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Topic: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin (Read 159940 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #251
Any idea for a worthy alternative?
If you want TagBox and can do without FB2K v2 features, just stick with v1.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #252
I do not think there is an alternative unfortunately. I build my whole library around that plugin. I guess I will stick with the B17 then. It was working fine for me until then. I really hope someone will eventually make a newer version of it.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #253
Not sure if it changed, as I'm not currently running 2.0, but beta versions used to expire.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #255
oh no, how aweful
I will spend some money too to get a Version working with v2
such a great and useful Plugin can´t Rest in Peace


Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #256
Hello Everybody,

TagBox v0.220 is now available on the website, compatible with foobar2000 v2.0 (x86 and x64). Please let me know if there are any problems.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #257
Thnx a lot :)

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #258
Hello Everybody,

TagBox v0.220 is now available on the website, compatible with foobar2000 v2.0 (x86 and x64). Please let me know if there are any problems.
Thank you so much for this, I can finally move over to x64.

I'm just configuring the tags and it looks like there's a UI bug with the OK/Cancel/Apply buttons. Initially there's no buttons at all, if you move the mouse to where they should be they appear, but if you continue to move the mouse horizontally across the 3 buttons as you scroll down ghost images of the buttons remain.

If this is the only problem then I'll be a happy boy!

EDIT: There doesn't appear to be an Add button either, which is a little more problematic ;-)

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #259
Thank you very much, me too, of course.

Unfortunately, the previously indicated errors remained. And now the settings panel also appears incorrectly under fooobar 1.6.16; but it still works. (As the previous comment said.)
(I shall stay with the old foobar version, until all the add-ons, important to me, will functional in new.)

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #260
Hello Everybody,

TagBox v0.220 is now available on the website, compatible with foobar2000 v2.0 (x86 and x64). Please let me know if there are any problems.

Thanks so much! I just noticed and came here to post about it. Thanks a ton for upgrading tagbox. I've just upgraded to foobar 2.0 x64!

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #261
Many many thanks to have updated this invaluable plugin to x64 that I was really lacking in foobar v2 !

I would just point out some issues/missing features that would greatly improve the plgin:
  • Only the panel windows handle current color theming (configuration ones and standalone editor don't)
  • Configuration windows and panels don't provide scrollbars. When resizing the panel, the Apply changes button may be hidden under the tag editing list.
  • The panel window lists unconditionally all available tags whereas the right click standalone one is limited to those defined on the track
I'm very pleased to see the plugin maintained and hope for a quick update  :)

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #262
@Arash , i confirm what @SimBun said above in post #258.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #263
@NetRanger You are very welcome:) sorry for the delay.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #264
@SimBun You're welcome:)
I couldn't reproduce the problem you are describing neither with foobar2000 v2.0 nor v1.6 (windows 10)
If I set the text size to a high level in windows display settings (200% or higher) something kinda like what you're describing happens to the config page but not exactly, the Add, Apply, Cancel buttons are visible and usable. I'll look into the text size setting issue but I'm not sure if it will solve the problem you're describing :|

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #265
@incifinci You're very welcome:) please take a look at my reply to SimBun.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #266
Only the panel windows handle current color theming (configuration ones and standalone editor don't)
This is on the list of things to fix. also the dark mode (I have not even tested that yet)
Configuration windows and panels don't provide scrollbars. When resizing the panel, the Apply changes button may be hidden under the tag editing list.
This definitely needs to be fixed, I can reproduce some of the issues on my own system but not everything people are describing, I'll work on it though.
The panel window lists unconditionally all available tags whereas the right click standalone one is limited to those defined on the track
Well this was by design, the logic behind it is when you setup a panel in your layout you want to know exactly where each tag is when you quickly take peek at the panel. On the other hand goal for the right click option is to keep it as compact as possible. I agree though that it would be a good idea to give the user the option to choose the behavior they prefer for each tool.

I think it is obvious that I have very limited free time to spend on TagBox so I apologize in advance for the delay of the next version :P

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #267
@Defrance You're very welcome:) I personally still can't upgrade to 64bit, waiting for Facets :|

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #268
@SimBun You're welcome:)
I couldn't reproduce the problem you are describing neither with foobar2000 v2.0 nor v1.6 (windows 10)
If I set the text size to a high level in windows display settings (200% or higher) something kinda like what you're describing happens to the config page but not exactly, the Add, Apply, Cancel buttons are visible and usable. I'll look into the text size setting issue but I'm not sure if it will solve the problem you're describing :|
That's strange because - I think - I'm on a pretty stock Windows 10 Pro.
I've just installed a portable 1.6.16 and see the same thing.

If I play around with Windows scaling (text size made no difference), with a setting of 125 I can sort of see what I need so that might be enough to set up the configuration. I'll have another play tomorrow.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #269
Configuration windows and panels don't provide scrollbars. When resizing the panel, the Apply changes button may be hidden under the tag editing list.
This definitely needs to be fixed, I can reproduce some of the issues on my own system but not everything people are describing, I'll work on it though.
For the record I'm running foobar latest beta on a windows 11 host.

The panel window lists unconditionally all available tags whereas the right click standalone one is limited to those defined on the track
Well this was by design, the logic behind it is when you setup a panel in your layout you want to know exactly where each tag is when you quickly take peek at the panel. On the other hand goal for the right click option is to keep it as compact as possible. I agree though that it would be a good idea to give the user the option to choose the behavior they prefer for each tool.
I fully understand this wise choice. In order to have the best of the two worlds, I would suggest to simply add a static checkbox to both windows labeled "hide empty tags" or "show all tags" which could drive the drawn field selection in each window.

I think it is obvious that I have very limited free time to spend on TagBox so I apologize in advance for the delay of the next version :P
That's quite understandable and I already really appreciate that you provide this version.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #270
The 'Add' button is NOT available in the Settings for TagBox v0.220. It's is available in the old v0.212. See attached screenshots.

Windows 10 Home x64 / foobar2000 v2.0 x86

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #271
Thanks for this!  Best FB2k news in a while!

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #272
Good morning,

I installed this extension on a foobar 64 bit 2.1 preview 2023-08-28. (Windows 11 Pro)

In 48 hours I got 6 crashes with the use of this extension.

I've never gotten one before, ever.

So obviously it can be difficult to trust your extension which has qualities.
But hey, for that it would have to be finalized before making it public.

Sorry !

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #273
I just released v0.221 my first attempt to fix the config page problems on different display settings, please try it and see if you still have issues.

Re: TagBox Tag Editing Plugin

Reply #274
I just released v0.221 my first attempt to fix the config page problems on different display settings, please try it and see if you still have issues.
That's fixed it for me.
I've been using this for about a week now and - apart from the config issues - haven't had any problems.
I had been struggling with a CUI panel but my workflow is now so much more efficient.

Thank you again!