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Topic: foo_seek.dll (Read 70935 times) previous topic - next topic
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Works with CUI/DUI

actual version: 1.2

  • Preview - Listen to parts of consecutive tracks
  • Loop - Repeat part of current track
  • Rewind - Monitor during seek
  • Fast Forward - Monitor during seek

Mainmenu commands:
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Preview length (6s-20s, Default)
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Loop length (6s-20s, Default, End point mode, Set end point, Remove end point)
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Preview (ON/OFF)
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Loop (ON/OFF)
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Rewind (5s-30s) (ON/OFF)
Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Fast Forward (5s-30s) (ON/OFF)

Advanced Preferences:
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Automatic start/stop (ON/OFF)
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | FF/RW | FF/RW playback time [ms]
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Loop | Loop length [ms]
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Loop | Playback position loop
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Loop | Reset next track to playback position loop (ON/OFF)
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Preview | Playback position preview
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Preview | Preview length [ms]
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Preview | Reset next track to playback position preview (ON/OFF)
Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Preview | Skip shorter tracks in preview (ON/OFF)



Reply #5
Seek 0.6

ADD: Advanced Preferences option: Reset new track to playback position preview (for "Preview" only) (ON/OFF)
ADD: Advanced Preferences option: Automatic start/stop (ON/OFF)


Reply #7
Seek 0.8

FIX: Loop at end of track
ADD: Preferences | Advanced | Playback | Seek | Loop | Reset next track to playback position loop (ON/OFF)
ADD: Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Preview length (6s-20s) (ON/OFF)
ADD: Menu | Playback | Seek Control | Loop length (6s-20s) (ON/OFF)
CHG: reorganisation of Advanced Preferences entries


Reply #8
Seek 0.9

CHG: Preview stops now, if "stop after current" was enabled
CHG: Preview/Loop length radiobuttons
ADD: "Default" command for Preview/Loop length. "Default" takes value from Advanced Preferences "Preview/Loop length [ms]"


Reply #9
Seek 1.0

ADD: New mode to set loop length manually:


  • End point mode
  • Set end point
  • Remove end point


  • Enable end point mode
  • Start loop
  • Seek to start position of loop in seekbar
  • wait
  • Set end point of loop (with shortcut)

--> endless loop between start and end point

download: see first post