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Topic: Create cue sheet from EAC log (Read 36315 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #25
No, they are not "hidden".  But a physical CD player programmed to play track 8 and then 10, will skip the "bonus" track.

Had media players supported that behaviour (of a physical CD player), it would certainly have been a case for the index mark. But which do(es)?

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #26
A player that emulates the behavior of a programmable CD player? Place me in the category of I don't know, I don't care.  I get a CD, I rip it and chop it up and/or do whatever else as I see fit and the CD goes in storage.  The last time I used a CD player was when I moved and that was all I had handy at the moment.

I've had this very discussion countless times over the last dozen or so years. Reading your posts on the subject feels like a regurgitation of stuff I've posted in the past.  In some cases you were even at the other end.  Not so much because you didn't care, but because you hadn't yet learned.

I've largely bailed from these discussions over the minutiae and rare cases of this or that. I really find no pleasure in them.

There are methods of adding index data from a log file. I've even created such a tool myself.   CT doesn't have this functionality.  My script can be found on this forum, though I can't be bothered to search for it.  AFAIC, there is really nothing more to say about it.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #27
This may surprise you greynol, but I still burn CDs for playing in my car. My car CD player reads CD-TEXT, so I do like it when I can have it.

As for CueTools, did we definitely settle the question of whether it can properly re-create the correct cue sheet or not?

greynol, I have read many posts from you of late that have the same message. If you think these issues are outdated, have been discussed before or are not worth your time, why bother even posting a response?

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #28
If you think these issues are outdated, have been discussed before or are not worth your time, why bother even posting a response?

... and building a straw man and going ad hominem ...? Intrinsic value. Outweighing the worthlessness of the topic.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #29
This may surprise you greynol, but I still burn CDs for playing in my car. My car CD player reads CD-TEXT, so I do like it when I can have it.

As for CueTools, did we definitely settle the question of whether it can properly re-create the correct cue sheet or not?

greynol, I have read many posts from you of late that have the same message. If you think these issues are outdated, have been discussed before or are not worth your time, why bother even posting a response?
Not surprised at all, believe it or not.

No matter how many times you ask the question, CT will not incorporate pregap information from a log file into a cue sheet.  Log files contain no cd-text so they are of zero use to you for that endeavor. Since you seem to holding out hope for a different answer (because you've been misled?) I decided to go ahead and make this clear one more time.  The whole spiel about hidden tracks and the like was off-topic.

Now it's your turn to tell me why you need pregap information in order to play burned copies of CDs in the car...

...or not, but I make no apologies for my contributions to this discussion.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #30

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #31
Pardon me for assuming this means you don't have an answer to my question about whether pregap information is needed in order to play CDs in your car.  No worries, though; you have an out*.

Now that we got that sorted I think starting a new topic requesting that cuetools be able to incorporate pregap information from a log file into a cuesheet would be a good next step. What to do about the possibility that the times are in decimal should be part of that discussion.

As for this topic, CUETools doesn't work for your purposes.  *CD playback behavior or anything else like mining for titles that make use of pregaps for "creative" means, or otherwise, are off-topic in this discussion.

If there is any question as to what is on-topic, take the title of the discussion as a guideline.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #32

You really never do let up, do you? Is trolling people on these forums your only joy in life?

1) I put up my post in response to Porcus's recent post that CueTools could generate the CUE from log, which happens to be a topic that I'm interested in. I wasn't "mining for titles" as you suggested.

2) No, the pregap information is not *needed* for playback in car CD player. Again, I was interested in this topic, and I thought that this discussion might yield some fruitful information. Apparently, this is the wrong answer and I should have said that somehow my life depended on it, so it could justify your valuable "contributions" to this discussion.

3) You desperately need an attitude adjustment. I know you are knowledgeable as hell but I honestly can't remember the last time I read a post from you that had a straightforward answer without a heaping of attitude to go along with it.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #33
How is this done using CUETools exactly? [...]
Furthermore, it doesn't have the CD-TEXT fields!!

Besides possibly before the first track, CT won't include 00 index information present in a log file
CD-TEXT information is not available in a log file

What, not straight forward enough?

Oh right, the heaping attitude part.  Well I suppose I should stay in character then...

You really never do let up, do you?
Is trolling people on these forums your only joy in life?

