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Topic: m-TAGS component (foo_tags) (Read 188704 times) previous topic - next topic
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m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #75
I needed some technical detail, but as website is down I have to ask the question here rather than get it there. Can I use this component as a temporary container for preserving metadata? My scenario: I got FLAC file, well tagged (using custom fields). I noticed it has a glitch somewhere so I opened wave editor, removed the glitch and saved it. In most cases wave editor discards most of metadata, and preserves only few standard fields. In worst case tagging is not supported in wave editor at all. Other situation: I got old mp3 file - well tagged, with custom fields - that's obvious. Finally it gets released digitally, so I buy the new mp3 at Beatport. I put the same name for new file as for old one and overwrite old one with new one. In both cases I need a way to preserve tags in an external container to restore them back in edited FLAC or newer mp3 file. It is possible with foobar with Media Library disabled or at least with disabled real time monitoring of ML folders. But since I started using ML i don't want to disable it. Does m-TAGS have option/command to first save metadata to .tags file, and then to write them into mp3/flac files from .tags file?

The site is up now.

At any rate, it is quite easy. Load both the FLAC and the m-TAGS file into foobar, then open the properties of the m-TAGS file; then select and copy (Ctrl-C) all tags. Then open the properties of the FLAC file, select the same tags and paste (Ctrl-V).

Please note that if you have custom fields, then you will have to either first add the same fields to the FLAC file (in the same order as in the m-TAGS file!!!), or (easier, if your custom fields are always the same) set those fields as YOUR standard fields in "Preferences/Advanced/Tagging/Properties dialog/Standard fields". In the latter case, the fields will always show in the properties dialog, and always in the proper order.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #76
In any case, you're better off making proper use of m-TAGS, so that you never have to deal with embedded tags anymore at all. It is the reason why I created it in the first place: never to touch the media file!

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #77
!!!!! NEW RELEASE !!!!!

Fixed (hopefully) a bug that prevented resolution of paths on network shared drives.

Also, added the much demanded option to exclude certain kinds of files. The excluded extensions may be separated by commas, colons, semicolons, spaces, or '|'.

Let me know if it works! Thanks to all for the patience.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #78
Thanks for your reply. That is really nice option  Anyway I thought that there might be specific command in the component like "import from", "export to". Anyway it is good thing for my purposes.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #79
Thanks for your reply. That is really nice option  Anyway I thought that there might be specific command in the component like "import from", "export to". Anyway it is good thing for my purposes.

It would be too error prone to do an export (the import is done by default).

But the rationale for the tool is the opposite, i.e. to allow collectors to AVOID doing what you are trying to do. If you work with the m-TAGS files instead of the original media files, then you can replace the media files all the times you want, without ever loosing your tags. And viceversa, you can changeor add all the tags you want without ever worrying if those tags are supported by the media format.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #81
This plugin crashes foobar2000 on starup, where can I send the crash report?

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #82
Can you please send me logs of your attempted operations?

sorry for the late reply.
this is when creating mtags from shared folder
Code: [Select]
m-TAGS:: Number of tracks: 8
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/02 Windstruck OST - Knockin On Heaven-_s Door (Orchestra Ver.).mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/02. All you need is love - Lynden David Hall.mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/03 Set Fire to the Rain.mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/04 Windstruck OST - Changing Clothes (Stay Pizzicato Ver.).mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/12 Blue Suede Shoes.mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/14 - vanessa williams - save the best for last [etmusica com] [grupoet].mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/15-leona_lewis-stop_crying_your_heart_out.mp3 [0]
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/16 when youre gone acoustic version.mp3 [0]
Properties dialog refresh: 0:00.000057
Properties dialog display refresh: 0:00.001556

and this is when trying to play the file
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 1
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/02 Windstruck OST - Knockin On Heaven-_s Door (Orchestra Ver.).mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 1
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 2
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/02. All you need is love - Lynden David Hall.mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 2
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 3
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/03 Set Fire to the Rain.mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 3
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 4
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/04 Windstruck OST - Changing Clothes (Stay Pizzicato Ver.).mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 4
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 5
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/12 Blue Suede Shoes.mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 5
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 6
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/14 - vanessa williams - save the best for last [etmusica com] [grupoet].mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 6
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 7
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/15-leona_lewis-stop_crying_your_heart_out.mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 7
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 8
m-TAGS:: Cannot open referenced file as media source: file://\\/citose-marketin/mp3/_others/16 when youre gone acoustic version.mp3 [0]
Decoding failure at 0:00.000 (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"C:\Users\kadiv Peng-I\Downloads\Compressed\asd.tags" / index: 8

but this bug already fixed
the other is this

when open shared folder, all that showed up is administrative folder,
when it should be look like this

btw, thanks for the fix recently...
and thanks for this plugins b^-^

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #83
all that showed up is administrative folder

Call me crazy, but I don't think exposing hidden administrative shares is the proper way to access shared files/folders on a network 

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #84
well, i'm not... please see bottom image, its what show up on explorer.
image on top is what showed by m-tags when trying to access shared folder.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #85
does mapping drives to shares work? you'd could use that in the meantime if it does.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #86
yes, it can... there is alot more other way to accomplish that.
but what i try to say here is that there is bug in that plug in.
honestly, i rarely use menu to create m-tags, i'd prever loading
the file to playlist, select all, and then create m-tags from context menu.
i trying to use the menu because this flow doesn't work well before for
shared folder... and that's why i trying the menu, to check wether its work,
and there i found the bug.

you can accomplish what you are trying to do using masstagger.
i've seen an option to copy tag between file. all you have to do is
add list of source file, then add the new file, select all, and copy tag.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #87
Hi. When I tried foo_tags the titles occured twice at the playlist.

