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Topic: [crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2 (Read 496238 times) previous topic - next topic
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[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

~ foo_uie_lyrics2 features~

- automatically loads lyrics from tag, file association, file search and internet search
- supports text-only lyrics as well as timestamped (LRC) lyrics
- supports default user interface (DUI)
- supports columns user interface (CUI)
- has a many configuration settings, to set it up just the way you want

This is a google code project  (

~ Download lastest version ~
foo_uie_lyrics2_0.4.6.12 - 443.3 KB:

~ Report bugs here ~

~ Changelog ~
- fixed saved lyrics not getting displayed first when loaded from cache
- fixed some images not getting resized correctly
- online stream song start position is no longer lost on a lyrics change
- added posibility to use folders in file name save pattern
- added support for internet radios / streams
- manual downloaded lyrics are now loaded immediately
- added "about current lyrics" info dialog
- fixed memory leak on dui window destruction
- fixed RAM cache not always getting used
- fixed list settings not working
- fixed config dialog not being on top
- added possible freeze workaround
- fixed displaying lyrics on playback stop
- fixed download button stays disabled after online search
- reduced cpu-time for playback callback
- fixed crashbug on track change
- fixed 3 memory leaks related to track change
- fixed ailrc support
- added tag editing support for "Open with external editor" (will open foobar2000 file properties)
- codepage dialog now applies selected codepage to preview text when opened
- disabled lrcdb because webpage is down
- updated database implementations to support title-only searches
- fixed incorrect usage of dui font
- fixed freezing when using online search
- fixed padding changes not taking effect immediately
- changed codepage assumption for assicated lyrics files
- added new setting "try to display synced lyrics first"
- fix for online lyrics sometimes not getting saved automatically
- possible fix for freezes on track change
- added option "use dui font/colors" to override font&color with dui settings
- now every instance has its own configuration and configuration is saved in dui/cui theme settings
**** WARNING: you will loose your configuration when upgrading from previous versions to this version, due to new configuration system *******

~ Source code ~
Source is available @ google code:

Currently we have 2 source bases:

foo_uie_lyrics2 : legacy code
foo_display_lyrics: redesigned, new code base

~ Feature suggestions: ~
- allow different searches (with regex style) where one can customize the search pattern (e.g. $["The "]{0,1}%artist%^)
  -> currently not supported by any known online database
- add option to use color gradients for background color.

Scheduled for 0.4.7
-possibility to rearange online lyrics databases
-progress bar for online search
-support for alsong lyrics database
-support for alloflyrics lyrics database
-support for lyricsplugin database
-support for plyrics lyrics database

Scheduled for 0.4.8
-possibility to sync lyrics progress with song progress

-wiki page for "help button"

If you have any other good idea, please let me know!

~ About foo_uie_lyrics2 ~
foo_uie_lyrics ("Lyric Show Panel") by bluenet & T.P Wang is my favorite lyrics plugin for foobar.
Sadly it is marked "heavy crashware"  by the Online Trobleshooter, and is no longer under development.
I've decided to change that & pick up development.
So, based upon the latest version by T.P Wang, here is foo_uie_lyrics2.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #1
regex support would be awesome. maybe you can have a default setting that does some basic replacements. i hate it when lyrics are not found because of silly things like "& vs and" or "pt. 2 vs part 2".

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #2
@Michael87, easiest way to find bugs in foo_uie_lyrics would be ask Peter to share his precious collection of crashdumps.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #3
Thanks for taking and maintaining this component

In addition, I'm currently looking for other online lyrics databases (with timestamp / LRC support), so if you know any, let me know & I'll add support for it. (python code) (python code included in here, together with 2 other Chinese LRC sites)

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #4
An odd bug was present in 0.3.x versions - when audio cd was played & downloading is enabled, plugin could not find lyrics which he already downloaded once for that very audio cd track.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #5
New release!


