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Topic: foo_softplaylists (Read 265590 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #300
OMG, JohanDeBock, please, tell me. I have no f***ing idea why it doesn't work for me. I'm making button to Love track in WSH Panel, button is created, everything seems ok, but IT DOESN'T LOVE PLAYING TRACK -.- I tried with other function from context menu: Run command/Open directory (opens directory of now playing mp3 file in Windows Explorer) - works perfectly. But look at this code:

Code: [Select]
fb.RunContextCommand(" Love Track");

You see Love Track? It is the cause of my problem. I don't know what I should write here, but Love Track doesn't work. I also tried this:

Code: [Select]
fb.RunContextCommand(" Love '%title%' By '%artist%'");

Doesn't work too. Of course I want to love now playing track.

Please, help me :/


Reply #301
I have no f***ing idea why it doesn't work for me.

marc2003 already answered this, it's not "run command" or "open directory", the context item is ""

right click any existing "Buttons" toolbar>customise buttons. then in the right hand pane, expand [context]>, choose which action you want and then click "add".


Reply #302
Geez, can't you see I said I'm using WSH Panel + Columns UI, not Default UI? -.-' And I don't know what you mean:

it's not "run command" or "open directory"

I only said about Open directory to show you, that it's problem with wrong item name (because other function from context menu - for example Open directory from foo_run - works correct), not, for example, wrongly created button or sth.

Read whole post if you want to help me.


Reply #303
Code: [Select]
fb.RunContextCommand(" Love '%title%' By '%artist%'");

Doesn't work too. Of course I want to love now playing track.

Please, help me :/

This isn't a problem with SoftPlaylists, you really should post about this in the WSH Panel script thread.  You're mixing titleformatting code and WSH Panel code improperly.  Try this:

Code: [Select]
fb.RunContextCommand(" Love '" + fb.TitleFormat("%title%").Eval() + "' By '" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "'")


Reply #304
Dear JohanDeBock and knowledgeable users,

I have downloaded your foo_softplaylists plugin and installed it, but I can't get it to work.
When using the concole feature I only get a long list of unmatched items like the following:

I'm not sure what unmatched means in this context, but I realise the connection is fine (it gives all those names), but I don't know how to go on and on the forum I didn't find anything which could help me.
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong or do I need an API key?
So if anybody could give me some information in particular the meaning of 'unmatched'? Should I install the foobarscrobbler?
I know a lot of questions but I sure like this nice plugin  to work.

The plugin tries to match the tracks in the playlists to the tracks in your foobar library.
You do have some of the tracks in your library with correct tags, no?


Reply #305
Thank you,
It's I think the answer I needed to understand how your programm works. And no I don't have those tracks, so the message is correct.
Thanks again for clearing my mist.


Reply #306
I'm loving it so far. One minor annoyance, though is I went out to download some of the 'missing tracks' as reported to the console. When new files arrived by torrent they were detected as corrupt files. This in no way affected the functionality of the playlist, but it gave me the idea that turning off the live update would be aesthetically pleasing at times. I just would like to have a static list to play and I can run the query again after I update the library.


Reply #307
Sorry if someone has already posted something similar, but I made an love button that goes well with the other default foobar buttons. You can download it here. It's in a zip file because MediaFire choked with just the .ico.


Reply #308
edit, nevermind, working now..

great plugin, thumbs up ! 


Reply #309
I've been trying this nice plugin for a while, but I'm experiencing a small problem (don't really know whether it's a bug or a limitation due to When I try to generate my "top tracks" playlist, I get only 50  tracks, even though the limit is set to 150. Is this the expected behavior? Is anyone of you able to get more tracks?

Thanks in advance.


Reply #310
Seems like the web service over at is having some technical problem. Wait some days.

