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Topic: foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue (Read 185405 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #100
Hi all,

new version fixes some small problems; most importantly drag & drop of columns bugged a little bit.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #101

thanks a lot for your tool.

I got a little problem trying to reorder queue items by drag & drop. The behavior is quiet outstanding. Sometimes it moves 2 items, sometimes none and quiet often, it mix all the queue. Have you ever seen that kind of problem? I've tried with the last release, an old one, the UI layout and the default one (only foobar and the component).


Sorry I haven't been able to see this behaviour. And none except you have complained about it.... What operating system are you using?

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #102

I've had a small problem when using Queue contents editor, please see [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=704233']this post[/a] and its reply. I thought it was foo_uie_lyrics2, but it seems not to be the case. Just reporting in order to help everything move forward.



foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #103
If you can provide me mini dump it would help tremendously to find out the exact problem. I tried to reproduce the bug you talked about, but with no success.

Mini dump file can be found from "%appdata%\foobar2000\crash reports" (in portable installation "foobar2000\crash reports"). You can type that path into run menu and it should open the correct folder, usually something like C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\crash reports in Win 7, something else in other windows versions.

I tested with the following configuration (Windows 7 64bit):

Code: [Select]
Core (2010-04-29 14:43:38 UTC)
foobar2000 core 1.0.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:36 UTC)
Album List 4.4
foo_cdda.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:30 UTC)
CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:08 UTC)
Converter 1.4.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:48 UTC)
Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:34 UTC)
Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_queuecontents.dll (2010-05-07 17:14:14 UTC)
Queue Contents Editor 0.3.5
foo_quicksearch.dll (2010-04-13 12:31:44 UTC)
Quick Search Toolbar 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:12 UTC)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 13:38:32 UTC)
Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-04-29 12:35:56 UTC)
Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2010-04-03 23:39:02 UTC)
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2010-04-11 20:12:06 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics2.dll (2010-04-12 18:19:24 UTC)
Lyric Show Panel 2
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-09 22:16:12 UTC)
Panel Stack Splitter

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #104

thanks a lot for your tool.

I got a little problem trying to reorder queue items by drag & drop. The behavior is quiet outstanding. Sometimes it moves 2 items, sometimes none and quiet often, it mix all the queue. Have you ever seen that kind of problem? I've tried with the last release, an old one, the UI layout and the default one (only foobar and the component).


If you were reordering queue items in the queue playlist, I've found the problem. It will be fixed in the next version.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #105
If you can provide me mini dump it would help tremendously to find out the exact problem. I tried to reproduce the bug you talked about, but with no success.

Mini dump file can be found from "%appdata%\foobar2000\crash reports" (in portable installation "foobar2000\crash reports"). You can type that path into run menu and it should open the correct folder, usually something like C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\crash reports in Win 7, something else in other windows versions.

I'm away from home now and don't have access to my machine. As soon as I get back, I'll try to find this minidump and send it to you. BTW, this minidump is not what I posted in the other thread, is it?



foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #106
Minidump is different. It's a binary file with ".dmp" file extension. It helps me to find exactly where it crashed and hopefully why it crashed. The file is about 120 KB.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #107

I attach here the dumps in a .rar file as requested. Hope it helps!!




foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #108
Minidump is different. It's a binary file with ".dmp" file extension. It helps me to find exactly where it crashed and hopefully why it crashed. The file is about 120 KB.



Please find in this post a .rar file with the crash dumps and reports as you asked.

Hope it helps to find out what happened. Thanks also for you plugin, which is very nice.

Kind regards,


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #109
Thank you.

For some reason the dumps don't work right for me. Can you please try with the latest queuecontents (0.3.5) available here. If the crash happens also with that version can you send me the latest dmp file and text file accompanying it.

Thanks again for the trouble.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #110

I've downloaded your new release of the plugin, and this time it's even worse. fb2k won't even give me a crash dump or report. I'm attaching the screen I get before fb2k gets closed.


If there's anything I can help you with, just let me know.



foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #111
OK, that's weird... Can you find anything in the event viewer under Application category? See these instructions for more details how to get to the event viewer.

