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Topic: foo_softplaylists (Read 270773 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #375
How 2 create a column with loved tracks ?


Reply #376
Feature Request:

This might be a longshot, but can you use the last fm feed to parse something a little more complex than the standard overall/12/6/3 month feed from

Specifically, is it somehow feasabile to implement a feature that could create soft playlists from scrobbles from within a given time period? Instead of loading up my most listened tracks over the last year, I would like to load up my most listened tracks from August 2008, or the first 5 weeks of 2010,  for instance. I know that keeps the data required for something like this (through the scroblle cart history browser - however it doesn't serve the data in an outright manner.

Using this, you could have something like a "nostlagic" playlist builder from within your music library - music you relate to a certain time period.

I'm thinking you could download the raw profile data off and have the plugin do the parsing locally. What are your thoughts?


Reply #377
I am searching for a way to synchronize my playlists between two foobar installations on different machines.
In a perfect world, this would be possible through an online service, like it is possible with xmarks to sync bookmarks in firefox.

But maybe it also could be done by using the xspf file format and a network share?
Would it be possible to export all playlists automatically to an specified directory from time to time? every x minutes or when the playlist has been changed? Maybe only some playlists which are explicitly selected.

THX so far for this great component

I am trying to do something similar to this, but I can't even figure out how to save a playlist as xspf (it seems to only give me the option for my entire library).  Does anyone know if anything like this is possible?



Reply #378
Hi! Functions from context menu like "like, ban, unban" don't work. What can be the problem?


Reply #379
Hi! Functions from context menu like "like, ban, unban" don't work. What can be the problem?

You need update scripts "marc2000" use serch on forum :] | bulletproof2k


Reply #380
Hi! Functions from context menu like "like, ban, unban" don't work. What can be the problem?

You need update scripts "marc2000" use serch on forum :]

the question has nothing to do with my scripts.   

@r3ddy, if the context menu isn't working for you as expected, check for messages in the foobar console found on the view menu. also make sure your username and password are correctly set (file>preferences>tools>soft playlists)


Reply #381
Hi! Functions from context menu like "like, ban, unban" don't work. What can be the problem?

Today, I also encountered this problem... 

Thx marc2003 | bulletproof2k


Reply #382
Is there a limit on playlist size or am I doing something wrong? My "Loved Tracks" always tops out at 460, even though Last.FM states I have 600+ loved tracks.


Reply #384
Uh oh, this component appears to no longer be working for me. Foobar crashes as it queries for loved tracks. Has changed something to prevent this from working?

On my pc's (vista, seven, xp) plugin always crush system now. I think it's problem with incorrect feed.

This is very sad.



Reply #387
He was using test API key wchich is now deprecated:

Here is patched version that works (with my api_key):

I'll remove the file, when Johan resolves it

Big thanks for You and Johan!

I use foobar only for this great feature. It's realy help discovery new music on my hard drive.


Reply #389
Had the same problem. The patched component further up apparently fixed it for me as well.

Many thanks.


Reply #390
romor - how did you patch the component up? Do you have access to the source or did you literally patch up the dll? I asked Johan for the source a few times a while ago since I wanted to make some changes but didn't get a response and have now started writing a similar component from scratch, if the source is available though that would be a much better option!


Reply #391
Just the dll
I don't have access to Johan's source files, and unfortunately it seems like you'll have to reinvent the wheel again.

I think it would be sensible and noble, if developer looses interest, to make source code public or at least available on demand. But it's not like it happens for the first time

Here is some old thread, maybe it would reveal something helpful, maybe not:


Reply #392
Ok, I thought that might be the case - no problem. I'll carry on, and will definitely be making source available once I have something interesting.

Thanks for the link - I saw it before starting to write my new component and used it as a base but it's pretty much indistinguishable from that now!


Reply #393
I want to create a playlist of all the artists I have on from all my music on my hard drive. Can I do that with this plugin?


Reply #394
I have almost no time left to work on this so I will zip the sources when I dig them out of my archive and make them available.
Would be nice that somebody puts them in an online version repository, then I can still follow up a bit.
Sorry for the late reaction.


Reply #397
Recently crashing when trying to create Loved tracks listing.

"downloading last fm loved tracks feed"

Everything is updated.


Reply #398
Use the upated component file in the google link just above.

The component is currently out of active dev with it's original author - but with the sources online there is still hope for future development.

Recently crashing when trying to create Loved tracks listing.

"downloading last fm loved tracks feed"

Everything is updated.


Reply #399
How about this?

from console:
Graphic Equalizer: initialized (SSE support: 3)
Startup time : 0:00.484281
Seekbar: taking GDI path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
Opening track for playback: "M:\CD-DA\Diego Hostettler\Diego – Instant Reality (KA85CD)  (2003)\03  Diego – Me Fragments.flac"
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 2 cached tracks...
Opening track for playback: "M:\CD-DA\Diego Hostettler\Diego – Instant Reality (KA85CD)  (2003)\04  Diego – Sacrament.flac"
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
foo_softplaylists: feed downloading: error
foo_softplaylists: failed to love track: authentication failed: empty reply
foo_softplaylists: failed to love track 'Sacrament' by 'Diego'

I use foobar 1.2.2 with
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2012-11-22 15:41:48 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_softplaylists.dll (2013-01-25 19:31:19 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2012-10-10

among other components... What is wrong? How can I "love again" ?