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Topic: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg) (Read 254322 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #450
How do I keep the playlists of two installs synchronized? Synchronizing the playlists-v1.4 does not do it. Both installs are identical except in some UI dimensions.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #451
When adding tracks to the playlist it would be nice not to add the same track therefore not allowing duplicates.

If this was an option in the preferences this would be great.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #452
How do I keep the playlists of two installs synchronized? Synchronizing the playlists-v1.4 does not do it. Both installs are identical except in some UI dimensions.

When adding tracks to the playlist it would be nice not to add the same track therefore not allowing duplicates.

If this was an option in the preferences this would be great.
Playlist-Manager-SMP does that if you need it

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #453
Would want to report a bug (which I have been having for years without being able to track the culprit). There has been no updates since 2015 so it should be marked as not safe to use at the plugins page, unless it is fixed...

If there is a single panel with Playlist Organizer loaded and you close all playlists loaded within foobar, as soon as you try to create a new playlist in any way (File\new playlist, sending tracks to new playlist, etc.) foobar gets blocked indefinitely. The plugin clearly gets broken as soon as there is no playlist at some point. There is no crash (and no log that points to the culprit), it simply keeps processing indefinitely.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

There is no way workaround to it unless the plugin is removed from a panel after restarting foobar and then creating a new playlist.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tested it with clean install, both with CUI and DUI layouts and no other variables.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #454
I believe this is a bug that's specific to Linux users running Foobar2000 with Wine. (Such as me and many others.)
The best way to solve it would be to simply add an option to turn autoscrolling off.

I have this problem on two Windows 10 computers (latest updates applied), one with dual screens, the other single screen. Please take another look, it's really annoying. I'm sure it didn't do this when I installed it back in 2015. Maybe it's a Windows design change but if it also appears on Linux?
It seems to be responding to Windows cursor position messages when the component doesn't have focus and even when the mouse is outwith the foobar2000 screen. IMHO this is definitely undesirable behaviour.

Me too, I have this behavior on both a recently installed W10Pro and W10Education. I believe it started after a Foobar update a couple of years ago (1.3?) - the one that fixed the playlist crash error and made the old playlists incompatible with the new ones (I think). I use the same config folder on both systems so the problem might be somewhere within. I'm confident that if someone just used my config folder they can reproduce this issue reliably on W10 and latest FB2k.

Is there a way for me to keep my 100+ playlists but reset them as if it's added from a clean install? I think that could help given that the dev can't reproduce it

Yeah, I have been having the same issue for quite some while now. First on Windows 10, now Windows 11.

Has anybody managed to fix it?

UPDATE! FIXED! - I copied the contents of my playlists folder somewhere else, emptied it, and tested whether the problem was still reproducable after creating a row of fresh new playlists. It wasn't. Then I emptied it again and copied back the original playlists. The problem still could't be reproduced. Result!

The only downside is that the playlists are not in their Playlist Organiser folders anymore. The folders still exist though, so I can just put all of them back. A bit of a hassle, but manageable.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #455

The issue has returned...  :'(

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #456
Would want to report a bug (which I have been having for years without being able to track the culprit). There has been no updates since 2015 so it should be marked as not safe to use at the plugins page, unless it is fixed...

If there is a single panel with Playlist Organizer loaded and you close all playlists loaded within foobar, as soon as you try to create a new playlist in any way (File\new playlist, sending tracks to new playlist, etc.) foobar gets blocked indefinitely. The plugin clearly gets broken as soon as there is no playlist at some point. There is no crash (and no log that points to the culprit), it simply keeps processing indefinitely.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

There is no way workaround to it unless the plugin is removed from a panel after restarting foobar and then creating a new playlist.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tested it with clean install, both with CUI and DUI layouts and no other variables.

Reminder that the plugin is still being shown as safe to use by the troubleshooter...

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #457
Now that Columns UI has a Dark Mode, I'll ask the inevitable question, as I suppose somebody has to! Any chance of making the light scrollbar go away? :)

It would seem that plorg has not been updated in some years. Hopefully this would be a small reason for it to enjoy an update. I find this component extremely useful.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #458
As far as I can tell, this component won't be seeing any more updates. So, is there anything that has been updated for fb2k 2.0 / 64-bit (or has a high chance of being updated) that replicates the functionality of this component? This one is absolutely essential for me.


Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #459
I'm thinking about a port to 2.0 / 64 bits ... when I have time and courage.
Thanks for your patience.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #461
I have been using this amazing component for a couple years now and I recently downloaded the x86 version 2 beta 12 addition of Foobar2000 and unfortunately I can't get it to work.

Failed to load DLL: foo_plorg.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

Any idea how to make it work?

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #464
I've managed to get foo_plorg in an inconsistent state that caused it to crash whenever I tried to modify my playlists.
I believe the cause was that I didn't pay attention once when updating the foobar2000 beta, and picked the x64 version instead of the x32 one; then I launched it and something broke the state stored in the DUI view containing foo_plorg. Now when I launch it again, the tree has become entirely flat (losing the structure that held 166 playlists organized). I try to structure it again, but the plugin often crashes when I try to rename a playlist or a folder and when I relaunch it I go back to a flat structure.
I've lost trust that the plugin wouldn't wipe any changes and went back to a much earlier backup.