- added new databases:,
- new option: set which lyrics source to try first, before going through the normal load order (under Misc settings)
- new option: set tag to which unsynced lyrics are written to (under Misc settings)
- new option: set tag to which synced lyrics are written to (under Misc settings)
- fixed crashbug in clipboard code

The search strategy is now as follows:

1 )  Try to get timestamped (lrc) lyrics from - match artist, title, album
2 )  Try to get timestamped (lrc) lyrics from - match artist, title
3 )  Try to get any kind of lyrics from - match artist, title
4 )  Try to get plain text lyrics from - match artist, title
5 )  Try to get plain text lyrics from - match artist, title

That's a good idea, once I'ive implemented the feature, I'll add those

  • done 

      That was extremely helpful, thanks a lot!

      Okay, I'll investigate this

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #6
@Michael87, easiest way to find bugs in foo_uie_lyrics would be ask Peter to share his precious collection of crashdumps.

And just my opinion, it would be best to focus on fixing those bugs before adding things...

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #7
And just my opinion, it would be best to focus on fixing those bugs before adding things...

yeah, I agree, though these crashdumps are very difficult for me to analyze because I am missing the "debug databases" which only T.P Wang has .
Anyways, I was already able to fix one of those bugs (see changelog)

i just discovered another 2 internet lyrics databases, they will be added in the next version

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #8
Can I rename the file and replace T.P.Wang's component or will that cause problems?

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #9
This is good news, Michael87 continue to optimize the plug-in, in previous versions the most bothering issue is the overlapping.
Online search is so slowly that I almost lost patience, and I can't search the Chinese lyrics.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #10

Very up-to-date on Japanese lyrics (though it's a Chinese site).

edit:  this is off-topic but I have no idea why uie_lyrics is marked as heavy crashware.  I haven't had foobar crash in a good year or so.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #11
Good to know someone to maintain this component again.

Unfortunately, I've lost my PDB files for a long time. So it's nearly impossible to debug previous versions of foo_uie_lyrics now

And I suggest you to not only rename the dll name, but also rename both panel and component name, and then ask Peter the right to access crash-dumps browser.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #12
Got a crash while setting up the "formatting string for lyric not found" during playback (the same behaviour than foo_uie_lyrics had some times...)

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 031B5460h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 032C1000h

Call path:

Code bytes (031B5460h):
031B5420h:  74 06 8B 01 8B 10 FF D2 32 C0 8B 4C 24 44 64 89
031B5430h:  0D 00 00 00 00 59 5F 5E 5D 5B 83 C4 3C C3 CC CC
031B5440h:  83 EC 08 53 8B 5C 24 14 55 56 57 8B 7C 24 24 33
031B5450h:  F6 33 C0 33 ED 85 FF 76 55 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00
031B5460h:  66 83 3C 73 03 75 42 8D 4C 24 10 51 8B 4C 24 20
031B5470h:  8B D6 2B D0 52 8D 04 43 50 51 FF 15 58 70 1F 03
031B5480h:  03 6C 24 10 46 3B F7 73 1C 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00
031B5490h:  66 83 3C 73 03 74 09 46 3B F7 72 F4 8B C6 EB 0A

Stack (0044EFA8h):
0044EF88h:  00000000 FFFFFD34 000002E4 FFFFFD34
0044EF98h:  000002CC 00000019 00000000 0044EFB8
0044EFA8h:  FFFFFFFF 032BAE1C 0044EFF4 0000012A
0044EFB8h:  00005084 0000000D 031BB682 260114BC
0044EFC8h:  032BAE1C FFFFFFFF 032BA750 00000072
0044EFD8h:  00000071 032BA750 0044F0B0 031D287D
0044EFE8h:  FFFFFFFF 580F3F9E 00000072 0044F0B0
0044EFF8h:  031BD280 032BAE1C FFFFFFFF 0044F030
0044F008h:  031B5440 580F207E 00000000 00000410
0044F018h:  032BA750 77712A71 00000001 00000072
0044F028h:  00FFFFFF 0000000D 032B84B0 0058E2F8
0044F038h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0044F048h:  05830300 00000071 00000022 00000000
0044F058h:  00000030 0000012F 014CBAE8 031FC378
0044F068h:  05440700 031FC064 032BD528 00000072
0044F078h:  00000080 00000071 5804A304 032BAD38
0044F088h:  032B317C 032B317C 00000000 00000072
0044F098h:  00000077 580F2072 77890155 0044F214
0044F0A8h:  031F2A83 00000008 0044F220 031BDF1D
0044F0B8h:  00000410 580F20AE 00000000 032B317C

