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Topic: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 916900 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2175
So v0.6 causes a crash loop, not nice...
How about some details like when it happens, what you mean by a crash loop, and some error/crash logs?  Been using it here on FB 1.6.17 and 64-bit 2.1/2..1.1 since its release without a single issue.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2176
So v0.6 causes a crash loop, not nice...
How about some details like when it happens, what you mean by a crash loop, and some error/crash logs?  Been using it here on FB 1.6.17 and 64-bit 2.1/2..1.1 since its release without a single issue.
Well, I was using the foobar internal updated, and it was non-stop crashing afterwards.

I packed all the crashes from today. They should all be lyrics3 related.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2177
Man you got the plugins, I gotta hand it to ya!!

Looks to me that some of the old 3rd-party LSP3 plugins like foo_lrc_metalarchives are battling it out unsuccessfully.  And they just aren't needed anymore since the updated foo_multisource which includes them internally.  My advice would be:

1.  Do a complete uninstall of LSP 3, including its *.cfg file, and the related foo_lrc_metalarchives/minilyrics plugins

2.  Update Foobar to 1.6.17  ( I see you are on 1.6.12)

3.  Install LSP 3-.06 clean

4.  Install foo_multisource .56 (

5.  Setup LSP the way you want it and move all of the foo_multisource sources (which include metal archives and minilyrics among many others) into the left "Search Order" box (they are all prefaced by "NEWDB:").

And enjoy the avalanche of lyrics!

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2178
5.  Setup LSP the way you want it and move all of the foo_multisource sources (which include metal archives and minilyrics among many others) into the left "Search Order" box (they are all prefaced by "NEWDB:").

Are you sure foo_multisource contains metal archives?

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2179
5.  Setup LSP the way you want it and move all of the foo_multisource sources (which include metal archives and minilyrics among many others) into the left "Search Order" box (they are all prefaced by "NEWDB:").

Are you sure foo_multisource contains metal archives?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but it's already in your screenshot, the website is named "Encyclopaedia Metallum", and its domain name is metal-archives (dot) com

NEW DB: Metallum = Online DB:

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2180
5.  Setup LSP the way you want it and move all of the foo_multisource sources (which include metal archives and minilyrics among many others) into the left "Search Order" box (they are all prefaced by "NEWDB:").

Are you sure foo_multisource contains metal archives?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but it's already in your screenshot, the website is named "Encyclopaedia Metallum", and its domain name is metal-archives (dot) com

NEW DB: Metallum = Online DB:

Aha, thanks for enlightening me! Which means I can remove one more component.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2181
Man you got the plugins, I gotta hand it to ya!!

Looks to me that some of the old 3rd-party LSP3 plugins like foo_lrc_metalarchives are battling it out unsuccessfully.  And they just aren't needed anymore since the updated foo_multisource which includes them internally.  My advice would be:

1.  Do a complete uninstall of LSP 3, including its *.cfg file, and the related foo_lrc_metalarchives/minilyrics plugins

2.  Update Foobar to 1.6.17  ( I see you are on 1.6.12)

3.  Install LSP 3-.06 clean

4.  Install foo_multisource .56 (

5.  Setup LSP the way you want it and move all of the foo_multisource sources (which include metal archives and minilyrics among many others) into the left "Search Order" box (they are all prefaced by "NEWDB:").

And enjoy the avalanche of lyrics!
Well, it the plugins got built up over time. I didn't add anything new for years now.

Thanks for the tips. I will look into it.

BTW I have two lyrics plugins installed, I guess I should weed out one of them.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2182
BTW I have two lyrics plugins installed, I guess I should weed out one of them.
KEEP ESLyric, it works perfectly fine alongside LSP 3.06/foo_multisource, and the newest version ( supplies even more lyrics sources than foo_multisource .56.  No reason to pick just one.

If you ever update to 64-bit Foobar, use foo_multisource 2.1 (64-bit only) with LSP 3.06, has 15 sources vs. 11 for .56.

Lyric Show Panel 3 - How to configure local file search

Reply #2183
I have lyrics in local files stored in sub-directories "Lyrics" located in every directory with album.

Sound files has two names patterns:
   %tracknumber% - %title%
   %date% %album% - %title%

Every lyrics txt-file has the name, identical to sound files, to which it corresponds, e.g.
   01 - Song name.txt  corresponds to 01 - Song name.flac
   2024 Album name - Song name.txt corresponds to 2024 Album name - Song name.mp3

Please advise how to configure Lyric Show Panel 3 properties properly, so that lyrics will be searched in the local files presuming above file name patterns.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2184
If it looks in the playing file's folder by default, I guess Lyrics\%filename% would do but I don't use the component.