I wasn't "mining for titles" as you suggested.
Why assume I was talking about you?  Are you the only other person involved in the discussion since I entered it?

the pregap information is not *needed* for playback in car CD player. Again, I was interested in this topic, and I thought that this discussion might yield some fruitful information. Apparently, this is the wrong answer and I should have said that somehow my life depended on it, so it could justify your valuable "contributions" to this discussion.
It seemed to me you simply wanted a problem solved.  I'm sorry for looking at this from a practical perspective without considering whether you actually wanted to dive deep into the minutia.

Life is too short:
CUETools is a fine tool to construct a cue sheet and fill it with CD-TEXT info.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #34
I put up my post in response to Porcus's recent post that CueTools could generate the CUE from log, which happens to be a topic that I'm interested in.
I thought Porcus was replying to a request for source code and suggesting the OP also look at CUETools' source code.

Is the source code for cue corrector available anywhere?

And an English version of the website...
By now you could also consider CUETools [edit: if your point is to get .cue out of an EAC log as per topic title]. Source code on github.

How is this done using CUETools exactly? Every time I try to use the "Create CUE sheet" option, I get a cue sheet that doesn't replicate the gaps correctly at all. The CUETools cue sheet has only INDEX 01 entries and no INDEX 00 entries. Furthermore, it doesn't have the CD-TEXT fields!! I suppose I don't understand how to load an EAC log into CUETools...
CUETools currently cannot create a CUE sheet if all you have is
  • an EAC log
  • an image file
  • an image file + an EAC log

As you already know
CUETools currently can create a simple CUE sheet from a set of track files* or extract an embedded CUE sheet from an image* using the 'Create CUE Sheet' tool.

CUETools currently can create a CUE sheet from a set of track files* and parse an EAC log for gap information using the Action: Encode.
  • If you want a CUE sheet only, you set the 'Audio Output' to 'None'.
  • If you want to fill the CUE tags (CD-TEXT) using only the tags from the audio files, remove the check from the 'Edit Tags' box. Leave the box checked to search CTDB for metadata.
  • Filenames in the CUE sheet are determined by the 'Audio Filenames' setting in CUETools
  • The EAC log should be in the same folder as the track files*

Code: [Select]
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016

EAC extraction logfile from 21. June 2018, 9:08

Styx / The Grand Illusion

Used drive  : ASUS    DRW-24B1ST   a   Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : No
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 1024 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : E:\MyApps\AudTools\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -6 -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%"
-T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "ALBUMARTIST= %albumartist%"
-T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%"
-T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source%

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  4:38.18 |         0    |    20867 
        2  |  4:38.18 |  5:31.25 |     20868    |    45717 
        3  | 10:09.43 |  4:02.57 |     45718    |    63924 
        4  | 14:12.25 |  6:08.25 |     63925    |    91549 
        5  | 20:20.50 |  5:04.03 |     91550    |   114352 
        6  | 25:24.53 |  5:51.47 |    114353    |   140724 
        7  | 31:16.25 |  6:00.00 |    140725    |   167724 
        8  | 37:16.25 |  1:57.55 |    167725    |   176554 

Track  1

     Filename 01 The Grand Illusion.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 5.6 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Copy CRC 98DCF831
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [84A4965F]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename 02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.25

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 6.6 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Copy CRC DD25D91C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [782A1C9E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename 03 Superstars.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.28

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 7.4 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC F4E9F4C0
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [D486A74E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename 04 Come Sail Away.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.60

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 8.2 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 41D59F5C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [188DA08E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename 05 Miss America.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.60

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Extraction speed 8.7 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 40840ECF
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [787799AD]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  6

     Filename 06 Man In The Wilderness.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.15

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.3 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 782A1C7C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [80F9231F]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  7

     Filename 07 Castle Walls.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.62

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.8 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 7A4EE833
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [EF054206]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  8

     Filename 08 The Grand Finale.wav

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.8 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 9CDD59E5
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [126A31DA]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