EAX: 00001D87, EBX: 032BAE1C, ECX: 0044EF44, EDX: 063E0000
ESI: 000030F2, EDI: FFFFFFFF, EBP: 00005084, ESP: 0044EFA8

Crash location:
Module: foo_uie_lyrics2
Offset: 5460h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 01350000h - 0150B000h
ntdll                            loaded at 77DA0000h - 77F20000h
kernel32                        loaded at 77350000h - 77450000h
KERNELBASE                      loaded at 75FE0000h - 76026000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 74110000h - 742AE000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 75BC0000h - 75C6C000h
GDI32                            loaded at 777D0000h - 77860000h
USER32                          loaded at 77860000h - 77960000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 76030000h - 760D0000h
sechost                          loaded at 75AA0000h - 75AB9000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 76D20000h - 76E10000h
SspiCli                          loaded at 75910000h - 75970000h
CRYPTBASE                        loaded at 75900000h - 7590C000h
LPK                              loaded at 77990000h - 7799A000h
USP10                            loaded at 75980000h - 75A1D000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 75AC0000h - 75B17000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 71B10000h - 71B82000h
ole32                            loaded at 75E80000h - 75FDC000h
WINMM                            loaded at 73680000h - 736B2000h
POWRPROF                        loaded at 72710000h - 72735000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77090000h - 7722D000h
CFGMGR32                        loaded at 77960000h - 77987000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77490000h - 7751F000h
DEVOBJ                          loaded at 76F30000h - 76F42000h
UxTheme                          loaded at 73BF0000h - 73C70000h
dbghelp                          loaded at 66BD0000h - 66CBB000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 760D0000h - 76D19000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002B000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 77290000h - 772BA000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 75A20000h - 75A9B000h
IMM32                            loaded at 77550000h - 775B0000h
MSCTF                            loaded at 77700000h - 777CC000h
CLBCatQ                          loaded at 75B20000h - 75BA3000h
MMDevApi                        loaded at 69B20000h - 69B59000h
PROPSYS                          loaded at 6C400000h - 6C4F5000h
dwmapi                          loaded at 721F0000h - 72203000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 02A10000h - 02B5B000h
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum  loaded at 002C0000h - 002FF000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 73A60000h - 73BF0000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 00300000h - 00348000h
foo_musicbrainz                  loaded at 67210000h - 6726C000h
WINHTTP                          loaded at 678A0000h - 678F8000h
webio                            loaded at 67960000h - 679AF000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 00900000h - 0094F000h
foo_discogs                      loaded at 009F0000h - 00A55000h
WININET                          loaded at 775B0000h - 776A4000h
Normaliz                        loaded at 75BB0000h - 75BB3000h
urlmon                          loaded at 76F50000h - 77085000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 76E10000h - 76F2C000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 75E70000h - 75E7C000h
iertutil                        loaded at 75C70000h - 75E69000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 00950000h - 00980000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 03340000h - 0344E000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 73E40000h - 73E45000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 00A60000h - 00A8F000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 00BA0000h - 00BE2000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 00E70000h - 00EE0000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 012B0000h - 01304000h
foo_uie_quicksearch              loaded at 00D10000h - 00D56000h
foo_uie_elplaylist              loaded at 02B60000h - 02BD1000h
foo_uie_lyrics2                  loaded at 031B0000h - 03215000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 02E10000h - 02E5D000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum    loaded at 03250000h - 0328D000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 03700000h - 03749000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 03770000h - 037B3000h
