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Topic: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP (Read 360114 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #325
Hello there.

I am a big fan of your Windows Media Player Plus! plugin and have been using it for several years. However, I have recently switched to the x64 version of Windows Media Player for making use of 64-bit codecs. Unfortunately, your plugin is only available in 32-bit, which is not compatible with x64 WMP. I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider developing and releasing an x64 version of the Windows Media Player Plus! plugin.

As an avid user, I believe many others like myself would benefit immensely from having access to your plugin's enhancements on the 64-bit version of WMP. I understand developing software can be a significant undertaking. However, if you are able to provide an x64 version, I believe it would be very well received by your user base and could expand the reach of your product.

Thank you for continuing development of Windows Media Player Plus! plugin so far. I look forward to the possibility of an x64 Windows Media Player Plus! plugin in the future.  :D

Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #326
Thank you for your message, but unfortunately, there are no plans to support 64-bit (and there probably never will be). Supporting 64-bit would require a complete rewrite of the plug-in, time and energy that I would much rather spend on new features and other projects.

Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #327
Really like this WMPplus plugin works great with windows 11 pro, it's nice to have a rewind and fast forward feature that you can set hotkeys for works really well for the media centre remote you can set the hotkeys for the remote.

One question is there anyway to to set the rewind or fast forward to be less than 5 seconds I see options for 5, 10 & 20sec but would really like it if there was a setting to go down to 2 or 3 seconds as I use media player to listen to my music with headphones and certain music that sounds good I like to rewind a bit also currently I'm lerning languages and need to rewind like 1 or 2 seconds back to hear the word etc?

Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #328
It's currently not possible to define a hotkey to rewind or forward less than 5 seconds, I'm afraid. Such functionality might be added in a future version, but definitely not in the short term.

Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #329
Hello, I've been using this program on WMP11, and it's great. But one thing is that I need to reinstall every time in order for plugin to work. It only works after reinstalling and booting up WMP after.

Re: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #330
When the plug-in doesn't appear then that probably means that you're running the 64-bit version of WMP's executable file (wmplayer.exe), because the plug-in only supports the 32-bit version.

You should be able to resolve this by making sure that you're running C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe (and *not* wmplayer.exe in C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player, which is 64-bit).