Is there any switch to hide the music files - or must the tags be removed from that files?


m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #88
Hi. When I tried foo_tags the titles occured twice at the playlist.

Is there any switch to hide the music files - or must the tags be removed from that files?

IMO, thus m-tags file is like a playlist, altough it is NOT.
you can load thus file, delete specific track, reselect all, and recreate the m-tags file.
you can do this even if the actual file is not there...

the other thing you can do is, open notepad, drag those m-tags file to notepad, remove duplicate entry, save it.
it is fully human readable, almost like xml file.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #89
After installing/copying the foo_tags.dll I run "create m-TAGs in same folder". The use of a separate folder did not work so I tried "same folder". The doubled entries come from the new *.tags.  The tagged wave-file (*.wav or *.flac) and the new *.tags are part of every album. That does not change if I run "remove duplicate".

Perhaps I could delete all the *.tags, then remove all the tags of the music-files, and try to undelete or restore the tag-files. But I hope that there is a better way to solve that problem. Something like a switch that foobar does not look for tags in *.wav or *.flac.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #90
You could try excluding either the mtags files (kind of defeats the purpose of using this component though) or the media files' types under Shell Integration to avoid duplicates. You might need to rescan your library after editing that setting for it to have an effect.

I'm just guessing here.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #91
You could try excluding either the mtags files (kind of defeats the purpose of using this component though) or the media files' types under Shell Integration to avoid duplicates.

Thank You. Excluding the media files at Media Library seems to work. Next try will be Restrict to *.TAGS, may be the better solution. But I will need a second installation of foobar to select new added media files and write tags for the first time. 

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #92
Now I am afraid that m-TAGS might not be usable in real life. The same foo_tags.dll -in similar situations- generates in one case a single "!.tags" file each folder, but in the other case one file for each single media-file. The !.tags files work at one foobar installation, but copied to another pc they show a "?" under Duration and "TAGS" under Codec at the playlist.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #93
Files from a pc with windows 7 foob. 1.2.6. copied to a pc windows xp foob. 1.2.2.

Some of the tags do not work. For me there is (viewed with editor and hex editor) no difference between working and non working *.tags.

A screenshot

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #94
you said before that one off a case is tags file created for each file, and the other  for each folder.
which one is on your WinXP?

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #95
you said before that one off a case is tags file created for each file, and the other  for each folder.
which one is on your WinXP?
Sorry that I did not mention what should be the reason for that difference. As default the WinXP foobar seems to have an activated switch (m-TAGS sub menu advanced > tagging  ...) to write a file each media (or I must have done that settings earlier and did not remember or realize the effects?). Windows 7 foobar had not by default. I changed the switch at the Win7 foobar submenu to get a file each media. Next step was file > m-TAGS > create in same folder, next I copied media and tags files (the whole album folder) to the  pc with WinXP.

With the !.tags file copied from Win7 to the WinXP PC each whole album did not work under foobar. With a tags file each media some title work and some not really (like the linked screenshot shows).

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #96
Just so I make sure I'm understanding your posts correctly, what you are saying regarding "work" is in reference to the display of metadata/technical info? The files actually play in all instances regardless of settings or no?

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #97
Just so I make sure I'm understanding your posts correctly, what you are saying regarding "work" is in reference to the display of metadata/technical info? The files actually play in all instances regardless of settings or no?

They play.

(My first problem with generating the m-Tags file(s) in a separate directoy was caused by a recursive never ending loop. The directory for the m-tag file was reindexed by foobar. )

But later my description "do not work" depends on the wrong display. When I now compare a single "!.tags" for each directory or album with the other setting (one file for each media file) it is similar. All entries with a question mark instead of the runtime are playable too. At the !.tags all entries have a "?". The *.tags (one for each title of an album) are mixed, some have "?" and some have not.

In both cases files are copied from the Win7 PC (where they show no errors) to a Win XP PC. When I delete the *.tags at the Win XP PC and let foobar m-TAGS index the media files, the new *.tags display without error.

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #98
has you try comparing both created by Win7 n WinXP?

m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #99
has you try comparing both created by Win7 n WinXP?

Comparing with an editor or hex-editor I cannot find differences. The wave media files are the same too. The properties and rights seem to be the same.

But I just opened a !.tags file with an editor, just inserted a space in a text, then deleted the space und saved the file. Now it works. I guess that the file has the same content as before with some properties (of the file) changed.