foo_lyricsgrabber                loaded at 66B70000h - 66BC2000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 77450000h - 77485000h
NSI                              loaded at 77D70000h - 77D76000h
foo_uie_panel_splitter          loaded at 03B10000h - 03B69000h
foo_uie_biography                loaded at 03B70000h - 03BC3000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 03E80000h - 03FF0000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 03FF0000h - 0404C000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod            loaded at 658D0000h - 65977000h
SXS                              loaded at 6C660000h - 6C6BF000h
jscript                          loaded at 69EE0000h - 69F92000h
VERSION                          loaded at 737C0000h - 737C9000h
CRYPTSP                          loaded at 73660000h - 73676000h
rsaenh                          loaded at 72900000h - 7293B000h
RpcRtRemote                      loaded at 736C0000h - 736CE000h
WindowsCodecs                    loaded at 69B80000h - 69C7B000h
scrrun                          loaded at 64B30000h - 64B5A000h
sud                              loaded at 643C0000h - 6447B000h
ADVPACK                          loaded at 67B50000h - 67B7E000h
DUI70                            loaded at 679B0000h - 67A62000h
explorerframe                    loaded at 67F70000h - 680DF000h
DUser                            loaded at 67F40000h - 67F6F000h
c_is2022                        loaded at 67C70000h - 67C76000h
c_g18030                        loaded at 67AE0000h - 67B1A000h
c_iscii                          loaded at 68200000h - 68206000h
fms                              loaded at 671F0000h - 67209000h
mswsock                          loaded at 714B0000h - 714EC000h
DNSAPI                          loaded at 71460000h - 714A4000h
IPHLPAPI                        loaded at 72840000h - 7285C000h
WINNSI                          loaded at 72830000h - 72837000h
rasadhlp                        loaded at 71390000h - 71396000h
AUDIOSES                        loaded at 69AB0000h - 69AE6000h
profapi                          loaded at 73A50000h - 73A5B000h
RASAPI32                        loaded at 6E5D0000h - 6E622000h
rasman                          loaded at 6D6D0000h - 6D6E5000h
rtutils                          loaded at 6D6C0000h - 6D6CD000h
sensapi                          loaded at 72770000h - 72776000h
NLAapi                          loaded at 714F0000h - 71500000h
ntmarta                          loaded at 6F980000h - 6F9A1000h
WLDAP32                          loaded at 776B0000h - 776F5000h
winrnr                          loaded at 71450000h - 71458000h
napinsp                          loaded at 71440000h - 71450000h
wshtcpip                        loaded at 6D6A0000h - 6D6A5000h
wship6                          loaded at 6D690000h - 6D696000h
pnrpnsp                          loaded at 71420000h - 71432000h
fwpuclnt                        loaded at 713E0000h - 71418000h
avrt                            loaded at 69B70000h - 69B77000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 031BB682h (foo_uie_lyrics2+B682h)
Address: 031D287Dh (foo_uie_lyrics2+2287Dh)
Address: 031BD280h (foo_uie_lyrics2+D280h)
Address: 031B5440h (foo_uie_lyrics2+5440h)
Address: 77712A71h (MSCTF+12A71h), symbol: "CtfImeInquireExW" (+58h)
Address: 014CBAE8h (foobar2000+17BAE8h)
Address: 031FC378h (foo_uie_lyrics2+4C378h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+1F338h)
Address: 031FC064h (foo_uie_lyrics2+4C064h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+1F024h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 031F2A83h (foo_uie_lyrics2+42A83h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+15A43h)
Address: 031BDF1Dh (foo_uie_lyrics2+DF1Dh)
Address: 75FF44F8h (KERNELBASE+144F8h), symbol: "LocalUnlock" (+BFh)
Address: 75FF450Eh (KERNELBASE+1450Eh), symbol: "LocalUnlock" (+D5h)
Address: 77876FEDh (USER32+16FEDh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0h)
Address: 77561CC3h (IMM32+11CC3h), symbol: "ImmUnlockClientImc" (+13h)
Address: 77561DCCh (IMM32+11DCCh), symbol: "ImmUnlockIMC" (+43h)
Address: 77706276h (MSCTF+6276h), symbol: "TF_InvalidAssemblyListCacheIfExist" (+576h)
Address: 7770625Ch (MSCTF+625Ch), symbol: "TF_InvalidAssemblyListCacheIfExist" (+55Ch)