EDIT: currently it seems to work fine, I don't know which method softplaylist's author used though so I can't be sure:


Reply #311
EDIT: currently it seems to work fine, I don't know which method softplaylist's author used though so I can't be sure:

Yep, he might be using something different, since this way of accessing data works for me as well (( while the plugin still doesn't fetch all the songs (but no error message appears on the console). "Recent tracks", interestingly enough, fetches 120 songs. Well, it's not a big issue, anyway. The plugin is still useful to me


Reply #312
i had a quick look using wireshark and softplaylists isn't using "&limit=X" in the URL when fetching that particular feed....

Code: [Select]
HTTP    GET /2.0/?method=user.getTopTracks&user=marc2003&period=3month&api_key=REMOVED HTTP/1.1


Reply #313
i had a quick look using wireshark and softplaylists isn't using "&limit=X" in the URL when fetching that particular feed....

Code: [Select]
HTTP    GET /2.0/?method=user.getTopTracks&user=marc2003&period=3month&api_key=REMOVED HTTP/1.1

Ok, this explains the issue I guess, 50 must be the default value. Well, I'll be looking forward for the fix 


Reply #314
Seems like the web service over at is having some technical problem. Wait some days.

again today, it makes foobar freezing when trying to use an entry (love or unlove a track) or when i try to change username or password in the settings !! weird


Reply #315
I seem to be having the same problem that someone else reported above.

I can't seem to generate a playlist larger than 50 tracks for my top tracks/friend tracks, although the track feed limit is set at much higher values (10000). Interestingly enough, the loved tracks feed (neighbor/friends/personal) seems to be working fine, but I only have 700 or so loved tracks.

I've recently moved over from Winamp, and I really miss the option of automatically generating a playlist of 3000 titles or so of my most played tracks (I saved my winamp library for over 3 years) that I can shuffle. That way I can just forget about the music and listen to some varied stuff without having to worry about something crappy coming up ( radio) all the while retaining the ability to jump to a certain song when I feel like it.

This plugin would care of that in a spectacular way - I have a database of almost 5 years and 100.000 scrobbles (a lot more than what my old winamp held) which I could use in this way, without having to worry about switching from mp3 to FLAC  . This is the only thing that's really preventing me from saying "I should have went for foobar a lot earlier."

So, what could be the problem?

Am I doing something wrong? Are those kind of values (10000 songs generated playlist) impossible?



Reply #316
@Falstaff: looks at my code, I implemented network timeout for what it's worth.


Reply #317
Are those kind of values (10000 songs generated playlist) impossible?

a lot of feeds are limited to 50 tracks per request. some don't have a limit but will cause server errors above 1000. i believe this is an error on's side. i don't think they ever meant to let people fetch that many records at once. the proper way to do it is with paginated requests. on the first request, there is a value which can be retrieved which says how many pages there are and then you make subsequent requests until it's complete.

i don't think softplaylists supports paginated requests (but i maybe wrong )


Reply #318
Small bug, if a song title begins white space it will not be matched. In my case I realized they were improperly tagged, but it's something subtle not everyone will notice.


Reply #319
Are those kind of values (10000 songs generated playlist) impossible?

a lot of feeds are limited to 50 tracks per request. some don't have a limit but will cause server errors above 1000. i believe this is an error on's side. i don't think they ever meant to let people fetch that many records at once. the proper way to do it is with paginated requests. on the first request, there is a value which can be retrieved which says how many pages there are and then you make subsequent requests until it's complete.

i don't think softplaylists supports paginated requests (but i maybe wrong )

Only supports it for loved tracks for now. The limit and page parameters are not published in the api but they seem to be working.
Should be supported next update.



Reply #322
It is possible that the downloading of feeds is slower compared to the previous version.
I had to limit the requests to 50 tracks per page so with large feeds many request are needed.
For recent tracks I even had to limit it to 10 tracks per page. servers are slooow.
Solution could be parallel requests but I don't want to hammer their servers otherwise they will become even slower or worse they could stop providing some functions.


Reply #323
There's also a limit of 5 requests per seconds average spread out over 5 mins (I don't exactly remember the limit) in the TOS, so be careful.


Reply #324
Did some of you ever had problems with large loved tracks lists?

Probably I will try to set the per page limit higher than the current 50 for loved and top tracks. Now it is just too slow.