It seems hard to fix without any details. I think it might be related windows xp 64bit; it's a bit different from other windowses.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #112
And after the event viewer maybe you could try the attached version. It still should crash (it's 0.3.3) but I should get more information of the crash with that. If it now successfully opens, can you please send me the crash dump if it still crashes somewhere.

Just a stupid a question: have you tried removing the component (the dll and the element in the ui); then starting the foobar without the component; closing it and installing it again. It could help but as I have no clue where the crash happens it's hard to say for sure.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #113
I was looking for a plugin that shows foobar2000's internal queue. Something like for example Winamp shows by default. But I guess the foo_queuecontents plugin is not what I'm looking for? Because when I start one or multiple songs from a playlist, they don't appear in the foo_queuecontents UI element.

Thanks in advance for clarification.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #114
It does show the *queue*. Without any components, in foobar you can add items to queue by right clicking them and choosing "Add to Playback Queue". These will show in the queueconnents component, too.

I don't remember exactly how Winamp works (it's been so long time), but I guess the confusion lies in the word "queue". The foobar queue only contains songs that are explicitly queued, it doesn't contain the next song automatically.

Hopefully this clarified a bit. Actually there's been some discussion on this in this thread if you are interested.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #115

I've downloaded your new release of the plugin, and this time it's even worse. fb2k won't even give me a crash dump or report. I'm attaching the screen I get before fb2k gets closed.


If there's anything I can help you with, just let me know.



I found a way to debug the crash dumps correctly. Sorry for all the trouble. I will try to see why it crashed.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #116
I was looking for a plugin that shows foobar2000's internal queue. Something like for example Winamp shows by default. But I guess the foo_queuecontents plugin is not what I'm looking for?

I don't remember exactly how Winamp works (it's been so long time), but I guess the confusion lies in the word "queue". The foobar queue only contains songs that are explicitly queued, it doesn't contain the next song automatically..

There is no need for any clarification since Winamp itself contains a queue-functionality provided by the "Jump to File"-Plugin which is included in the installer. In winamps playlist editor window press "Q" to enqueue a track or press "J" to call the "Jump to File"-window that is exactly the same like the window of foo_queuecontents.

I mentioned it several times here in the forum but it can't be bad to say it once again: durch, you are confusing winamps media library playlists with foobars playlists. But the latter ones are corresondending rather with winamps playlist editor. In that sense: the winamp-to foobar tutorial i have readen somewhere is really bad as it provokes this confusion. Is it really so hard to compare the parts of two programs and to recognize the correspondending ones?

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #117
New version 0.3.6 published. It should resolve two bugs
1. Reordering queue playlist items should now work as expected
2. Bug reported by Jac74. Sometimes there is a crash when closing queuecontents panel when using CUI.

I've also added more logging code when a crash occurs for future bugs.

@Jac74: Please check if everything is ok with the new version. Thanks for your kind assistance finding the bug!


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #118

I've downloaded the new version and it works OK. I tried adding and closing the panel in different ways (from context menu, from preferences, from layout live editing) and have had no crash as did before.

Thanks for your time!

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #119
That's good to hear! Thanks again for the help!


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #120
First of all, thank you for this plugin.
I got a question though. On the Wiki Page I read:

Playlist (legacy): [..]It is now considered obsolete/legacy option since reflecting queue contents in a separate playlist is confusing to say the least. It also has strange behaviour [..]

Will this playlist feature be further developed and refined, or sooner or later dropped?
I myself got problems using this feature, the playlist created by the queue plugin is totally empty, trying to start the queue by double clicking the playlist wont do anything. I can still drag and drop songs onto the playlist, which get queued in the queue window itself, still not added to the playlist though. I cannot delete the playlist while a queue item is playing. But renaming the playlist works, and is also recognized in the preference window of foo_queuecontents.
I am using CUI.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #121
First of all, thank you for this plugin.
I got a question though. On the Wiki Page I read:

Playlist (legacy): [..]It is now considered obsolete/legacy option since reflecting queue contents in a separate playlist is confusing to say the least. It also has strange behaviour [..]

Will this playlist feature be further developed and refined, or sooner or later dropped?

It wont be developed further but bugs will be fixed. I'm planning to keep the feature there for those who want it but it's not enabled by default in new versions.

