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Topic: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks (Read 60336 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #75
Incredible! The component looks like new!
@da yuyu , thank you very much.
Please consider placing it in a repository. So that these components are no longer lost.


Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #76
A new release is available (v2.1.1.3)

This is the last 'Dynamic DSP' release before I rename the component.

Chains can now be saved to the <profile>/configuration/foo_dynamicdsp.exp file.
Copy it to other fb2k configuration folders and it will be used as default by fresh component installations.

Change log:
- Export/Import chain configurations.
- Fix 32/64 bits config compatibility.

Known issues (x64):

- v2.1.1.2 x64 WILL BE RESET after installing this update.

Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #77
A new release is available (v2.1.1.3)

This is the last 'Dynamic DSP' release before I rename the component.

Chains can now be saved to the <profile>/configuration/foo_dynamicdsp.exp file.
Copy it to other fb2k configuration folders and it will be used as default by fresh component installations.

Change log:
- Export/Import chain configurations.
- Fix 32/64 bits config compatibility.

Known issues (x64):

- v2.1.1.2 x64 WILL BE RESET after installing this update.
This version doesn't work well with VST adapter (

The window gets stuck indefinitely "loading effects", but outside a chain, the VST adapter works fine.

The old VST adapter worked fine though.

Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #79
It doesn't work in none of them. Opening an issue at github though

EDIT: repo doesn't allow issues, so this is in fact the only thread to report

Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #81
A new release is available (v2.1.1.3)

This is the last 'Dynamic DSP' release before I rename the component.

Chains can now be saved to the <profile>/configuration/foo_dynamicdsp.exp file.
Copy it to other fb2k configuration folders and it will be used as default by fresh component installations.

Change log:
- Export/Import chain configurations.
- Fix 32/64 bits config compatibility.

Known issues (x64):

- v2.1.1.2 x64 WILL BE RESET after installing this update.
Hi, I Love this component, I use it everyday since I discovered about 6-8 years ago... but,
there's a problem with this component, it's on the edit field that it has a limited number of characters.
Please remove that limit so we can insert long codes in there.

Yes, I'm using the latest one, the previous was worse for sure but it still limited in that described scenario.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks

Reply #82
I use Flex_DSP every day, love it, make heavy use of it in the converter chain, but now also in my listening output chain. Created a "CleverVolume" DSP chain for casual listening and I use something related for creating car audio files:

Code: [Select]
Pop: Change volume track based, via "Alternative Replaygain" plugin
Classical: Dynamically adjust volume via VLevel DSP.[code]

You can end up adding some good logic and combine multiple converter presets into one.