Address: 7770467Ch (MSCTF+467Ch), symbol: "DllCanUnloadNow" (+698h)
Address: 777041B5h (MSCTF+41B5h), symbol: "DllCanUnloadNow" (+1D1h)
Address: 77704224h (MSCTF+4224h), symbol: "DllCanUnloadNow" (+240h)
Address: 77704224h (MSCTF+4224h), symbol: "DllCanUnloadNow" (+240h)
Address: 777041B5h (MSCTF+41B5h), symbol: "DllCanUnloadNow" (+1D1h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 77876F8Fh (USER32+16F8Fh), symbol: "IsThreadDesktopComposited" (+95h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 7787701Bh (USER32+1701Bh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Eh)
Address: 77877027h (USER32+17027h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 031F3EE4h (foo_uie_lyrics2+43EE4h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+16EA4h)
Address: 77878B7Ch (USER32+18B7Ch), symbol: "SetWindowLongW" (+0h)
Address: 031C927Ch (foo_uie_lyrics2+1927Ch)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 77876238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 778A12A1h (USER32+412A1h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+341h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 778A1259h (USER32+41259h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+2F9h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 778A10E2h (USER32+410E2h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+182h)
Address: 031C9230h (foo_uie_lyrics2+19230h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 778A11E7h (USER32+411E7h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+287h)
Address: 77876238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 778768EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 77876899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 7787CD1Ah (USER32+1CD1Ah), symbol: "GetWindow" (+21Ah)
Address: 7787CD81h (USER32+1CD81h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+4Ch)
Address: 032094CCh (foo_uie_lyrics2+594CCh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+2C48Ch)
Address: 77878B7Ch (USER32+18B7Ch), symbol: "SetWindowLongW" (+0h)
Address: 031C4524h (foo_uie_lyrics2+14524h)
Address: 032094CCh (foo_uie_lyrics2+594CCh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+2C48Ch)
Address: 031FC1A4h (foo_uie_lyrics2+4C1A4h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+1F164h)
Address: 7599732Dh (USP10+1732Dh), symbol: "UspFreeMem" (+22Dh)
Address: 77876E4Ch (USER32+16E4Ch), symbol: "GetClassNameW" (+348h)
Address: 778761D3h (USER32+161D3h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+20Bh)
Address: 778E0230h (USER32+80230h), symbol: "ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy" (+596Ah)
Address: 77876EF4h (USER32+16EF4h), symbol: "GetClassNameW" (+3F0h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 77876F8Fh (USER32+16F8Fh), symbol: "IsThreadDesktopComposited" (+95h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 7787701Bh (USER32+1701Bh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Eh)
Address: 77877027h (USER32+17027h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 031F28E6h (foo_uie_lyrics2+428E6h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+158A6h)
Address: 031DAEFCh (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEFCh)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 77876238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 778A12A1h (USER32+412A1h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+341h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 778A1259h (USER32+41259h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+2F9h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 778A10E2h (USER32+410E2h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+182h)
Address: 031DAEB0h (foo_uie_lyrics2+2AEB0h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 778A11E7h (USER32+411E7h), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+287h)
Address: 77876238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 778768EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 778A11BEh (USER32+411BEh), symbol: "SendNotifyMessageW" (+25Eh)
Address: 77876899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 7787CD1Ah (USER32+1CD1Ah), symbol: "GetWindow" (+21Ah)
Address: 7787CD81h (USER32+1CD81h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+4Ch)
Address: 741A4877h (COMCTL32+94877h), symbol: "DrawSizeBox" (+3277h)
Address: 74160466h (COMCTL32+50466h), symbol: "ImageList_Duplicate" (+6B15h)
Address: 74160284h (COMCTL32+50284h), symbol: "ImageList_Duplicate" (+6933h)
