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Topic: Seven Taskbar 1.30 (Read 28039 times) previous topic - next topic
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Seven Taskbar 1.30

Windows 7 Taskbar Extensions.

Updated to version 1.30. No hooking the foobar window anymore. 

Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
English (US)
Swedish (Sweden)

1.3.0 (10/25/2009)
   * <Add> New UI for preferencing.
   * <Add> Setting the HUE, saturation and lightness of buttons.
   * <Add> Enhanced album-cover-search-path editor.
   * <Add> Title formatting syntax is enabled in cover-serach-path.
   * <Add> Allowed to add a frame to album-cover.
   * <Add> Information thumbnail.
   * <Add> Choose the information background.
   * <Add> Seperated album-cover thumbnail and information thumbnail displaying.
   * <Add> Adds controlling buttons to album-cover thumbnail.
   * <Add> Adds controlling buttons to information thumbnail.
   * <Add> Cycles in many album-covers.
   * <Add> Plays previous or next playlist.
   * <Add> Open the location of the track and album-cover.
   * <Add> Use caches to speed up application starting.
   * <Mod> Removes the .7tb files. Use .png files directly.
   * <Mod> Splits the Icon folder to two parts of playing and paused status.
   * <Del> Can't combine button styles from different theme.
   * <Tip> You can replace the buttons by directly replacing the caches.

1.2.3 (8/22/2009)
   - <---> This version had been deleted and combined to 1.3.0.

1.2.2 (6/30/2009)
   * <Add> New method to create the buttons. (No hooking)
   * <Add> Adds a border to the cover.
   * <Add> Allowed to customize the title of the main window.
   * <Add> Some new button styles.

1.2.1 (6/26/2009)
   * <Fix> Failure if foobar2000 in a non-English folder.

1.2.0 (6/25/2009)
   * <Add> Display album cover instead of UI-thumb.
   * <Fix> Some errors in the button-selection-list.

1.1.1 (2/12/2009)
   * <Fix> Error loading the preferences.

1.1.0 (2/11/2009)
   * <---> Display album cover instead of UI-thumb.
   * <Add> Users can customize button style.
   * <Add> Users can customize overlay-icon style.
   * <Add> Multi-language support.

1.0.1 (2/11/2009)
   * <Fix> Failure when 'Resume playback after restart' checked.
   * <Fix> Display track progress on taskbar.

1.0.0 (2/9/2009)
   * <---> The first version.

Peeking preview
Button preview

Special Thanks:


Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #1
Works perfect.

If anyone got comments/suggestions on the English/Swedish languages, please let me know.

Thanks for a great component, nvjtk.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #2
Of course it works only on Windows Seven?

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #3
Yes, as it's an exclusive feature of Windows 7, it wouldn't be possible on earlier versions.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #4
I'm using Windows 7 RTM x64 and the configuration page of this plugin says "This plugin only works with Windows 7 or later".

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #5
Are you running foobar2000 in compatibility mode?

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #6
really nice
I can't seem to get it to load my embedded album art
is there a special script that allows it to load embedded album art
or it just can't
and it needs to be in a specific folder?

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #7
What did you wrote in the path for the cover?

I tried to remove a cover path but the button doesn't work, it's grey.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #8
well to tell ya the truth I didn't write anything (I just left it in default)
'cause I dont have the slightest idea of what to write (yeah noob here)
and i think u can only remove custom paths (i've tried)

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #9
Anyone know the difference in practice between this plugin and foo_w7shell? Pros and Cons?


Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #10
This new version got the main window and 2 additional windows, cover and track info, w7shell replaces the foobar2000 window with a cover instead.
Not sure but I think only this one shows the track progress in the taskbar button and a nicer overlay icon, also configurable.
You can also define the colors on the buttons.

You can try them both and see which one you like best, don't use them at same time though.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #11
I love how the taskbar now has an indicator of when the song will end. Great plugin, thanks!

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #12
Are you running foobar2000 in compatibility mode?

Nope. I've also tried running it as admin, and tried both the download with the runtime and without.
Not sure why this won't detect that I'm using W7.

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #13
this looks nice, but I can't get my covers to show up. I'm using titleformatting and absolute paths, isn't this supported?

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #14
Don't know why the online troubleshooter says this is a problem component that crashes a lot. It works great on my machine.

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #15
With 5 facets panels showing, if I open Foobar by clicking any of the windows shown in the taskbar, the 2nd facet display corrupts.
Also, why isn't the foobar window maximized when you click the preview in the taskbar? I find it fairly annoying that it opens in windowed mode every time I do so.

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #16
I don't know about the Facets' problem but foobar2000 shouldn't maximize when clicking the taskbar button, neither do any other programs.
Might've missed something but haven't noticed any program maximize that way.

You can use Win+Up for maximize if you want.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #17
The middle preview window doesn't seem to show my foobar2000 window (foobar, W7 x64 Professional), any ideas?

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #18
I don't know about the Facets' problem but foobar2000 shouldn't maximize when clicking the taskbar button, neither do any other programs.
Might've missed something but haven't noticed any program maximize that way.

You can use Win+Up for maximize if you want.

This is not true - Most other programs restore to the state they were in previously, meaning that if they were maximized before, they will still be. This plugin is exceptional specifically because it doesn't do this.

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #19
This is not true - Most other programs restore to the state they were in previously, meaning that if they were maximized before, they will still be. This plugin is exceptional specifically because it doesn't do this.

I see what you mean, it doesn't restore to previous size.
Not sure if that's intended, we'll see what nvjtk says.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #20
This is not true - Most other programs restore to the state they were in previously, meaning that if they were maximized before, they will still be. This plugin is exceptional specifically because it doesn't do this.

I see what you mean, it doesn't restore to previous size.
Not sure if that's intended, we'll see what nvjtk says.

I mean it always restores to this "size", while all other windows restore to their previous size when I select them by clicking the taskbar preview pane: (also note the corrupted facet pane)

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #21
Yes, I tried, same here.
But you didn't wrote restore, so I thought you meant that you wanted it to be maximized, regardless of state.

Other programs behave as intended, correct.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #22
Is it possible to not have the track progress shown in the taskbar button? Instead the taskbar button could only show progress when you are using utilities or tools (e.g. progress of replaygain scanning).

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #23
There is no way to query progress for arbitrary tasks like RG scanning or converting.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Seven Taskbar 1.30

Reply #24
There is no way to query progress for arbitrary tasks like RG scanning or converting.

Which is kind of sad as that is essentially the spirit in which the taskbar progress display was conceived by MS. Internet Explorer 8 won't display a progress bar on its icon every time it's loading a webpage but only when you are downloading files etc.