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Topic: Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage (Read 23927 times) previous topic - next topic
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Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage

Reply #25
When i had random bacon sizzling noises on my m-audio delta all I had to disable was the enhanced c state in the bios. M-audio did fix the problem through a driver update so maybe drop the soundcard manufacturer an email with your findings so hopefully they will fix it.
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.

Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage

Reply #26
When i had random bacon sizzling noises on my m-audio delta all I had to disable was the enhanced c state in the bios. M-audio did fix the problem through a driver update so maybe drop the soundcard manufacturer an email with your findings so hopefully they will fix it.

Did send it to: intel, viliv and realtek  -  let's see what will happen...

Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage

Reply #27
I think you are onto something with the USB power angle. Some computers have USB ports that are substandard - they can't put out the full one amp and maintain a decent 5 volts.  Using a powered hub circumvents that problem very nicely, thank you.

The power situation on the motherboard may be so bad that changing CPU use is changing power drain, which is in turn changing how the weak power from the USB port is working.hey

I suspect a bad power supply in the PC or a really weird but substandard system board (presuming that the port is coming off the system board.)

Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage

Reply #28
you could also have a look into your system's BIOS settings and see if "spread spectrum" is enabled or not
as a test you could change that setting, retry playing back without CPU load and see if the problem persists

Hi Maggi (do you speak German?)
In my BIOS I can't change such a setting!

Yes, I speak german, so send me a PM, if you need ...

As for all those BIOS switches and their meanings, look here (german BIOS Kompendium):

Also, you could use AIDA64's ( ) system stability test for monitoring your system's voltages when put under load or running in idle

Maybe that could give a hint on what's going on with your USB's power output ...


Crazy problem: USB port provides bad sound, but only at low CPU usage

Reply #29
Thanks for Inputs Maggi and Arnold

I tried many of this portable tools, also aida (but how I think 32 not 64)  but could not really find the USB voltages. 'll try it again...