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Topic: Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7? (Read 7566 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Is is possible to play for example: youtube, at the same time as with foobar and asio4all and hear both sounds at the same time with windows 7?

it worked good before with asio4all, foobar on windows xp , on another computer.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #1
Do you have any problems with DirectSound output, so that you need ASIO? What you describe is perfectly possibly with DS.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.


Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #2
The entire purpose of the optional output components is exclusive output.

If you need normal, mixed output then use directSound.

The entire purpose of ASIO4ALL is to provide compatibility for applications that only use ASIO output with hardware that doesn't have usable ASIO drivers. The author of ASIO4ALL doesn't explain this anymore because he's found it too easy to separate fools from their money.

There is absolutely no reason to use fb2k with an ASIO4ALL "virtual driver". If your hardware lacks a proper ASIO driver, you should use one of the other output methods.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #3
The author of ASIO4ALL doesn't explain this anymore because he's found it too easy to separate fools from their money.

I don't understand your comment on the author of ASIO4ALL, it is free software for the end user.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #4
Its just that the sounds seems better with the Asio.

Is there no way to use asio with foobar, and the same time watch youtube and hear sounds from both places. as before with windows xp?

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #5
Its just that the sounds seems better with the Asio.

I saw it coming, from miles off.

See #8 of our Terms of Service, to which you agreed upon registering; and any of the numerous threads debunking the myth that output methods differ in sonic quality.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #6
it may not be better, but it seems making the sound a bit louder, that i can tell a difference in the sound setting, that i prefer?

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #7
It’s known that increased volume may be perceived as better quality, but again: Output methods do not differ audibly—including perceived quality, volume, and anything else—unless something is wrong with your hardware or interfering with one or another method. (They may not differ at all.)

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #8
I'm not expert on ASIO4ALL but I tested it quickly just now. It uses WASAPI exclusive mode with my card on Windows 7 and I couldn't find any way to configure it. That mode blocks all other sound sources and there's nothing you can do about it. If your sound card doesn't have WaveRT drivers Kernel Streaming Output component might work with it. Some devices allow multiple sound sources with KS, for example my previous X-Fi did. 100% working option is to stick to the default DirectSound output. It's the default output for a reason. If you want more volume turn the Windows mixer to maximum and you have same sound quality as you have with WASAPI/KS/ASIO.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #9
The author of ASIO4ALL doesn't explain this anymore because he's found it too easy to separate fools from their money.

I don't understand your comment on the author of ASIO4ALL, it is free software for the end user.
Donations.    You don't bite the hand that feeds, even if the food is just a treat.

e.g. Disneyland is free for the kids, but there's less reason to go if you let them in on the secret--there's no magic involved. 

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #10
Is it possible to add a feature to the ASIO to make it work with the playback at the same time the mixer works with an other audio source?

or that it is enabled with other softwares at the same time

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #11
Again, the solution is to use DirectSound output, not ASIO.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #12
how come it does not work with windows 7, but works like this with windows xp?

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #13
Blame the ASIO4ALL author for using WASAPI Exclusive Mode, a feature new to Windows Vista and higher.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #14
WASAPI Exclusive mode is the only thing that makes sense IMHO. If people fiddle around with other outputs, chosing a presumably audiophile output method, why should other sounds interrupt the listening experience. For those who need mixing, just stick with DS.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #15
Kernel Streaming, WASAPI, ASIO are audiophile mode that bypass the mixer ...

The mixer resample and manipulate the stream and make it bad for audio precision and latency. If you don't matter to loose some sound quality, directsound, MME ... are the modes you should look.

Can ASIO4ALL play fb2k and other sounds at the same time on Windows 7?

Reply #16
The loss of sound quality is unlikely to be noticeable. Although, in cases where you have any sound drivers which perform processing, such as speaker or surround virtualization, using WASAPI, Kernel Streaming, or ASIO will sometimes bypass that processing and result in a different sound.