%filename% discards the .mp3/.flac - you might have to append .lrc or whatever the file format is.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2185
I am working to overhaul my lyrics collection..  I have Foobar2000 v1.6.17.

I have LSP3 v 0.6 with multi source lyrics v0.56 installed. 
I also have Open Lyrics v1.8 installed.

They both have their benefit.  Are there other lyrics programs I am missing that would be helpful? 

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2186
I am working to overhaul my lyrics collection..  I have Foobar2000 v1.6.17.

I have LSP3 v 0.6 with multi source lyrics v0.56 installed. 
I also have Open Lyrics v1.8 installed.

They both have their benefit.  Are there other lyrics programs I am missing that would be helpful?

ESLyric works very well.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2187
I am working to overhaul my lyrics collection..  I have Foobar2000 v1.6.17.

I have LSP3 v 0.6 with multi source lyrics v0.56 installed. 
I also have Open Lyrics v1.8 installed.

They both have their benefit.  Are there other lyrics programs I am missing that would be helpful?

ESLyric works very well.

Quite a few features I see!  One thing I found, when you search lyrics, it does not give you a preview or tell you if they are synched un-synched lyrics.  Is that the case? 

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2188
Quite a few features I see!  One thing I found, when you search lyrics, it does not give you a preview or tell you if they are synched un-synched lyrics.  Is that the case?

Yes. Well, the sources are marked as synced and unsynced but there is no indicator in the search.
About the preview...if you double-click, the lyric is loaded in the panel. There is not much difference in click to a preview.... :-)
I left this one because it gives more results than the others, most of the time it downloads a good one at the first time or have the correct one in the search window.
Once you use it a bit and start to see with sources gives the best result for type of music and move them to the top requires little intervention.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2189
Quite a few features I see!  One thing I found, when you search lyrics, it does not give you a preview or tell you if they are synched un-synched lyrics.  Is that the case?

Yes. Well, the sources are marked as synced and unsynced but there is no indicator in the search.
About the preview...if you double-click, the lyric is loaded in the panel. There is not much difference in click to a preview.... :-)
I end with this one because it gives more results than the others, most of the time it downloads a good one at the first time.

Gotcha, thanks!  Open Lyrics is great when you need to fixed a sync that is not quite right.  You can automatically apply the offset you create to all timestamps and remove the offset.  Great for players such as Plexamp that don’t read the offset value. 

LSP 3 is great because with the multi source plugin it can pull from Deezer and musixmatch.  I typically try to stick to those 2. 

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2190
Gotcha, thanks!  Open Lyrics is great when you need to fixed a sync that is not quite right.  You can automatically apply the offset you create to all timestamps and remove the offset.  Great for players such as Plexamp that don’t read the offset value. 

LSP 3 is great because with the multi source plugin it can pull from Deezer and musixmatch.  I typically try to stick to those 2.

The perfect one will be a mix between ESLyric and OpenLyrics but every developer have his own vision.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2191
Gotcha, thanks!  Open Lyrics is great when you need to fixed a sync that is not quite right.  You can automatically apply the offset you create to all timestamps and remove the offset.  Great for players such as Plexamp that don’t read the offset value. 

LSP 3 is great because with the multi source plugin it can pull from Deezer and musixmatch.  I typically try to stick to those 2.

The perfect one will be a mix between ESLyric and OpenLyrics but every developer have his own vision.

I certainly agree.  Best of luck on your lyric quests.  😀

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2192
Gotcha, thanks!  Open Lyrics is great when you need to fixed a sync that is not quite right.  You can automatically apply the offset you create to all timestamps and remove the offset.  Great for players such as Plexamp that don’t read the offset value. 

LSP 3 is great because with the multi source plugin it can pull from Deezer and musixmatch.  I typically try to stick to those 2.

The perfect one will be a mix between ESLyric and OpenLyrics but every developer have his own vision.

I certainly agree.  Best of luck on your lyric quests.  😀
You need to update to a 64-bit Foobar if your OS can handle it.  Foo_multisource 2.1 is now available with many more sources than .56, but it is in 64-bit only:,90338.msg1037160.html#msg1037160 . (click the "Spoiler" to show the d/l link).  If not though ESLyric is a real buttkicker once you get the settings right.

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2193
Gotcha, thanks!  Open Lyrics is great when you need to fixed a sync that is not quite right.  You can automatically apply the offset you create to all timestamps and remove the offset.  Great for players such as Plexamp that don’t read the offset value. 

