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Topic: JSMad - pure JavaScript MP3 decoder (Read 22334 times) previous topic - next topic
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JSMad - pure JavaScript MP3 decoder

Now you can play mp3 natively in browsers with enabled Web Audio API support (without Adobe Flash), including Firefox 4+ and Chrome 12+.

libmad was ported from C to JavaScript (~ 15k lines of code), id3 support was made from scratch.

Team: Amos Wenger, Antoine Marguerie, Matthias Georgi & Jens Nockert

GPLv2 code on github -

Homepage -

JSMad - pure JavaScript MP3 decoder

Reply #1
doesn't work on chrome 12

JSMad - pure JavaScript MP3 decoder

Reply #2
It doesn't work in IE 8.0.7601.17514 (x86). I get the following message and nothing happens:

"jsmad is a pure JavaScript MP3 decoder

JSMad - pure JavaScript MP3 decoder

Reply #3
It works with Chrome 13 beta if you go into about:flags and enable "Web Audio - Enables the Web Audio API". I presume this option is also in Chrome 12, but am unable to check ATM.

Also works with Firefox 6.0 Beta 2, but not with Internet Exploder 9.

btw, Great work guys!

Now you can play mp3 natively in browsers with enabled Web Audio API support (without Adobe Flash), including Firefox 4+ and Chrome 12+.