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Topic: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools) (Read 204101 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75
I would really like the ability to be able to specify priorities dynamically: e.g. %rating%*100 + %play_count%
Besides that I don't see any real use for the example, it doesn't make any sense anyway. You cannot apply track based calculations to groups.

An even bigger (?) feature request is to have different priority ratings for different playlists (and autoadd).  For example I would like to be able to have a pop/rock autoadd list and a separate classical/jazz autoadd list.
At the moment I don't plan to implement something like this, but maybe in the future.


Reply #76
Hi fbuser

I don't know how hard this would be to do, but what I'd really like is the ability to easily switch on/off pools, yet keep the same All Pools weightings ("priorities"), but only have those priorities apply to selected pools. Like so ...

At present if I want, for example, 3 complimentary (e.g. gentle background music) pools to randomly play, I have switch the priority of all non suitable pools to 0, which is a pain, then later switch them back to whatever they were before, which I can never remember. Easier to simply tick and untick and have a select all / select none right click option.

Just an idea, what do you think?


EDIT: for clarity.
PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)


Reply #77
Nice plugin, thanks 
I want to random select individual songs. When I use %title% as Group,  tracks which are more than once on the disc appears on the playlist multiple times


Reply #78
try %filename% as the group.
set limit number of tracks to add: 1
Number of groups to add: [number of tracks you want in the playlist]
make sure "sort / limit each group" is checked.

that works well for me.

for Group you need to use a unique field or you'll get duplicates.

Nice plugin, thanks 
I want to random select individual songs. When I use %title% as Group,  tracks which are more than once on the disc appears on the playlist multiple times


Reply #79
I totally love this component, it's great! Very intuitive to work with and it really does what it should.

I guess this might've been already suggested, but it would be awesome if you could auto-add different things into different playlists. Ie. I have a playlist called "pool|ranked" where it sends a weighted-random item based on %ranking%, but I'd also like a playlist where I get a "pool|DAR" weighted-random item based on DAR rating. Maybe I just didn't understand correctly and I'm doing it wrong, though?


Reply #81
That's what I get for reading the first few pages and going "I'll just post this..."


Reply #82
hell, i think i m rly dumb, because i don't get it to work at all.

i installed the component
Went to menu -> Random Pool
Hit Add...
Name: Sony Walkman
Group: %libary%
Number of groups to add 0
Filter: %rating% GREATER 2
Number of MBs to add: 6840
Priority: 10

Plalylist patterns: All Music
Add, when playlist has X items or less: 1
PLaybback position: 0

In my opoinion i should somewhere get a playslist that has all songs with rating greater 2.

But i can't find it...

What i want do have, if someone wants to give me the code:
A playlist that has a maximum file size of 6,84GB
and includes only songs with rating 3, 4 and 5

i hope someone can help me


Reply #83
Group: %libary%
Number of groups to add 0

You're telling it to search ALL tracks (Group: %libary%) BUT not add any (Number of groups to add 0).
This needs to be at least 1 in general and in your case:

Code: [Select]
Number of groups to add 1

And for tidyness sake you could change %libary% to %library% (but this makes no difference, as you've realised if you make up a %field% that doesn't exist it will search all tracks).

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)


Reply #84
thanks, it works now;)

My main problem was that i needed some hours of sleep to figgure ot how to create the playlist it self, i think;)

works fine now;)


Reply #85
Is it possible to sort in descending order?


Reply #86
Hell it still does not work the way i want it to.

My current config for random pool is:
Name: Sony Walkman
Group: %library%
Determine probability for picking groups based: Unchecked
Number of groups to add: 1
Filter: %rating% GREATER 2
Priority: 1
Limit: Numbers of MBs to add: 7800
Limit after Sorting: Unchecked
Sort: empty
Sort/Limit each group: uncheced

%rating% GREATER 2 contains around 10GB of files
But i can only store around 7,8GB on my player

So, i create an empty playlist
Hit random pools...Sony Walkman
Foobar adds files to the playlist
But always just 6-7GB not 7,8 gb

what am i doing wrong?


Reply #87
Which size have the files you are going to add to the playlist? If you have encoded complete albums into one file with a lossy format, it could explain your results as the limit will never be exceeded and the fillling algorithm will also not try to come as close to the limit as possible. If the next random track to be chosen during the filling would exceed the limit, nothing more will be added and the filling is considered as complete.

What are the values for "Number of tracks to add" and "Number of minutes to add"?

BTW, the expected result should be about 7,6GB as 7800MB=7,6 GB.


Reply #88
thank you,
i had 1 loosless album in the filter, that seemed to be the problem.

The GB size was just entered random because i did not know how much space the sony has free.

NUmber of tracks and Number of of minutes are: 0 (no limit)

I started a new topic for some more questions  because i don't want to spam this threat any longer;)

pls have a look at it:


Reply #89
hi fbuser,
I was just rereading through the thread, haven't been around in a while.
any chance you have considered carpman's suggestion in post #77?

