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Topic: Please ... foobar for mac (Read 8323 times) previous topic - next topic
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Please ... foobar for mac

hello my friends!!
i switched to a mac recently and not be able to run foobar is a very big pain

please support osx, foobar is unique and un-replaceable

thinking even to re-switch to windows cause of that

Please ... foobar for mac

Reply #1
It exists a solution, though I don't know how up to date this project is and how useful it would be for you in detail (I don't own Apple devices).

If I remember correctly Peter doesn't intend to develop foobar2000 for operating systems other than Windows.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Please ... foobar for mac

Reply #2
I run an entire virtual machine on my Mac (in VMware, but Parallels or VirtuaBox would do) running Windows, simply in order to have foobar.

Please ... foobar for mac

Reply #3
If I remember correctly Peter doesn't intend to develop foobar2000 for operating systems other than Windows.

why is that ?
I have ubuntu on my computer too and I really wish there was an audio player doing half of what foobar does. whenever that happens there won't be many reasons justifying for me keeping windows

Please ... foobar for mac

Reply #4
If I remember correctly Peter doesn't intend to develop foobar2000 for operating systems other than Windows.

why is that ?

Because cross-platform development of robust software is no small matter. Peter doesn't exactly have the same kind of resources that, say, Adobe has, and even their software clearly betrays the Mac origins when on Windows, and doesn't have a Linux version*


Please ... foobar for mac

Reply #5
foobar2000's development is tied very closely to the win32 APIs that are provided by Windows. Programing foobar2000 on different platforms would basically require writing entirely new applications for those platforms.

It's just not going to happen for the same reasons it has never happened. Feel free to search for "linux" "foobar" "Mac" "win32" "OS X" "Apple" or some combination thereof to read more threads talking about this if you're really interested.

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