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Topic: Cue shee and cyrillic (Read 10220 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cue shee and cyrillic

Is there any way to fix this? I tried different encodings, but without positive results.

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #1
Let me give more details. I have .cue with Cyrillic titles and filenames. Encoding is Windows-1251. On Russian WinXP everything's working fine, but on English Win7 foobar reads this file with the wrong encoding. Changing cue's encoding to UTF-8 or UTF-16 does not solve this problem (I just see other squiggles).

Foobar is the only program on my computers with such the problem.

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #2
Exacly, saw some people solved their problem with UTF-8 or 16, but not me :/

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #3
How are you doing the conversion to UTF-8?

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #4
Encoding -> Convert to UTF-8
is it correct way?

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #5
is it correct way?

Yes if you didn't forget to save it  Now open this .cue file in foobar2000, remove garbage and write correct info into it.

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #6
If that's correct, than I wouldn't need to opet this topic : ) it doesn't work for me...

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #7
Let's see one of these cue sheets.

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #9
Rather than making people wade through an ad-laden file-sharing site, why didn’t you just post it here inside codebox tags


Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #10
Well, I prefer to see the actual file so I can look at it in a hex editor, to verify encoding and make sure there's no hidden errors. I also use an ad blocker in my browser, so most of those file hosting sites are no problem to navigate. Nevertheless, we do have a couple of Uploads forums here where files can be attached.

Anyway, there are multiple errors in the syntax of this cue sheet, aside from the encoding problem.

  • Load the file in Notepad++. It should look like a mess in the TITLE, PERFORMER, and FILE lines.
  • Go to Encoding  > Character Set > Cyrillic > Windows-1252. Now you should see Russian text.
  • Fix the error in the disc TITLE. It shouldn't be blank. Maybe make it be 'test':
    Code: [Select]
    TITLE test
  • Fix the error in the track 10 TITLE. It has a double-quote in the middle of the double-quoted string. Change it to single quotes.
    Code: [Select]
    TITLE "Л.Бернстайн - Трехчастная сюита из мелодий к/ф 'Вестсайдская история'"
  • Fix the error in the track index points. They all say INDEX 00, without any INDEX 01. Make them all be INDEX 01.
  • Save As... and give it a new name, like Вайнштейн_3-corrected.cue. This file will still be Windows-1251 encoded.
  • Go to Encoding > Convert to UTF-8. Lower right corner should now say "ANSI as UTF-8". The BOM is required for foobar2000 to recognize the file as UTF-8 encoded, so don't choose the "without BOM" options.
  • Save.

If the .wav file named in the document exists, then foobar2000 should read the fixed cue sheet.

So, an encoding override option might be helpful, but I don't think there's a problem in fb2k here. The cue sheet had syntax errors, and there was apparent user error in the operation of Notepad++ to do the UTF-8 conversion.

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #11
In step 7, it's doesn't say "ANSI as UTF-8", but cue works though : ) Except one thing, last track is not working, length says "?", and total disc runtime is shorter by it. Here's the final look of sheet, everything looks ok, but still is not working as it should:

Code: [Select]
PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
TITLE "Джаз"
FILE "Вайнштейн_3.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "Н.Браун - Ты пришла из мечты"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Э.Бернстайн - Ночь в Африке"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 2:58:00
    TITLE "Т.Джонс - Внезапная остановка"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 05:15:00
    TITLE "Ф.Лэй - История любви"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 10:05:00
    TITLE "Т.Джонс - Полет во Вселенную"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 15:24:00
    TITLE "Ф.Боланд - Веселые саксофоны"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 19:48:00
    TITLE "Б.Рич - Вдохновение"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 23:33:00
    TITLE "К.Джонс - В движении"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 26:47:00
    TITLE "Э.Гарнер - Грустно"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 29:35:00
    TITLE "Л.Бернстайн - Трехчастная сюита из мелодий к/ф 'Вестсайдская история'"
    PERFORMER "Джаз-оркестр Иосифа Вайнштейна"
    INDEX 01 32:32:00

Also, one more question, in the top, FILE, extension is wav, but my file is in flac, I'm wondering why is that so?

I just ranemad that field, putted .flac instead of wav and now everything works fine!!

Thanks a lot pal for your help, I learned a lot : )

Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #12
In step 7, it's doesn't say "ANSI as UTF-8", but cue works though : ) Except one thing, last track is not working, length says "?", and total disc runtime is shorter by it. Here's the final look of sheet, everything looks ok, but still is not working as it should:

In foobar2000, you will either get a dialog telling you what's wrong, or you can look in the console (it's under View) and see what it says there.

Also, one more question, in the top, FILE, extension is wav, but my file is in flac, I'm wondering why is that so?

*eyeroll* Rip your own CDs, and these kinds of problems don't come up anywhere near as often.

Either the cue sheet was generated by the ripping software and then screwed up by hand, or the whole thing was authored by hand. Probably the former. Either way, at the time the cue sheet was created, the audio data was in a WAV file. At some point afterward, the WAV was converted to FLAC, but the cue sheet was not modified to match. Change it to match the actual file name you want the cue sheet to apply to.

Re: Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #13
Does FB just assume that cue sheets are ANSI? I loaded one just now with cyrillic text and I got garbage.
Opened it with Notepad++ it appeared fine but showed nothing for encoding. But it was UTF-8 evidenced by the fact when I selected that it appeared fine, but when I selected ANSI it became garbage. Anway foobar could only read the cuesheet properly when I converted it to utf8 with BOM in NP++.

Re: Cue shee and cyrillic

Reply #14
Well, I prefer to see the actual file so I can look at it in a hex editor, to verify encoding and make sure there's no hidden errors. I also use an ad blocker in my browser, so most of those file hosting sites are no problem to navigate. Nevertheless, we do have a couple of Uploads forums here where files can be attached.   Anyway, there are multiple errors in the syntax of this cue sheet, aside from the encoding problem.

  • Load the file in Notepad++. It should look like a mess in the TITLE, PERFORMER, and FILE lines.
  • Go to Encoding  > Character Set > Cyrillic > Windows-1252. Now you should see Russian text.
  • Fix the error in the disc TITLE. It shouldn't be blank. Maybe make it be 'test':
    Code: [Select]
    TITLE test
  • Fix the error in the track 10 TITLE. It has a double-quote in the middle of the double-quoted string. Change it to single quotes.
    Code: [Select]
    TITLE "Л.Бернстайн - Трехчастная сюита из мелодий к/ф 'Вестсайдская история'"
  • Fix the error in the track index points. They all say INDEX 00, without any INDEX 01. Make them all be INDEX 01.
  • Save As... and give it a new name, like Вайнштейн_3-corrected.cue. This file will still be Windows-1251 encoded.
  • Go to Encoding > Convert to UTF-8. Lower right corner should now say "ANSI as UTF-8". The BOM is required for foobar2000 to recognize the file as UTF-8 encoded, so don't choose the "without BOM" options.
  • Save.

If the .wav file named in the document exists, then foobar2000 should read the fixed cue sheet.

So, an encoding override option might be helpful, but I don't think there's a problem in fb2k here. The cue sheet had syntax errors, and there was apparent user error in the operation of Notepad++ to do the UTF-8 conversion.

Thanks for your easy-to-follow help. It worked greatly.