Address: 7416051Ah (COMCTL32+5051Ah), symbol: "ImageList_Duplicate" (+6BC9h)
Address: 032512B0h (foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum+12B0h)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 7787701Bh (USER32+1701Bh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Eh)
Address: 77877027h (USER32+17027h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 77876FEDh (USER32+16FEDh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0h)
Address: 741A70D1h (COMCTL32+970D1h), symbol: "ImageList_SetBkColor" (+291h)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 778834D6h (USER32+234D6h), symbol: "IsChild" (+0h)
Address: 77876238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 778768EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 77876899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 77877D31h (USER32+17D31h), symbol: "LoadStringW" (+11Fh)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 7787CD81h (USER32+1CD81h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+4Ch)
Address: 77890155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 77877DFAh (USER32+17DFAh), symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+Fh)
Address: 7411D03Bh (COMCTL32+D03Bh), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+66A1h)
Address: 77892292h (USER32+32292h), symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+11Eh)
Address: 77892174h (USER32+32174h), symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 013B3C7Fh (foobar2000+63C7Fh)
Address: 77877E92h (USER32+17E92h), symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 77361199h (kernel32+11199h), symbol: "SetLastError" (+0h)
Address: 77880112h (USER32+20112h), symbol: "PeekMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 0147CFA8h (foobar2000+12CFA8h)
Address: 013B3D3Eh (foobar2000+63D3Eh)
Address: 013B4BC8h (foobar2000+64BC8h)
Address: 0149CEE0h (foobar2000+14CEE0h)
Address: 0149CEE0h (foobar2000+14CEE0h)
Address: 014AB2CCh (foobar2000+15B2CCh)
Address: 01350000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 77DCE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 77DCDF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 014AB2B0h (foobar2000+15B2B0h)
Address: 00333534h (foo_fileops+33534h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+21BA4h)
Address: 002C8648h (foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum+8648h)
Address: 77DCE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 77DCDF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 77DCDEC6h (ntdll+2DEC6h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 014D0208h (foobar2000+180208h)
Address: 01468454h (foobar2000+118454h)
Address: 0146FE30h (foobar2000+11FE30h)
Address: 0146B9B0h (foobar2000+11B9B0h)
Address: 0146FE30h (foobar2000+11FE30h)
Address: 0146DF0Dh (foobar2000+11DF0Dh)
Address: 77DE027Fh (ntdll+4027Fh), symbol: "RtlCreateHeap" (+1A4h)
Address: 01468CA2h (foobar2000+118CA2h)
Address: 01488A57h (foobar2000+138A57h)
Address: 100027ECh (shared+27ECh), symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+2Fh)
Address: 014A032Ch (foobar2000+15032Ch)
Address: 013B4E17h (foobar2000+64E17h)
Address: 01350000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 0146899Fh (foobar2000+11899Fh)
Address: 014930C8h (foobar2000+1430C8h)
Address: 014D0208h (foobar2000+180208h)
Address: 014909C0h (foobar2000+1409C0h)
Address: 01364D76h (foobar2000+14D76h)
Address: 0146B9B0h (foobar2000+11B9B0h)
Address: 0146899Fh (foobar2000+11899Fh)
Address: 014689B3h (foobar2000+1189B3h)
Address: 014909C0h (foobar2000+1409C0h)
Address: 01488E5Dh (foobar2000+138E5Dh)
Address: 01469816h (foobar2000+119816h)
Address: 01350000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 014714E6h (foobar2000+1214E6h)
Address: 0146B9B0h (foobar2000+11B9B0h)
Address: 77363677h (kernel32+13677h), symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+12h)
Address: 77DD9D72h (ntdll+39D72h), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+63h)
Address: 77389775h (kernel32+39775h), symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+0h)
Address: 77389775h (kernel32+39775h), symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+0h)
Address: 77E1041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 002C9560h (foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum+9560h)
Address: 77DD9D45h (ntdll+39D45h), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+36h)
Address: 01469881h (foobar2000+119881h)
Address: 01469881h (foobar2000+119881h)

