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Topic: Mass conversion of APE-Files (Read 4318 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mass conversion of APE-Files


In the past I used APE to archive CDs  on HD. I am quite impressed buy the compression ratio but considering the time since even the webpage was updated it seems quite safe to say that further development of APE is very unlikely. I don't want to have so many files stored in a format which I may not be able to use in the future and which does not work at all on linux.  Since APE is lossless the conversion to another file format should be possible without quality losses. From what I have read Flac seems like a good choice.

1. Am I correct in assuming that flac is probably the format that I should choose (open with Linux support)  or are there others I should consider ?

2. The Problem is the conversion itselfs since APE can only be played under Windows. Under Linux with a Command-Line Encoder I would find a way to do this without to much user-activity, but under Windows ? How can I convert the
about 8 Gigs of Ape which I have on my HD to the chosen file format without having to do everything manually ?


Mass conversion of APE-Files

Reply #2
1. Am I correct in assuming that flac is probably the format that I should choose (open with Linux support) or are there others I should consider ?

FLAC is open source and works well on linux - that is if you compile it yourself or get a binary compiled by someone other than the author. The official linux binary is broken for unicode comments. I use the Mandrake Cooker RPM.

I like FLAC very much and have 230 Gb FLAC files. You should probably consider Wavpack as well. It is open source but I don't know about linux support.

2. The Problem is the conversion itselfs since APE can only be played under Windows. Under Linux with a Command-Line Encoder I would find a way to do this without to much user-activity, but under Windows ? How can I convert the
about 8 Gigs of Ape which I have on my HD to the chosen file format without having to do everything manually ?

There exists a linux port of Monkey's Audio. But it only decodes files from version 3.95 and up IIRC.

I had around 50 Gb .ape files as well some 8 months ago. I converted them to FLAC by using the Monkey GUI. Just drag all .ape files into the window and decode to wav. Requires some disk space... Then batch convert waves to FLAC.

Mass conversion of APE-Files

Reply #3
Why not just get foobar and output the ape files straight to flac without the middle wav

Mass conversion of APE-Files

Reply #4
If you really want to convert your files I would suggest frontah.
Take a look at this test also:

I don't think development of ape have stopped. Last release was in August. After it hasn't been that long.
I don't see a reason to convert right now.

Mass conversion of APE-Files

Reply #5
I don't think development of ape have stopped. Last release was in August. After it hasn't been that long.
I don't see a reason to convert right now.

I agree.  Perhaps this thread in the Monkey Audio's forum can be of some use.  I found it a good read (if you can get past the flame war...  ).

Mass conversion of APE-Files

Reply #6
Why not just get foobar and output the ape files straight to flac without the middle wav

I'm not sure but I think I read a post that said that even undithered output was not bit identical to the input. I'm not sure though
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