I myself got problems using this feature, the playlist created by the queue plugin is totally empty, trying to start the queue by double clicking the playlist wont do anything. I can still drag and drop songs onto the playlist, which get queued in the queue window itself, still not added to the playlist though. I cannot delete the playlist while a queue item is playing. But renaming the playlist works, and is also recognized in the preference window of foo_queuecontents.
I am using CUI.

OK, first of all, could you tell what playlist component you are using? Are you using the default "playlist switcher" in the CUI? I assume you are using the latest version of foo_queuecontents, and the playlist check box is checked from the component preferences.

Let me repeat what you said so we are sure that I understood correctly:
* Queue Playlist is always empty
* When dropping items to queue playlist, they are not added to playlist but they *are* added to playback queue. You know that they are in the playback queue by the fact that the songs are visible in the queuecontents UI element.

Are the above correct?

Deletion of queue playlist is prevented by design. Playlist can be deleted after the queue playlist functionality is disabled from the preferences.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #122
Yep, it is the most recent queuecontents version 3.6, and it is in fact the default "playlist switcher"  component. I tried updating CUI from to, which didnt solve the problem though.
And you understood correctly, your summary of my problems pretty much hits the nail on the head!

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #123
One more simple questions (since I can't reproduce the behaviour you are talking about); sorry if these seem like stupid:

When you drop files into queue playlist do you understand that the files should be added in the queue playlist (not the currently selected playlist, whatever that is)?

e.g. When I drop files from playlist "A" to "Queue" playlist; they files should be visible in the queue UI component but also in the "Queue" playlist.

What playlist component are you using?

If anything else helps can you record the erratic behaviour with this screencast utility:


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #124
Better more questions than none at all
When you drop files into queue playlist do you understand that the files should be added in the queue playlist (not the currently selected playlist, whatever that is)?

I tried some things, and it's just getting more awkward.
First of all, I did this on my custom CUI, but also on a default DUI setup.

When the QueuePlaylist is empty, although items are in the queue (displayed in the Queue UI window), and then, when I rename the QueuePlaylist in the QueueContent Plugin config, the items appear in the playlist.
But as soon as anything is changed, as far as I can see now, that is pretty much anything from track switching to changing Queue item order or adding anything to it, the Queue Playlist is empty again.

In DUI, after I got the queue items to be displayed in the playlist, I managed to crash foobar by trying to order the tracks according to the column heads. First I press "Artist/Album", and then "tracknumber"

Here are the screencasts (btw. nice handy web application, thanks  )
DUI setup

CUI setup

My CUI Setup looks abit weird, its still WIP. You can see the QueueContent window on the very left, PlaylistSwitcher component is being toggled visible above it, right of it are the Filter window and ELPlaylist.

Here is the crash log if you can do anything with it:

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 03A86B61h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h

Call path:

Code bytes (03A86B61h):
03A86B21h:  03 4D E8 33 C0 3B CF 76 28 8D 9B 00 00 00 00 3D
03A86B31h:  00 04 00 00 73 09 8D 94 05 E0 FB FF FF EB 0A 8B
03A86B41h:  55 E4 8D 94 02 00 FC FF FF 40 C6 02 00 3B C1 72
03A86B51h:  DE C6 85 DF FB FF FF 01 3B F7 0F 86 95 00 00 00
03A86B61h:  8B 34 BB 3B F7 74 74 8B C7 C1 E8 03 3D 00 04 00
03A86B71h:  00 73 09 8D 84 05 E0 FB FF FF EB 0A 8B 4D E4 8D
03A86B81h:  84 01 00 FC FF FF 8A 95 DF FB FF FF 84 10 75 4B
03A86B91h:  8B C7 8B 8D D8 FB FF FF 8B 11 56 50 8B 02 FF D0