LSP 3 is great because with the multi source plugin it can pull from Deezer and musixmatch.  I typically try to stick to those 2.

The perfect one will be a mix between ESLyric and OpenLyrics but every developer have his own vision.

I certainly agree.  Best of luck on your lyric quests.  😀
You need to update to a 64-bit Foobar if your OS can handle it.  Foo_multisource 2.1 is now available with many more sources than .56, but it is in 64-bit only:,90338.msg1037160.html#msg1037160 . (click the "Spoiler" to show the d/l link).  If not though ESLyric is a real buttkicker once you get the settings right.

I just spent quite a bit of time today verifying all the components I need are compatible with v2 64bit.  They were, so I just installed it 45 mins ago and set the lyric programs up.  I have all 3 running at once now.  Yes I did use 2.1 multi source.  Works great so far. 

I was putting off upgrading, but it wasn’t that bad.  Not done yet.  I have to mess around with ESLyric yet a bit. 

What are those lyric sources in Chinese writing? 
Can Deezer be added?

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2194
I was putting off upgrading, but it wasn’t that bad.  Not done yet.  I have to mess around with ESLyric yet a bit. 
What are those lyric sources in Chinese writing? 
Can Deezer be added?
酷狗音乐 =
QQ音乐 = QQMusic
网易云音乐 =

For Metallum and Minilyrics sources to use artist/title search instead of artist/album so they can be used with radio streams you need to add modified versions of them.  I did two which are attached below, they go into foobar2000\profile\eslyric-data\scripts\searcher, select as needed instead of the supplied ones.

You can add Deezer if you can supply your own Deezer API key and cookie inside the script; from TT-ReBORN as posted to GitHub:

If you still have the "LyricsOnDemand" source it should be deleted--it was removed from the install last month due to memory leakage/not working status reported by TT-ReBORN.

Changing the pref.image.cache.limit setting in Advanced to 1 prevents memory bloat (,122571.msg1042107.html#msg1042107)

Songlyrics and Metallum have the habit of preventing a search from continuing to following sources if they pass a certain message about having the song indexed but no lyrics;  the workaround is to add the following entries to the "Lyric Processor" box:

That's all the ESLyric tips I have!

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2195
I was putting off upgrading, but it wasn’t that bad.  Not done yet.  I have to mess around with ESLyric yet a bit. 
What are those lyric sources in Chinese writing? 
Can Deezer be added?
酷狗音乐 =
QQ音乐 = QQMusic
网易云音乐 =

For Metallum and Minilyrics sources to use artist/title search instead of artist/album so they can be used with radio streams you need to add modified versions of them.  I did two which are attached below, they go into foobar2000\profile\eslyric-data\scripts\searcher, select as needed instead of the supplied ones.

You can add Deezer if you can supply your own Deezer API key and cookie inside the script; from TT-ReBORN as posted to GitHub:

If you still have the "LyricsOnDemand" source it should be deleted--it was removed from the install last month due to memory leakage/not working status reported by TT-ReBORN.

Changing the pref.image.cache.limit setting in Advanced to 1 prevents memory bloat (,122571.msg1042107.html#msg1042107)

Songlyrics and Metallum have the habit of preventing a search from continuing to following sources if they pass a certain message about having the song indexed but no lyrics;  the workaround is to add the following entries to the "Lyric Processor" box:

That's all the ESLyric tips I have!

Thanks for the tips.  I made the changes you mentioned.  I will keep trying it out! 

Hopefully one component comes out that has all the best in one! 


Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2196
Anyone else see large random negative offsets being put in sycnched lyric files with V0.6. I think it happened with previous versions too.  If I remove the large offset, can be somewhere around -78000, then the lyrics are prefectly synched.  So it seems to be put in in error.  It seems to happen comtinuously for a while, then it goes back to working fine.  Lyric sources are from MusixMatch or Deezer. 

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2197
Anyone else see large random negative offsets being put in sycnched lyric files with V0.6. I think it happened with previous versions too.  If I remove the large offset, can be somewhere around -78000, then the lyrics are prefectly synched.  So it seems to be put in in error.  It seems to happen comtinuously for a while, then it goes back to working fine.  Lyric sources are from MusixMatch or Deezer. 

As a follow-up, this only happens when I manually search for lyrics. Right click - Lyric Search...

Anyone else see this random offset be applied 75% of the time. It can be a large positive or negative offset.  Just got a [offset:-86000]

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2199
He wrote the code for it and it's not open-source, if that's what you mean.