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Topic: Wiki editing no longer requires manual validation (Read 11191 times) previous topic - next topic
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Wiki editing no longer requires manual validation

As regulars might know editing the wiki has for the last 6 years or so required manual verification because the amount of spam we otherwise got required too much manual work to combat. For kicks and giggles I can report that the wiki now has about 15.000 accounts which sole intent seem to have been spam. In the last years more than 20 accounts per day was created seemingly to spam.

It has been my impression though that this have unfortunately also limited the participation from users that would otherwise be willing to help improve the wiki.

I have therefore for some time now been trying to find a better way to automatically combat spam and I now believe I have found a reasonable solution.
I have tested a question based validation system and that have done the trick sufficiently well.

So the wiki no longer requires manual validation and everybody can contribute without much hassle.
Two spam preventing nuisances are in effect though:
1) At account creation you are asked a simple audio or HA related question. But then never again.
2) Anonymous edits have to answer one of these questions at each edit.

Since this system is apparently not completely air tight though I would be very interested in hearing from members that would be willing to invest a little bit of time as watch dogs. At the moment we get about one successful spam attack per day that needs to be cleaned up manually. So a handful of members that could check and take appropriate action on a regular basis would be much appreciated.

I hope this will inspire more people to participate in making the wiki an even better resource of information.

Wiki editing no longer requires manual validation

Reply #1
Spam is fun. And mysterious. Probably the modern way spies communicate?

Thank for message you. Very helpful  validation nigeria wiki. Appreciated be rolex consignment conrtibution a lot!! Automated member account new is good and. Thks again viagra (URL leading nowhere)


Wiki editing no longer requires manual validation

Reply #2
Where to direct discussions? One model could be to keep them here like they used to be. Another could be to announce in the forum that “I think this page needs to be updated, I've started a discussion in its talk page”.

Wiki editing no longer requires manual validation

Reply #3
Where to direct discussions? One model could be to keep them here like they used to be. Another could be to announce in the forum that “I think this page needs to be updated, I've started a discussion in its talk page”.

To me the best place for discussions is still the forum. Discussion pages at a wiki go unnoticed.

btw.: Where are the hands of volunteers to help combating the spam?