Stack (003FEDA0h):
003FED80h:  00000000 FFFFFD34 000002E4 FFFFFD34
003FED90h:  000002CC 00000019 00000000 03A86B1E
003FEDA0h:  CD546E0E 01509EE4 03AD9A04 00000000
003FEDB0h:  003FF1F4 013FEDC8 00000000 00000005
003FEDC0h:  00000005 0058D230 003FEDD8 765F61D3
003FEDD0h:  76660230 00000400 003FEE10 765F74FC
003FEDE0h:  765F74CB CD47CC3D 0058D230 765F7467
003FEDF0h:  0058D3A0 00000001 003FEDE4 003FEDE8
003FEE00h:  003FEFF0 76610155 76602B97 7305209A
003FEE10h:  001301A0 003FEE28 00000000 00000005
003FEE20h:  0058D230 730520A6 00000037 FFFFFFFF
003FEE30h:  00000101 00000019 CD47CC92 003FEEC0
003FEE40h:  7303C1D4 0058D230 00000001 00000005
003FEE50h:  00000001 0058D230 7303C1E4 00000100
003FEE60h:  00000000 0058D230 003FF158 00000004
003FEE70h:  003FEEC0 7305C16A 0057EBA8 00000004
003FEE80h:  00000004 0058D230 7305C1F7 0058D4D8
003FEE90h:  0058D230 00000004 035DF668 00008824
003FEEA0h:  00000006 76FFE20C 00000000 779FF33A
003FEEB0h:  00190000 0019019C 00000001 CD47CC6E

EAX: 00000004, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00000004, EDX: 003FEDBB
ESI: 0000001B, EDI: 00000000, EBP: 003FF1D8, ESP: 003FEDA0

