i prefer the default one
oh well, it was worth a try.
any response to this earlier post?
@falstaff, i have another feature request and that's for the DELETE key to work on the active playlist when the playlist manager is open. currently, pressing that key removes the selected item from the playlist.
@sylla, import the new common8 version of the last.fm similar artists script into your panel.
add this as the first line of code....
var img = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "marc2003\\images\\auto.ico");
then replace the whole on_paint function with this...
function on_paint(gr) {
p.left_text(gr, li.header_text(), p.title_font, p.textcolour_hl, 6, 6, p.w - 12, 24);
gr.DrawLine(5, 29, p.w - 5, 29, 1, p.textcolour_hl & 0x45ffffff);
li.text_x = li.lastfm_mode == 0 ? 20 : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(li.items, li.rows); i++) {
if (li.lastfm_mode == 0) p.draw_image(gr, img, li.x, li.y + 16 + (i * li.row_height), 16, 16)
p.left_text(gr, li.names[i + li.offset], p.list_font, p.textcolour, li.x + li.text_x, li.y + 15 + (i * li.row_height), li.text_width, li.row_height);
lastly, replace the whole on_mouse_lbtn_up function with this..
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
if (li.in_range && x > li.x && x < li.x + 20) p.browser("https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(li.names[li.index]));
else li.lbtn_up(x, y);
you can replace the URL with your own naughty code. the button is clickable and you can change what happens when you click on the text by using the right click menu. the options are to open Last.fm or create an autoplaylist.