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Topic: Database Search (Read 227158 times) previous topic - next topic
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Database Search

Stable version: 1.3.1
Beta version: 1.4 beta 2
See my 0.9 components page for download links.

Original post follows:

I have made a database search plugin B) (go to the third party plugins topic for details and download link).

I don't think it's perfect yet (search window is not resizable), but it's working. Any comments, problems, suggestions?
Have a look at the configuration page for it contains hints about the usage.

Database Search

Reply #1
nice:) its working quite well, i used to use album list as my database explorer but now ive got this too  It is extremely handy for building playlists. the search is also a hella lot faster than the normal playlist search.

bug: (unicode) xp - wierd title.

Database Search

Reply #2
bug: (unicode) xp - wierd title.

I guess, I'm setting the window title to an ANSI string. At least this will be easy to fix.

Database Search

Reply #3
I guess, I'm setting the window title to an ANSI string. At least this will be easy to fix.

Maybe, but it actually displays garbage, sometimes amongst it references to songs in my database, but not the search results. What is it supposed to display?

Also, an option to initially display the entire database would be useful (for me  )

Database Search

Reply #4
sometimes amongst it references to songs in my database, but not the search results.

It actually displays readily formatted playlist entries here every now and then, just for giggles 
A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.

Database Search

Reply #5
Damn you.    I was going to write (err, finish writing) that plugin.    (Actually, I still plan to finish it.)

Database Search

Reply #6
*sniff sniff* a fix'd version must be just around the corner.

A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.

Database Search

Reply #7
What is it supposed to display?

"Database search - x found" substitute x with a number 

Also, an option to initially display the entire database would be useful (for me   )

Not hard to implement, the empty string is contained in all strings  but it will be quite slow - that's why I decided to display an empty list.

Btw., you can download the updated version now.

EDIT: If you're interested, you can get the source code (

@Curi0us_George: Have you started? What are your ideas for this kind of plugin? I thought about making it more like the albumlist plugin (display-wise), but a listbox was easier to do  .

Database Search

Reply #8
I hadn't gotten far, honestly.  I was having trouble with the database accessing.  I finally found some little code snippets which made the database use clearer (it was mostly unclear because I was dead tired the only time I worked on it), but I haven't done anything with it since then.

Here's the reason I want this plugin:
Every time I want to play some files, I open the album list and send everything to the playlist.  (And then it auto-plays and I have to hit the stop button).  Then I open the playlist search and narrow it down.  I basically just want to have a plugin with the playlist search functionality, and the album list buttons.

(I've also considered doing a folder monitoring plugin, but it's not really a priority right now, so I haven't done any work on that at all.)

Database Search

Reply #9
Btw., you can download the updated version now.


but it will be quite slow

no, still instant

Database Search

Reply #10
but it will be quite slow

no, still instant 

How come everyone keeps on saying this is faster than the playlist search thing? For me at least, this plugin is waaaay slower than the pl-search, which indeed is instant with me. But nice plugin though, I like this

Database Search

Reply #11
but it will be quite slow

no, still instant 

How come everyone keeps on saying this is faster than the playlist search thing?

its not really.

in that quote i meant it still loads up instantly, but it is slow if you clear the string subsequently.

when i said it was fast before it wasn't a fair comparison because the playlist search was searching though more than artist/title/album.

after putting the search strings the same, the speed is the same. but for some reason the playlist search is instally slow for me, i.e. when you first enter a character.

edit: ok the new 0.2 version is instant 

Database Search

Reply #12
Get the new version! Search window is now resizable and searching is a bit faster.

Any ideas for improvements (like "Remember window position" - I think that I will add this)?

Database Search

Reply #13
i just realised the (annoying) search logic. first it would only search one field so i changed "%artist%|%album%|%title%" to "%artist% - %album% - %title%" (i prefer the dashes than just a space)

ok that makes sense. but say artist is "123" and title is "blah (remix)". search for "123 remix" you wont get any results

It seems to treat the search as one string, playlist search doesn't behave like this, it will separate the strings at spaces.

Maybe this could be a option?

Database Search

Reply #14
It seems to treat the search as one string, playlist search doesn't behave like this, it will separate the strings at spaces.

Maybe this could be a option?

To be honest, I didn't realize that playlist search behaved like this. I guess this should be changed.

Unluckily, I won't have much time until after the weekend. So if someone else wants to add this, do it. All I ask for, is that you send me your changes, so I can update the official version  . Of course you will get credits.

EDIT: reminder: link to source code

Database Search

Reply #15
You just need to tokenize the input.  It's going to increase search time, though.  You might want to add a "search for exact string" checkbox (checked by default).

P.S.  I've gotten fairly far along with my code now.  I'm looking at changing the core logic, though.  I think I've got a couple of ideas that could drastically speed up searches, but I think the memory overhead might be high.

Database Search

Reply #16
"Damn you Visual Studio!"

I've been searching for a bug for about an hour.  For whatever reason, VS wasn't properly linking the most recent versions of some files.  A rebuild fixed it.  Arg.  I couldn't implemented useful things in that hour, instead of inserting debug code everywhere.

Database Search

Reply #17
The "dedicated display/sorting formatting" strings can't be longer than the box you write them to, would it be possible to fix this?

Database Search

Reply #18
I noticed that the "auto-search" toggle isn't doing anything.  (I was comparing the memory use and speed of your plugin compared to mine.)  This is with foo_dbsearch 0.4 and foobar2000 0.6b6.

Database Search

Reply #19
I noticed that the "auto-search" toggle isn't doing anything.  (I was comparing the memory use and speed of your plugin compared to mine.)  This is with foo_dbsearch 0.4 and foobar2000 0.6b6.

Also happens with the ANSI version. I was sure it worked before. Expect a fix later.

Database Search

Reply #20
What has started as a simple and lightweight plugin, now evolved into what would more likely be called "geek toy". Yes, that's right, a new version of foo_dbsearch is out, and it rises high above its predecessors in a blinding flash of light! Download it, and unleash its fierce power upon your unsuspecting database!

Sorry, I just had to say this... 

A note about the change log: Even it is says that the search sematics have changed, the default display string is set to compensate for that.
I'm waiting for your comments now.

Database Search

Reply #21
I'm using the latest Foobar (b7) and the latest DB Search plugin.  I love the new, quicker search but I'm having a problem with it.  It seems that if I try to close Foobar with the DB Search window visible, Foobar will hang.  Can anybody confirm/duplicate this?

Database Search

Reply #22
yes , same problem

win98 se
foobar 0.6 b7
DB Search plugin 0.6 ansi
Music is my first love.

Database Search

Reply #23

fb2k0.6b7 nt version + dbsearch unicode
fb2k0.6b7 nt version + dbsearch ansi
fb2k0.6b7 9x version + dbsearch ansi
A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.

Database Search

Reply #24
Evil deadlock is fixed. Silly me, I thought I could use semaphores for mutual exclusion... concurrency is wonderful. I did not increase the version number, as it was really a tiny change to the source.