Crash location:
Module: foo_queuecontents
Offset: 36B61h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000   loaded at 01390000h - 0154A000h
ntdll loaded at 76FD0000h - 77150000h
kernel32 loaded at 76190000h - 76290000h
KERNELBASE   loaded at 76110000h - 76156000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 73030000h - 731CE000h
msvcrt   loaded at 74D70000h - 74E1C000h
GDI32 loaded at 76440000h - 764D0000h
USER32   loaded at 765E0000h - 766E0000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 763A0000h - 76440000h
sechost   loaded at 76530000h - 76549000h
RPCRT4   loaded at 75140000h - 75230000h
SspiCli   loaded at 74B40000h - 74BA0000h
CRYPTBASE loaded at 74B30000h - 74B3C000h
LPK   loaded at 76FA0000h - 76FAA000h
USP10 loaded at 76300000h - 7639D000h
SHLWAPI   loaded at 75230000h - 75287000h
DSOUND   loaded at 745A0000h - 74612000h
ole32 loaded at 75FB0000h - 7610C000h
WINMM loaded at 74910000h - 74942000h
POWRPROF loaded at 748E0000h - 74905000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 76790000h - 7692D000h
CFGMGR32 loaded at 764E0000h - 76507000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 76700000h - 7678F000h
DEVOBJ   loaded at 766E0000h - 766F2000h
UxTheme   loaded at 72940000h - 729C0000h
SHELL32   loaded at 752E0000h - 75F29000h
shared   loaded at 10000000h - 1002B000h
imagehlp loaded at 76160000h - 7618A000h
dbghelp   loaded at 74760000h - 7484B000h
COMDLG32 loaded at 75F30000h - 75FAB000h
IMM32 loaded at 76290000h - 762F0000h
MSCTF loaded at 75040000h - 7510C000h
CLBCatQ   loaded at 74CE0000h - 74D63000h
MMDevApi loaded at 74720000h - 74759000h
PROPSYS   loaded at 74620000h - 74715000h
dwmapi   loaded at 72280000h - 72293000h
foo_uie_biography loaded at 74870000h - 748C6000h
gdiplus   loaded at 722A0000h - 72430000h
foo_input_std loaded at 02CF0000h - 02E3E000h
foo_uie_panel_splitter   loaded at 00440000h - 00497000h
foo_quicksearch   loaded at 74560000h - 74592000h
MSVCP90   loaded at 73650000h - 736DE000h
MSVCR90   loaded at 735A0000h - 73643000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod loaded at 744B0000h - 7455C000h
Msimg32   loaded at 72430000h - 72435000h
foo_uie_library_tree loaded at 02950000h - 029A2000h
foo_rgscan   loaded at 01340000h - 0138F000h
foo_ui_hacks loaded at 029D0000h - 02A0F000h
foo_uie_elplaylist   loaded at 032D0000h - 0333A000h
foo_converter loaded at 03380000h - 033F1000h
foo_ui_columns   loaded at 03710000h - 0389C000h
foo_cdda loaded at 02B20000h - 02B6E000h
foo_dsp_std   loaded at 02BA0000h - 02BE9000h
foo_queuecontents loaded at 03A50000h - 03B02000h
foo_uie_lyrics2   loaded at 03C10000h - 03CFE000h
WININET   loaded at 74E20000h - 74F14000h
Normaliz loaded at 76510000h - 76513000h
urlmon   loaded at 74BA0000h - 74CD5000h
CRYPT32   loaded at 74F20000h - 7503C000h
MSASN1   loaded at 762F0000h - 762FC000h
iertutil loaded at 769D0000h - 76BC9000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum loaded at 02E40000h - 02E7D000h
foo_uie_esplaylist   loaded at 742B0000h - 74304000h
foo_playcount loaded at 03340000h - 03370000h
foo_albumlist loaded at 03540000h - 0359C000h
foo_ui_std   loaded at 03FB0000h - 040BE000h
WtsApi32 loaded at 73580000h - 7358D000h
sud   loaded at 71220000h - 712DB000h
ADVPACK   loaded at 74480000h - 744AE000h
VERSION   loaded at 73590000h - 73599000h
DUI70 loaded at 740A0000h - 74152000h
CRYPTSP   loaded at 734D0000h - 734E6000h
rsaenh   loaded at 73490000h - 734CB000h
RpcRtRemote   loaded at 74450000h - 7445E000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 01509EE4h (foobar2000+179EE4h)
Address: 03AD9A04h (foo_queuecontents+89A04h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4CFE4h)
Address: 013FEDC8h (foobar2000+6EDC8h)
Address: 765F61D3h (USER32+161D3h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+20Bh)
Address: 76660230h (USER32+80230h), symbol: "ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy" (+596Ah)
Address: 765F74FCh (USER32+174FCh), symbol: "GetSystemMetrics" (+95h)
Address: 765F74CBh (USER32+174CBh), symbol: "GetSystemMetrics" (+64h)
Address: 765F7467h (USER32+17467h), symbol: "GetSystemMetrics" (+0h)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 76602B97h (USER32+22B97h), symbol: "RedrawWindow" (+15h)
Address: 7305209Ah (COMCTL32+2209Ah), symbol: "SetWindowSubclass" (+67D1h)
Address: 730520A6h (COMCTL32+220A6h), symbol: "SetWindowSubclass" (+67DDh)
Address: 7303C1D4h (COMCTL32+C1D4h), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+583Ah)
Address: 7303C1E4h (COMCTL32+C1E4h), symbol: "DPA_Clone" (+584Ah)
Address: 7305C16Ah (COMCTL32+2C16Ah), symbol: "Ordinal235" (+13F0h)
Address: 7305C1F7h (COMCTL32+2C1F7h), symbol: "Ordinal235" (+147Dh)
Address: 76FFE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 7305DC83h (COMCTL32+2DC83h), symbol: "ImageList_DrawIndirect" (+1063h)
