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Topic: Menu layout changes in v1.0 (Read 74952 times) previous topic - next topic
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Menu layout changes in v1.0

By way of trying to help in another thread, I noticed Context Menu preferences have made quite a leap forward in UI.



Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #1
context menu is reseted and can't be rearranged: I got used to my context menu, can option for rearranging it be added?

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #2
context menu is reseted and can't be rearranged: I got used to my context menu, can option for rearranging it be added?

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #4
can option for rearranging it [the context menu] be added?

I'm quite sure this decision had good reasons - I am thinking of easier support because of known, standardised menu structure. However, I also got used to be able to group the context menu by use of separators and custom groups for nesting rarely used commands together. Could you at least explain why you decided to remove this possibility?

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #5
Ease-of-use. Context menu customizability added needless complexity and provided little-to-no benefit.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #7
It broke my right click menu inside foobar : / iPod Manager & Discogs stuff went to a sub-category called Legacy Commands : / now they are all messed up.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #8
It broke my right click menu inside foobar : / iPod Manager & Discogs stuff went to a sub-category called Legacy Commands : / now they are all messed up.
yeap! mine is broke too...

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #9
And how I can organize that menu ?

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #10
Regarding the "Legacy commands" group: You need to contact the developers to update their component with the new SDK as soon as it will be released.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #11
With the change to the context menu structure, some components' menus are moved to Legacy section until the plugins are updated.
bubbleguuum will soon update foo_discogs, I believe.
stimulating the audio nerve directly

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #12
It puts a lot of stuff under legacy. But as I can see, this doesn't happen to all components. Do the components that get an item under legacy in context need an update from the developer to reclaim an own subgroup in context menu?

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #13
That is a strange release in a positive sense: unexpected number and unexpected changes like restructure of edit menu. Thanks!

Ease-of-use. Context menu customizability added needless complexity and provided little-to-no benefit.

Yes and No. Indeed: it was horrible to work with the old context menu editor and the new one is much friendlier. However: the benefit increased with every new component. A first look into the new context menu (i am not at home, so i use a clean install) shows a new arrangement of items and it even looks better. But i am really afraid to see mess with all installed components. A chance to have opportunity just to rearrange the order of the items of the first level and to set seperators (means: no rearrangment of commands from one folder into other folder)?

Nice to see that you now can set playing file as source for selection viewing. On the other side (though i see advantages of central settings in many cases) i think it would have been better to select the source in each ui element seperately as you would like to mix the sources in one layout (small album cover that shows playing songs cover and big album cover) or you have different layouts where in one you like playing file as source and in another you want selection as source.  Why not? 


Not sure how the new edit menu works? If you select items in library search or playlist search then you see info in selection viewer but the commands of edit menu are not related to current selection.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #15
@2E7AH: vertical and how do I re-organize the context menu ? like move things up and down etc.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #16
It should at least be possible to rearrange context menu items provided by third party components. My context menu is quite a mess.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #17
@2E7AH: vertical and how do I re-organize the context menu ? like move things up and down etc.

It's not possible anymore, as explained earlier.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #19
- bollocks about no-customizable context menu (reeeaaally!). Tho -- can at least "(unsorted)" be stripped from legacy item?
- like the new, separated configuration;

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #20
Cosmetic change request (hoping it's right topic):
- Move (context-menu-wise) "Convert" from separate "Convert" category to "File Operations" category (converting a file is a "file operation", therefore fits there better and will decrease clutter in the context menu

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #21
Also, I would consider 'Open Containing Folder' a File Operation, too.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #22
Move (context-menu-wise) "Convert" from separate "Convert" category to "File Operations" category (converting a file is a "file operation", therefore fits there better and will decrease clutter in the context menu
Nonsense. Replaygain would also be a "file operation" by your logic. Same goes for "Open containing folder". "File Operations" contains options that move, copy, rename and delete files without parsing them. Open containing folder launches explorer. "Convert" transcodes.

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #23
And there goes another -- ReplayGain, either under Tagging or File Operations (tho I would lean more towards the former)

EDIT: (one minute of difference  ):

Nonsense. Replaygain would also be a "file operation" by your logic. Same goes for "Open containing folder". "File Operations" contains options that move, copy, rename and delete files without parsing them. Open containing folder launches explorer. "Convert" transcodes.

As stated before, I consider it that way (and it was the way I built my context menu -- it was intuitive and compact!).

I stand that Convert does the same kind of file operations that moving/copying/deleting (one might say that it in a way comprise all of the above  )

Menu layout changes in v1.0

Reply #24
Its more like folder operation...
Seriously, it doesnt matter. File operations category is for foo_fileops commands only. You could consider "file operation" almost every context action.

EDIT: Canar's speed...