All tracks accurately ripped

No errors occurred

End of status report

---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6

[CTDB TOCID: rRcE7bbN4KblS7DsmdYuvSh042A-] found
Submit result: already submitted
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (52/52) Accurately ripped
  2   | (52/52) Accurately ripped
  3   | (52/52) Accurately ripped
  4   | (51/52) Accurately ripped
  5   | (52/52) Accurately ripped
  6   | (51/52) Accurately ripped
  7   | (51/52) Accurately ripped
  8   | (52/52) Accurately ripped
Code: [Select]
REM COMMENT "CUETools generated dummy CUE sheet"
TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
REM GENRE "Pop/Rock"
FILE "01 The Grand Illusion.flac" WAVE
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)"
    INDEX 00 04:36:74
FILE "02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Superstars"
    INDEX 00 05:28:04
FILE "03 Superstars.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Come Sail Away"
    INDEX 00 03:59:12
FILE "04 Come Sail Away.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Miss America"
    INDEX 00 06:05:55
FILE "05 Miss America.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Man In The Wilderness"
    INDEX 00 05:02:67
FILE "06 Man In The Wilderness.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Castle Walls"
    INDEX 00 05:49:00
FILE "07 Castle Walls.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "08 The Grand Finale.flac" WAVE
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "The Grand Finale"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

*audio files must be uncompressed or lossless compressed Red Book 2-channel 16-bit LPCM sampled at 44,100 Hz


Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #35
Provided of course that one has the necessary files and EAC log, I  find it easier to create a CUE sheet in CUETools using the "verify" command, then "create CUE sheet". In that order. If you do not verify first, the CUE sheet will not contain the pre-gap data. Also, it is important to keep in mind that CUETools assumes that all pre-gap values in the log are expressed in hundredths of a second, not frames, and the CUE sheet it creates will reflect that.  If the pre-gap values on the log are expressed in frames, the CUE sheet will actually be wrong, as it mistakes frames for hundredths/sec. It is a trifle, but one to be aware of.

Why is CUETools inflexible on this issue? I have no idea. As for CD-TEXT info, I don't know and don't care.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #36
Also, it is important to keep in mind that CUETools assumes that all pre-gap values in the log are expressed in hundredths of a second, not frames, and the CUE sheet it creates will reflect that.  If the pre-gap values on the log are expressed in frames, the CUE sheet will actually be wrong, as it mistakes frames for hundredths/sec. It is a trifle, but one to be aware of.

Isn't there a distinction between ":01" and ".01" ... ?

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #37
Also, it is important to keep in mind that CUETools assumes that all pre-gap values in the log are expressed in hundredths of a second, not frames, and the CUE sheet it creates will reflect that.  If the pre-gap values on the log are expressed in frames, the CUE sheet will actually be wrong, as it mistakes frames for hundredths/sec. It is a trifle, but one to be aware of.

Isn't there a distinction between ":01" and ".01" ... ?

There is no actual difference between :01 and .01, but there is a difference between, say, :02 and .02, and so on. The problem is that the pre-gap info as written on an EAC log does not allow for such distinctions. For example, if your EAC log says that a given pre-gap is "1.20" that could either mean that the pre-gap is 1 second and 20 frames or it could mean that the pre-gap is actually 1 and 20/100 second (which would be 1 second and 15 frames). That is a fault of the way the EAC log is designed.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #38
For example, if your EAC log says that a given pre-gap is "1.20" that could either mean that the pre-gap is 1 second and 20 frames or it could mean that the pre-gap is actually 1 and 20/100 second (which would be 1 second and 15 frames). That is a fault of the way the EAC log is designed.

Isn't EAC consistent on what it means when it writes 1.20? Doesn't CUETools get that right?

(I have only used EAC every once in a while.)

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #39
Unfortunately, no, An EAC log does not indicate if the pre-gap durations are expressed as frames or as decimal. For example, if the log states a pre-gap of "2.20", nothing on the log will spell out if this figure is in fact 2 seconds + 20 frames, or 2.20 seconds (which is actually 2 seconds + 15 frames).

As I stated previously, CUETools assumes that every EAC log contains pre-gap information expressed in hundredths, and not as frames.  As long as the pre-gap info in your log truly is expressed as seconds + hundredths, the CUE sheet you create will be accurate. If the log has the pre-gaps expressed as seconds + frames, CUETools will stlll treat those frame values as hundredths, and the CUE sheet will actually be incorrect. Of course we are talking about tiny fractions of seconds here, so in reality it will not matter, practically speaking, but the only way to be assured that the CUE sheet is in fact accurate, the pre-gap info on the EAC log *must* be expressed in seconds + hundredths.