Address: 73056969h (COMCTL32+26969h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A7Ah)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F701Bh (USER32+1701Bh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Eh)
Address: 765F7027h (USER32+17027h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 730569AEh (COMCTL32+269AEh), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+ABFh)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F6238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 77003AF4h (ntdll+33AF4h), symbol: "RtlImageNtHeader" (+B10h)
Address: 77003B23h (ntdll+33B23h), symbol: "RtlImageNtHeader" (+B3Fh)
Address: 765F6901h (USER32+16901h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+939h)
Address: 765F6899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 765F6941h (USER32+16941h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+979h)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 013FF028h (foobar2000+6F028h)
Address: 76FFE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 7704041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 77003B23h (ntdll+33B23h), symbol: "RtlImageNtHeader" (+B3Fh)
Address: 77003B4Eh (ntdll+33B4Eh), symbol: "RtlImageNtHeader" (+B6Ah)
Address: 76FE00E6h (ntdll+100E6h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+2Eh)
Address: 7704041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 03AA4902h (foo_queuecontents+54902h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+17EE2h)
Address: 76FFDEA3h (ntdll+2DEA3h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+7Eh)
Address: 761A14D1h (kernel32+114D1h), symbol: "HeapFree" (+14h)
Address: 014A7311h (foobar2000+117311h)
Address: 014A7330h (foobar2000+117330h)
Address: 014AB0F0h (foobar2000+11B0F0h)
Address: 014A7330h (foobar2000+117330h)
Address: 01422504h (foobar2000+92504h)
Address: 03ACDB50h (foo_queuecontents+7DB50h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+41130h)
Address: 03A70120h (foo_queuecontents+20120h)
Address: 03AD9B2Ch (foo_queuecontents+89B2Ch), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4D10Ch)
Address: 03AD8E88h (foo_queuecontents+88E88h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4C468h)
Address: 03A69169h (foo_queuecontents+19169h)
Address: 01509EE4h (foobar2000+179EE4h)
Address: 03AD99F4h (foo_queuecontents+899F4h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4CFD4h)
Address: 01509EE4h (foobar2000+179EE4h)
Address: 03ACD49Eh (foo_queuecontents+7D49Eh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+40A7Eh)
Address: 03A80767h (foo_queuecontents+30767h)
Address: 01509EE4h (foobar2000+179EE4h)
Address: 7704041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 7704041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 76FFE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 76FFDF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 76FFDEC6h (ntdll+2DEC6h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 76FFDEA3h (ntdll+2DEA3h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+7Eh)
Address: 03AD8F60h (foo_queuecontents+88F60h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4C540h)
Address: 03AD8E14h (foo_queuecontents+88E14h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4C3F4h)
Address: 03AD8E00h (foo_queuecontents+88E00h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+4C3E0h)
Address: 013A5757h (foobar2000+15757h)
Address: 013F7C20h (foobar2000+67C20h)
Address: 03ACF4EDh (foo_queuecontents+7F4EDh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+42ACDh)
Address: 0142E36Ch (foobar2000+9E36Ch)
Address: 01509EE4h (foobar2000+179EE4h)
Address: 0142D7ADh (foobar2000+9D7ADh)
Address: 014BCC00h (foobar2000+12CC00h)
Address: 0142FD26h (foobar2000+9FD26h)
Address: 0401B286h (foo_ui_std+6B286h)
Address: 0401EB3Ah (foo_ui_std+6EB3Ah)
Address: 0407AD5Ch (foo_ui_std+CAD5Ch), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+2D38Ch)
Address: 0407AD9Ch (foo_ui_std+CAD9Ch), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+2D3CCh)
Address: 040806B0h (foo_ui_std+D06B0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+32CE0h)
Address: 04080668h (foo_ui_std+D0668h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+32C98h)
Address: 0406EFB0h (foo_ui_std+BEFB0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+215E0h)
Address: 03FDBA5Fh (foo_ui_std+2BA5Fh)
Address: 7700247Dh (ntdll+3247Dh), symbol: "NtdllDefWindowProc_W" (+0h)
Address: 03FDBC7Bh (foo_ui_std+2BC7Bh)
Address: 03FE224Fh (foo_ui_std+3224Fh)
Address: 03FDBDE3h (foo_ui_std+2BDE3h)
Address: 04023703h (foo_ui_std+73703h)
Address: 0401D258h (foo_ui_std+6D258h)
Address: 04023ECAh (foo_ui_std+73ECAh)
Address: 04065CA8h (foo_ui_std+B5CA8h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+182D8h)
Address: 04095D90h (foo_ui_std+E5D90h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+483C0h)
Address: 0402419Bh (foo_ui_std+7419Bh)
Address: 04023E5Ch (foo_ui_std+73E5Ch)
Address: 03FC9B98h (foo_ui_std+19B98h)
