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Topic: Listing cue tracks in library? (Read 11717 times) previous topic - next topic
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Listing cue tracks in library?


Basically this is the situation: I have a lot of albums lossless in FLAC and APE. In some the tracks are ripped as separate files and some as a single file with cue file. Is there a way to show the tracks from the cue files in the media library instead the big file?
I know I can drop the cue file manually to see and select individual tracks but it will be much easier if the library lists the separate tracks from the cue (if present) instead the big file.

I searched the forum and did not found a answer. If there is no suck feature isn't it something worth implementing in the feature releases?

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #1
1. Remove *.cue from list of excluded file types in Media Library Preferences
2. I do not know if foo_cuefilter works with the Library (i.e. as well as with playlists). If it does not, you can exclude said image files by making them hidden using Windows.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #2
1. Remove *.cue from list of excluded file types in Media Library Preferences
2. I do not know if foo_cuefilter works with the Library (i.e. as well as with playlists). If it does not, you can exclude said image files by making them hidden using Windows.

This may be some sort of solution but the problem is that if I want to play a specific song I can't search for it. Instead I have to navigate to the album drop the cue file in a playlist the play the desired file - kind of inconvenient not to mention the face that I have to unhide the file every time I want to rearrange something on the harddrive (or switch the "Show hidden files" option from the view options).

That's why I was thinking that the listing of the cue file in the library (and not showing the original image file if there is cue) is much elegant solution.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #3
The problem you are concerned about will not arise. The solution given you is a full solution. Try it. As db1989 already said, remove *.cue from exclusions in the library config - by default foobar's library ignores cue files & loads the images as you call them. My solution to preventing files which are referenced by a cue file from being added to the library is to rename them *.cue.flac or *.cue.mp3 etc, then add *.cue.flac etc to foobar's library exclusions.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #4
That's why I was thinking that the listing of the cue file in the library
1. Remove *.cue from list of excluded file types in Media Library Preferences

(and not showing the original image file if there is cue)
2. I do not know if foo_cuefilter works with the Library (i.e. as well as with playlists). If it does not, you can exclude said image files by making them hidden using Windows.

Well, I tried!

southisup: a good addition, and one I’ve seen before but forgot.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #5
10x guys this does the trick.

I guess the only thing left is listing the separate tracks in the library, but this is not so important

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #6
So long as the cue file is compliant, the tracks will be listed in the library. Open the cue with Notepad & copy paste the contents here, so we can see if there's a problem with it.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #7
Here is how the cue looks

Code: [Select]
REM GENRE "Death Metal"
REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb5"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
TITLE "Soul Survivor"
FILE "Gorefest - Soul Survivor.cue.flac" WAVE
TITLE "Freedom"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TITLE "Forty Shades"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 01 04:32:32
TITLE "River"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 08:47:20
INDEX 01 08:49:55
TITLE "Electric Poet"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 13:23:50
INDEX 01 13:25:45
TITLE "Soul Survivor"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 17:45:65
INDEX 01 17:46:72
TITLE "Blood Is Thick"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 01 22:17:47
TITLE "Dog Day"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 25:58:70
INDEX 01 26:00:47
TITLE "Demon Seed"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 28:53:42
INDEX 01 28:55:02
TITLE "Chameleon"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 32:41:47
INDEX 01 32:42:52
TITLE "Dragon Man"
PERFORMER "Gorefest"
INDEX 00 35:28:00
INDEX 01 35:29:25
PS: I was talking for the library in the left side not the listing in the playlist because in the playlist the song are listed from the cue file.

Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #8
PS: I was talking for the library in the left side not the listing in the playlist because in the playlist the song are listed from the cue file.

Right, now we're getting somewhere! I'm no expert on CUE files, but that looks good enough. The screenshot you linked, but which only showed up when I quoted you in the reply box, is a bit of a clue as to what's going on (I've edited, so the link shows). Someone else might know more, but here's what I'd try:

First, just to tidy up, go to File>Preferences>Media Library & add *.cue.flac to File types, exclude (mine contains *.cue.mp3;*.cue.flac).

Then under Music folders, right-click on the path, check that "Rescan on startup" & "Monitor for changes while running" are both on, & then choose "Rescan now".

Hopefully that will clear it up.


Listing cue tracks in library?

Reply #10
I think "Media Library Viewer & (embedded) cuesheets (Feature request: browse within (embedded) cuesheets)" is would you're really looking for!

Wow, thanks. I had never noticed CUEs weren't expandable in View by folder structure, even though that's the view I use the most! I don't have many CUE file albums though.

I combined the code you linked & my version of one that lists directories first, & added the result to my own Media Library Album List Views:
Code: [Select]
$replace($directory_path($substr(%path%,4,999)),\,|$char(8198))|%filename_ext%$ifgreater(%subsong%,0,|%tracknumber% - %title%,)