As soon as I go to play the first song, the album art seemingly disappears. I have confirmed this behavior by adding a blank tag to the beginning of a .tags file, and the same behavior occurs. What is even even more bizarre is if I create a duplicate tag entry with the same '@' reference as the first song in the .tag file, it also fails to display the album art when played. I have illustrated a few examples below:

In this example, both 02.mp3 and 03.mp3 display the album art while playing, but 01.mp3 fails to display it.

Code: [Select]
      "@" : "01.mp3",
      "@" : "02.mp3",
      "@" : "03.mp3",

In this example, only 02.mp3 would display the album art.

Code: [Select]
      "@" : "01.mp3",
      "@" : "02.mp3",
      "@" : "01.mp3",

So far, the below example is the only solution I can find -- adding a blank tag to the beginning of the file. This allows all 3 songs to display properly.

Code: [Select]
      "@" : "01.mp3",
      "@" : "02.mp3",
      "@" : "03.mp3",

I'm unsure if this is a quirk of a newer version of foobar, but trying the same setup on a fresh copy of foobar2000 yields the same result. Has anyone else observed this behavior, and is there some way to change it?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #358
I'm using this great component for several things. One of them involves a folder with many media files in it. So I end up with a single !.tags file containing all relevant information. So far so good.

My question is: how do I doo when I want to add media files to that same folder? I wish there was a way to add these new media files to the already existing !.tags file, without having to delete it and rescan everything all over again. Any suggestions ?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #359
I figured out the solution to my issue. This seems to be a bug in m-tags itself, as it will not query the album art for any file ending in a known file extension if it is the first track in the .tags file, or in a .tags files that contains only one track. My fix was to change the referenced file extension to the URL encoding reference format (e.g. test.mp3 becomes test.%6D%70%33). This has fixed album art appearing for all of my radio stream URLs that ended in a file format, mostly .ogg, .aac, and .mp3.

For anyone else lurking who has encountered this issue, I have pasted the URL encoded extensions below:

.aac = %61%61%63
.ogg = %6F%67%67
.mp3 = %6D%70%33

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #360
Good to know! As for my issue, @luigimercurio hasn't been active since 2018 :( Has anybody taken over on this project, or can somebody do it ?...

I'm using this great component for several things. One of them involves a folder with many media files in it. So I end up with a single !.tags file containing all relevant information. So far so good.

My question is: how do I do when I want to add media files to that same folder? I wish there was a way to add these new media files to the already existing !.tags file, without having to delete it and rescan everything all over again. Any suggestions ?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #361
Hi, can i suggest to update the component to use the option that foobar 2000 has that is the preserve file atributes?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #362

Please help :).

I installed this plugin on my Foobar2K but I don't know how to use it.

I want to use the plugin to search for the currently playing song on the online radio, because by default foobar2k does not work correctly, when requesting the variables %title% and %artist%, in the case of the "Run Service" function.

Variables from Foobar2K return to the "Run Service" function, unfortunately only the name of the online radio. Not the title + artist of a song just played from online radio.

That's why I wanted to use the m-TAGS plugin.

Code (service to search the song title in a web-browser, on YouTube):
Code: [Select]$replace(%artist%+-+%title%,' ','+','&','%26','$','%24','@','%40','#','%23')



Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #365
Any possible chance to upgrade m-tags plug-in for foobar x64?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #366

I installed the foo_dyndec plugin.
And it works now 👍.
@s3n0:  it is no longer necessary to use foo_dyndec or the "d" prefix on search tags to search dynamic radio stream metadata if you are using the latest foo_run plugin version (0.4.5) for the search.  Florian updated foo_run in September of last year to make dynamic searches possible as-is, in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

Go ahead and remove foo_dyndec, update foo_run, then just delete the leading "d" in all your search terms and you'll get results from streams just fine!

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #367
Is there a way to set up an individual autoplaylist so that it only monitors for m-TAGS (!.tags) files that are in a folder?

I am looking to use m-TAGS on a folder that will peroiodically have audio files added to it, and when those files are added I will be creating m-TAGS files for them.

So it would be nice if the playlist for those m-TAGS files reflected the newly added files automatically.

In my set up the options for creating autoplaylist are through fb2k's Album List and etip's Playlist Organizer.

Or is adding the m-TAGS files manually to a playlist the way to do it?

Perhaps I am overlooking something that is obvious.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #368
I figured it out. With m-TAGS I needed to create the tags in a separate folder, and then configure the foobar2000 Library to monitor that folder.

And in the Album List export those folder(s} having the m-TAGS files in them to an autoplaylist.

Sorry for the false alarm!

On edit:

Still, it would be nice to have the m-TAGS files in the same folder as the audio files and be able to create an autoplaylist from just the m-TAGS files.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #369

This plugin is the only one that manages tags for radio streaming.

To be able to switch to the 64 bit version of foobar2000 it would be advisable to have the 64 bit version.

I don't see any alternatives.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #370
This plugin is the only one that manages tags for radio streaming.

To be able to switch to the 64 bit version of foobar2000 it would be advisable to have the 64 bit version.

I don't see any alternatives.

Is it a requirement to store the tags in a separate container? Is metadata kept in the foobar2000 metadatabase not sufficient?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #371
This plugin is the only one that manages tags for radio streaming.

To be able to switch to the 64 bit version of foobar2000 it would be advisable to have the 64 bit version.

I don't see any alternatives.

Is it a requirement to store the tags in a separate container? Is metadata kept in the foobar2000 metadatabase not sufficient?

This plugin allows you to both tag the stream and add a cover.

Create a .tags file


      "@" : "",
      "COUNTRY" : "🌎 World",
      "COUNTRY_LABEL" : "🌎 World",
      "COUNTRY_STATION" : "Germany",
      "GENRE" : "70er Rock",
      "MEDIA" : "📻 Radio",
      "STREAM_NAME" : "ROCK ANTENNE 70er Rock",
      "URL" : ""

After creating the .tags file, you throw it into the playlist and with a double click you have the streaming flow + cover + additional information.