I have been hoping for a quicker way to enable/disable the all the various pools I have created depending on my listening mood.
Alternatively, perhaps if there was a way to tie specific pools/priorities to unique Autoadd playlist patterns.

If it's too much effort or not feasible, that's cool.  Totally love the plugin the way it is.


Reply #90
anyone here who wants to help me?

I currently have randompools set up to create a 6.97GB playlist with songs %Rating% GREATER 2.
THat on is quite fine, but i have much more rating 3 songs than 4/5, so there are more of them in the playlist.

What i want to have:
A playlist that first puts in all rating 4/5 Songs
But never more than 5.00GB (no exact 5gb needed, just in this range)
FIlls the rest with rating 3 songs

HOw can this be done?
Just by 2 random pool setups?
THe problem is currently i don't have 5gb of 4/5 songs, so the setup has to be dynamic

I hope this works via sorting or such, but i don'T get it to work right....



Reply #91
I have my random pools selecting from an autoplaylist of tracks that have never been played.

When I add some of these tracks into my random pool playlist, some tracks indicate as being played.

Is this because random pools merely looks for a track name in the playlist, but doesn't differentiate the actual non played track in the autoplaylist from an identical one appearing on another album which has already been played?




Reply #92
I have my random pools selecting from an autoplaylist of tracks that have never been played.
No, you don't. Random pools is selecting always from the media library, never from a playlist.

Is this because random pools merely looks for a track name in the playlist,
No, it looks for the tracks in the library which matches your group and filter epressions.

but doesn't differentiate the actual non played track in the autoplaylist from an identical one appearing on another album which has already been played?
If you are using foo_playcount to determine wether a track was played or not, it's probably caused by the behaviour of this component to consider such kind of tracks to be identical. But without knowing more details (at least the group and filter expression) this is only a guess, which wouldn't actually explain, why already played tracks are selected at all.


Reply #93

Under the playlist patterns section, a dropdown list gives me all my playlists. I merely selected one of those.

I do use the playcount component.




Reply #94
Tracks are selected by whatever definition you provided in the ADD random pool dialog. If that definition does not filter out played tracks, you get played tracks.

The playlist patterns drop down section has noting to do with track selection.

From documentation
Autoadd - Playlist patterns: Various wildcard patterns separated by ; can be entered here for matching a playlist name. If the name of the currently playing playlist matches one of these patterns, entries from a random pool with a priority unequal to zero will be added to the playlist, if one of the following two conditions is true:


Reply #95
Thanks for the reply. I got it now.
So basically All Pools is a lucky dip where you pick one pool from all the pools - which matches with the results I've been getting.

In which case I have a feature request.
Can you have a Run All Pools (except for those with a priority of 0) feature. This would be the equivalent of manually selecting each of the pools in the list.

Because so far what foo_random_pools can't do is provide a selection of tracks from a number of varied criteria, and this would allow for that, because you've made is easy to set the limits on each pool quite small (i.e. just a few tracks). So you can have a little of this, a little of that and a little of the other. 



Any news on this feature, would be ideal for creating streaming radio stations eg.. Having a pool for rock, pop and rap and having one track from each pool added to the playlist simultaniously, would be awsome


Reply #96
I'm pretty much satisfied with foo_random pools in this regard. There is a way to get weighted random playlists but in a sense only on the fly. The way I do it is as follows:

I've got something like 30 queries, each selects only one track. These are added to a playlist called random, which updates when there are less than 3 tracks in it (there's a reason for that number -- i.e. if a pool yields no tracks which is possible then the playlist doesn't breakdown with no tracks to play, additionally if you make the number too large then the possibility of duplicate tracks increases).

So then you can adjust the probabilities.

Additionally, the use of Hotness as a variable %last_played% filter in conjunction with DAR (see here), comes in very handy as a way to filter in conjunction with foo_random_pools.

Hope that helps.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)


Reply #97
Mabey im miss understanding the settings but, i want 3 pools and one track from each pool to be added when there is only one track left in the playlist. As far as i can see tracks are only added from one pool at a time.


Title: Pop
Group: %LIBRARY%
No of Groups: 1
No of tracks to add: 1
Priority: 1

I repeat this for Rap and rock so i have 3 pools, 1 for each genre, I would like autoadd to add one track from each pool when there is less than 1 item on the playlist.
Is this Possible?

Edit: i would also like the tracks to be added in the order that the pools appear in the pools list



Reply #98
Mabey im miss understanding the settings but, i want 3 pools and one track from each pool to be added when there is only one track left in the playlist. As far as i can see tracks are only added from one pool at a time.
Yes, this is basically correct. There is an easy but only manual solution: Assign to all relevant pools, which you have defined, the same keyboard shortcut. Another more complex solution, which adds more than one pool automatically, could be to utilize function on_playlist_items_removed(playlist, new_count) {} within foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod together with "Remove played tracks" from foo_playlist_attributes.


Reply #99
Ha that works
thankyou very much