The EAC options allow the user to choose whether s/he wants the gap timings to be expressed either as seconds + frames or seconds + hundredths of a second. The problem in question is that the choice is not really discernible on the log itself.


Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #40
If it frames then you should not find value greater than .75 ... I quess one could solve this by checking enough EAC logs ...

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #41
If it frames then you should not find value greater than .75 ... I quess one could solve this by checking enough EAC logs ...

That is one immediately obvious giveaway, yes, but not every disc is guaranteed to have decimal pre-gap values that will read as .75 – .99. In fact, I would say that only about half of them do.

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #42
Also, it is important to keep in mind that CUETools assumes that all pre-gap values in the log are expressed in hundredths of a second, not frames, and the CUE sheet it creates will reflect that.  If the pre-gap values on the log are expressed in frames, the CUE sheet will actually be wrong, as it mistakes frames for hundredths/sec. It is a trifle, but one to be aware of.
Thanks, I left that part out.
In the previous example the log pre-gaps were in frames. Here's some more examples to show the log pre-gap times in hundredths/sec.

EAC set to display the pre-gap times in hundredths/sec.
Code: [Select]
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016

EAC extraction logfile from 27. June 2018, 12:43

Styx / The Grand Illusion

Used drive  : ASUS    DRW-24B1ST   a   Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : No
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 192 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : E:\MyApps\AudTools\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -6 -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%"
-T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "ALBUMARTIST= %albumartist%"
-T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%"
-T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source%

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  4:38.18 |         0    |    20867  
        2  |  4:38.18 |  5:31.25 |     20868    |    45717  
        3  | 10:09.43 |  4:02.57 |     45718    |    63924  
        4  | 14:12.25 |  6:08.25 |     63925    |    91549  
        5  | 20:20.50 |  5:04.03 |     91550    |   114352  
        6  | 25:24.53 |  5:51.47 |    114353    |   140724  
        7  | 31:16.25 |  6:00.00 |    140725    |   167724  
        8  | 37:16.25 |  1:57.55 |    167725    |   176554  

Track  1

     Filename 01 The Grand Illusion.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 5.7 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Copy CRC 98DCF831
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [84A4965F]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename 02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.33

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 6.6 X
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Copy CRC DD25D91C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [782A1C9E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename 03 Superstars.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.37

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 7.3 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC F4E9F4C0
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [D486A74E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename 04 Come Sail Away.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.80

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 8.1 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 41D59F5C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [188DA08E]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename 05 Miss America.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.80

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Extraction speed 8.7 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 40840ECF
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [787799AD]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  6

     Filename 06 Man In The Wilderness.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.20

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.3 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 782A1C7C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [80F9231F]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  7

     Filename 07 Castle Walls.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.82

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.7 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 7A4EE833
     Accurately ripped (confidence 13)  [EF054206]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

Track  8

     Filename 08 The Grand Finale.wav

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 9.7 X
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 9CDD59E5
     Accurately ripped (confidence 12)  [126A31DA]  (AR v2)
     Copy OK

All tracks accurately ripped

No errors occurred

End of status report

The CUE sheet created by CUETools using this log
Code: [Select]
REM COMMENT "CUETools generated dummy CUE sheet"
TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
REM GENRE "Pop/Rock"
FILE "01 The Grand Illusion.flac" WAVE
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)"
    INDEX 00 04:36:68
FILE "02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Superstars"
    INDEX 00 05:27:72
FILE "03 Superstars.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Come Sail Away"
    INDEX 00 03:58:72
FILE "04 Come Sail Away.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Miss America"
    INDEX 00 06:05:40
FILE "05 Miss America.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Man In The Wilderness"
    INDEX 00 05:02:63
FILE "06 Man In The Wilderness.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "Castle Walls"
    INDEX 00 05:48:60
FILE "07 Castle Walls.flac" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "08 The Grand Finale.flac" WAVE
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    TITLE "The Grand Finale"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