My request would be to keep the tree state exportable and importable.  Make it as easy as possible to back up, and restore, separate from the rest of the playlist and view state. Make it possible to edit the exported state, a text editor is much more convenient than drag and dropping playlists individually (with the risk of dropping a playlist inside another, drag and drop is just too fiddly).

I don't know where the plugin state is stored when a foo_plorg view is visible. I took note of the trick given by NEMO7538 in,80705.msg706361.html#msg706361, of removing the last view element while the plugin is running so that the plugin puts it in foo_plorg.dll.cfg. This provides a partial text view, but because it's embedded in a binary structure I doubt I'd be able to edit it and still have it load.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #465
Somehow, even the restored backup (from foobar 1.6.14) still gets crashes in foobar 2.0 beta 20.

When I try to create a new playlist from foo_plorg, foo_plorg crashes without a message in the console.

Then, once I restart foobar2000, the console shows:
Code: [Select]
Watching: D:\DJ
Playlist Organizer: Unmatched number of playlists while reading configuration
Playlist Organizer: Reinitializing Treeview
Playlist #0 loaded in 0:00.000542
Album List refreshed in: 0:00.000358
Playlist #90 loaded in 0:00.000131
Playlist #91 loaded in 0:00.000157

And the treeview is flat. Completely reproducible. I have to stop using foo_plorg.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #466
Would want to report a bug (which I have been having for years without being able to track the culprit). There has been no updates since 2015 so it should be marked as not safe to use at the plugins page, unless it is fixed...

If there is a single panel with Playlist Organizer loaded and you close all playlists loaded within foobar, as soon as you try to create a new playlist in any way (File\new playlist, sending tracks to new playlist, etc.) foobar gets blocked indefinitely. The plugin clearly gets broken as soon as there is no playlist at some point. There is no crash (and no log that points to the culprit), it simply keeps processing indefinitely.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

There is no way workaround to it unless the plugin is removed from a panel after restarting foobar and then creating a new playlist.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tested it with clean install, both with CUI and DUI layouts and no other variables.

Reminder that the plugin is still being shown as safe to use by the troubleshooter...
This plugin has been reported multiple times to be non-safe since a lot of time. It's not only an incompatibility with V2.

It should have been already flagged as problematic on the crash reported and the components page.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #467
@NEMO7538 mentioned he's considering updating this plugin. If he decides against it I hope he considers open sourcing it so someone else can takeover development of this wonderful plugin. 🤞

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #468
@NEMO7538 mentioned he's considering updating this plugin.

This plugin was very useful and was a kind of heart of my foobar configuration over many years. Now, it doesn't work any more. Hopefully NEMO will continue this plugin! :-*


Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #469
This plugin's behavior is janky with foobar2000 v2 beta 24, which I guess it not unexpected?

1. Deleting playlists doesn't seem to work as expected -- at least on my mine it keeps the playlist but all the tracks get removed
2. If you happen to reorder your playlists using the official playlist manager you will notice it moves all your PLORG playlists out of your PLORG folder structure and into a folder titled "New" (you may need to restart your foobar2000 instance to notice).
3. There are some other quirky unexpected behaviors, but I hadn't bothered to log them when they occurred.

I'm not sure if an update to this plugin is still being considered, but I'm crossing my fingers.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #470
If this plugin does get updated I have three feature requests/suggestions:

1. Auto-collapse nodes setting. Implement a toggle setting to auto-collapse all nodes but the active expanded node. So with this setting enabled, whenever a user expands a node, any other expanded nodes will collapse. This would be a useful optional feature for users with a high amount of playlist folders

2. Lock node state. The ability to right click a node and lock or pin its state. This would pin the expanded state of the node preventing it from being auto-collapsed. Say you auto-collapse nodes enable, but you have one or two nodes that you always want expanded. Well this feature would enable that functionality.

3. %count_tracks%. Where the %count% variable contains the amount of items in a node (including folders), the %count_tracks% variable would report only the amount of tracks within a node excluding folders.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #471
Is there an alternative to this outdated component? Looking for something that lets me 'group' or nest playlists within a node and is compatible with Default User Interface (DUI) and the new v2 fb2k

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #472
Not that I have found. :(
Although aside from a conspicuous grey scrollbar in my preferred dark mode, this component still works well for me as of foobar2000 2.0 32bit beta 26, though granted I use Columns UI. The only small issue I've noticed currently is an interaction between it and the quicksearch toolbar, where queries are generating new empty groups that must be deleted manually.

Adding my voice to the chorus of those who enjoy this component. I have a lot of playlists and I would be pretty lost without it, it's a staple of my experience with this player.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #474
This component is extremely broken in F2k 2.0. It wasn't the greatest idea to use the theme file to store the folder structure.

Deleting any playlist now messes up the entire thing.