App: foobar2000 v1.0 beta 4
OS: Windows 6.1.7600 x64
CPU: Pentium® Dual-Core  CPU      E5300  @ 2.60GHz, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
Audio: Lautsprecher (Conexant Pebble High Definition SmartAudio)
UI: Columns UI

Core (2009-12-11 12:32:58)
    foobar2000 core 1.0 beta 4
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:56)
    Album List 4.4
foo_cdda.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:52)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:46)
    Converter 1.4
foo_discogs.dll (2009-11-29 11:50:51)
    Discogs Tagger 1.22
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-12-11 12:31:00)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2009-12-11 12:29:56)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:00)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_std.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:38)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 19:27:07)
    Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 09:01:00)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2009-04-10 21:27:28)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.2
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 19:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-12-11 12:30:34)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-08-30 16:21:36)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-12-11 12:31:02)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 23:49:19)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2009-12-12 18:45:43)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-12-12 18:45:53)
foo_uie_lyrics2.dll (2009-12-15 08:14:24)
    Lyric Show Panel 0.4.2
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-12 18:46:02)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2009-12-10 14:58:00)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.2.1
foo_unpack.dll (2009-12-11 12:29:44)
    RAR reader 1.3
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0

Recent events:
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen\1982 - Nunsexmonkrock\02. Smack Jack.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen\1982 - Nunsexmonkrock\03. Taitschi-Tarot.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen\1982 - Nunsexmonkrock\04. Dread Love.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\The Human League\1979 - Reproduction\16. Being Boiled (Fast Version).wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Gary Numan\1987 - Exhibition\CD 2\01. Cars ('E' Reg. Model).wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Gary Numan\1987 - Exhibition\CD 2\02. We Take Mystery To Bed.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen Band\1978 - Nina Hagen Band\02. Rangehn.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen Band\1978 - Nina Hagen Band\01. Glotzer (White Punks On Dope).wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen Band\1979 - Unbehagen\02. Alptraum.wv"
Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Gerhard\Music\Unbearbeitet\Nina Hagen Band\1979 - Unbehagen\03. Wir Leben Immer ... Noch (Lucky Number).wv"

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #13
Please submit crash reports automatically instead of spamming them here, Michael87 will get them.
If you insist on delivering them personally, at least include the minidump file.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #14
Just a (organization) suggestion - include in the first post a link to download the latest version. For the moment it's easy to find the most recent, but with further development it will get harder.

Hmm... I'm confused. This is newer version of Lyrics Show Panels (last version from Apr 21 2008)?

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #15
Good news!
With the help of Peter's crashdump files for the old foo_uie_lyrics is was able to fix
50% of all submited crashes so far (7 bugs which caused 60 out of 122 crashes)
These fixes will be included in the next version.

best solution is to delete the old component & keep the new name (foo_uie_lyrics2)

thanks for the feedback, I'll try to speed it up

thanks, this database will be included in the next release

@T.P Wang:
okay, i'll just try to debug without them

as Peter said, the minidump file would be very helpful for me, so if you want, just pm it to me & i can fix this bug even faster

I can't edit my old posts, but i have redirected the old link to the new version.
This is a newer version of foo_uie_lyrics, which was last maintained by T.P Wang

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #16
Excellent. Thanks for taking up the development.

If it's possible, please add keyboard shortcut option to embed lyrics in current playing track.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #17
I can't edit my old posts...
Already fixed.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #19
Some more suggestions

Maybe you could make option for choosing lyrics providers or their order always returns false (it's not working here)
- is also great and fast lyrics resource
- through webservices doesn't return time-stampped lyrics ( does, but I don't know if it's accessible as websevice)
- line-end characters sometimes are doubled CRLF CRLF
- somehow <!--f0c25b539901624b460e129d15264305--> is appended on every lyrdb result

+ if match isn't found from any provider, component repeatedly retries again after some 10 sec or so, why?

[edit] grammar errors

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #20
how about foo_customdb`s lyricsfield?

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #21
thanks for you feedback, i will include all these in the next release

you mean adding support for getting the lyrics from it? i'll see what i can do

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #22
Michael87, I'm very happy you decided to pick up development of this component & it's very encouraging that you have already fixed the bugs that caused half of the crash reports.

I wish you well in this project & judging from other posts in this thread there are many who are of the same mind as me.

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #23
Thanks for picking this up! I have a small suggestion, would it be possible to have a list of the online lyric sources, and maybe an ability to check/uncheck some of them? It's not a big deal but someone asked me recently where I got my lyrics from and I couldn't tell them...

[crashware] foo_uie_lyrics2

Reply #24
I agree. A way to uncheck some would be good since it would reduce their bandwidth requirements and we wouldn't have to query sites that are not useful for our libraries (it's faster too). E.g. some sites may be dedicated to Asian music and those that don't listen to any of that wouldn't have to query those. Win-win for both sides. It would be nice that if you knew you'd add what kind of music they mostly have lyrics for.

Also for the manual search a progress bar would be nice so that we would see how many of the lyrics sites we have already queried. I don't think it could estimate time so it probably wouldn't make much sense binding it to time.