A Noncompliant CUE sheet created by EAC
Code: [Select]
REM DISCID 61093208
REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v1.3"
TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\01 The Grand Illusion.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "The Grand Illusion"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 04:36:68
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Superstars"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 05:27:72
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\03 Superstars.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Come Sail Away"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 03:58:72
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\04 Come Sail Away.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Miss America"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 06:05:40
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\05 Miss America.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Man In The Wilderness"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 05:02:63
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\06 Man In The Wilderness.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Castle Walls"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 00 05:48:60
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\07 Castle Walls.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Styx\The Grand Illusion\08 The Grand Finale.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "The Grand Finale"
    PERFORMER "Styx"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

And an EAC-style log from CUERipper (you'll notice Pre-gaps are in hundredths/sec).
Code: [Select]
CUERipper v2.1.7 Copyright (C) 2008-13 Grigory Chudov

EAC extraction logfile from 27. June 2018, 13:44

Styx / The Grand Illusion

Used drive  : ASUS DRW-24B1ST   a   Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format      : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  4:38.18 |         0    |    20867  
        2  |  4:38.18 |  5:31.25 |     20868    |    45717  
        3  | 10:09.43 |  4:02.57 |     45718    |    63924  
        4  | 14:12.25 |  6:08.25 |     63925    |    91549  
        5  | 20:20.50 |  5:04.03 |     91550    |   114352  
        6  | 25:24.53 |  5:51.47 |    114353    |   140724  
        7  | 31:16.25 |  6:00.00 |    140725    |   167724  
        8  | 37:16.25 |  1:57.55 |    167725    |   176554  

Track  1

     Filename 01 The Grand Illusion.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 98DCF831
     Accurately ripped (confidence 35)  [26FFD8EB]
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename 02 Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man).wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.33

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC DD25D91C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 35)  [000C4057]
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename 03 Superstars.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.37

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC F4E9F4C0
     Accurately ripped (confidence 33)  [C6ACD858]
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename 04 Come Sail Away.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.80

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 41D59F5C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 34)  [26CC2ED9]
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename 05 Miss America.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.80

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 40840ECF
     Accurately ripped (confidence 35)  [4BC3097E]
     Copy OK

Track  6

     Filename 06 Man in the Wilderness.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.20

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 782A1C7C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 36)  [099025E2]
     Copy OK

Track  7

     Filename 07 Castle Walls.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.82

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 7A4EE833
     Accurately ripped (confidence 36)  [3A5CE229]
     Copy OK

Track  8

     Filename 08 The Grand Finale.wav

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Copy CRC 9CDD59E5
     Accurately ripped (confidence 32)  [5627B9D2]
     Copy OK

All tracks accurately ripped

No errors occurred

End of status report

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #43
The EAC options allow the user to choose whether s/he wants the gap timings to be expressed either as seconds + frames or seconds + hundredths of a second. The problem in question is that the choice is not really discernible on the log itself.

for pregap only?

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #44
Not sure if you're asking about the EAC option setting or the information in the log or both.
The purpose of the setting is to change the way time information is displayed in the main window.


Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #45
Unfortunately, no, An EAC log does not indicate if the pre-gap durations are expressed as frames or as decimal. For example, if the log states a pre-gap of "2.20", nothing on the log will spell out if this figure is in fact 2 seconds + 20 frames, or 2.20 seconds (which is actually 2 seconds + 15 frames)....The EAC options allow the user to choose whether s/he wants the gap timings to be expressed either as seconds + frames or seconds + hundredths of a second. The problem in question is that the choice is not really discernible on the log itself.

When EAC 1.0 came out and the logs had a received a new look, I had hoped that there would be a line added that explicitly stated whether times were displayed in frames vs. hundredths. This, in my opinion, is one major flaw still present in EAC logs...

Also, thanks to korth for that very nice description of how CUETools can generate a correct CUE sheet provided one has a set of track files AND the EAC log in hundredths. Personally, I've been displaying times in frames in the log ever since the option became available because I wanted it to match with the cue sheet, which is always displayed in frames (iirc).

Re: Create cue sheet from EAC log

Reply #46
I  find it easier to create a CUE sheet in CUETools using the "verify" command, then "create CUE sheet". In that order. If you do not verify first, the CUE sheet will not contain the pre-gap data.

I had always wondered why CUE sheets that I created with CUETools didn't have track titles or performer names. After first running the "verify" command, the CUE sheets are correct.