Address: 765F6238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 765F68EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 765F6899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 765F7177h (USER32+17177h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+18Ah)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 765F72F1h (USER32+172F1h), symbol: "GetDC" (+ABh)
Address: 76FE00E6h (ntdll+100E6h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+2Eh)
Address: 76FE0070h (ntdll+10070h), symbol: "KiUserApcDispatcher" (+48h)
Address: 77002472h (ntdll+32472h), symbol: "RtlReleaseSRWLockShared" (+29h)
Address: 765F723Bh (USER32+1723Bh), symbol: "GetPropW" (+72h)
Address: 76601C01h (USER32+21C01h), symbol: "SetFocus" (+68h)
Address: 765FCB50h (USER32+1CB50h), symbol: "GetWindow" (+50h)
Address: 765FCD81h (USER32+1CD81h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+4Ch)
Address: 73060524h (COMCTL32+30524h), symbol: "DetachScrollBars" (+2FAh)
Address: 730BE3DDh (COMCTL32+8E3DDh), symbol: "Ordinal392" (+173Ch)
Address: 7312446Ch (COMCTL32+F446Ch), symbol: "TaskDialog" (+55D8h)
Address: 731264A0h (COMCTL32+F64A0h), symbol: "TaskDialog" (+760Ch)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F6238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 7305A7A7h (COMCTL32+2A7A7h), symbol: "Ordinal342" (+208Bh)
Address: 765F6941h (USER32+16941h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+979h)
Address: 765F6901h (USER32+16901h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+939h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F701Bh (USER32+1701Bh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Eh)
Address: 765F7027h (USER32+17027h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 730569A6h (COMCTL32+269A6h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+AB7h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F6238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F68EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F6899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 765F7D31h (USER32+17D31h), symbol: "LoadStringW" (+11Fh)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 765F8E42h (USER32+18E42h), symbol: "RemovePropW" (+E0h)
Address: 76610155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 765F7DFAh (USER32+17DFAh), symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+Fh)
Address: 73056972h (COMCTL32+26972h), symbol: "ImageList_CoCreateInstance" (+A83h)
Address: 76612292h (USER32+32292h), symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+11Eh)
Address: 0404B104h (foo_ui_std+9B104h)
Address: 013F456Dh (foobar2000+6456Dh)
Address: 765F7E92h (USER32+17E92h), symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 761A1199h (kernel32+11199h), symbol: "SetLastError" (+0h)
Address: 76600112h (USER32+20112h), symbol: "PeekMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 014BD418h (foobar2000+12D418h)
Address: 013F46BEh (foobar2000+646BEh)
Address: 013F54C4h (foobar2000+654C4h)
Address: 014DF5E8h (foobar2000+14F5E8h)
Address: 014DF5E8h (foobar2000+14F5E8h)
Address: 014EA2ACh (foobar2000+15A2ACh)
Address: 01390000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 76FFE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 76FFDF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 014EA290h (foobar2000+15A290h)
Address: 76FFE20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 76FFDF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 76FFDEC6h (ntdll+2DEC6h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 0150F090h (foobar2000+17F090h)
Address: 014A75B6h (foobar2000+1175B6h)
Address: 014AF52Ch (foobar2000+11F52Ch)
Address: 014AB0F0h (foobar2000+11B0F0h)
Address: 014AF52Ch (foobar2000+11F52Ch)
Address: 014AD514h (foobar2000+11D514h)
Address: 7701027Fh (ntdll+4027Fh), symbol: "RtlCreateHeap" (+1A4h)
Address: 014A7E02h (foobar2000+117E02h)
Address: 014C7D77h (foobar2000+137D77h)
Address: 100027BBh (shared+27BBh), symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+2Fh)
Address: 014DF238h (foobar2000+14F238h)
Address: 013F5707h (foobar2000+65707h)
Address: 01390000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 014A7B01h (foobar2000+117B01h)
Address: 014D20B8h (foobar2000+1420B8h)
Address: 0150F090h (foobar2000+17F090h)
Address: 014CFCE0h (foobar2000+13FCE0h)
Address: 013A57A6h (foobar2000+157A6h)
Address: 014AB0F0h (foobar2000+11B0F0h)
Address: 014A7B01h (foobar2000+117B01h)

App: foobar2000 v1.0.1
OS: Windows 6.1.7600 x64
CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+, features: 3DNow!ex MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
Audio: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device); Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
UI: Default User Interface 0.9.5

Core (2010-03-06 14:44:16)
foobar2000 core 1.0.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:18)
Album List 4.4
foo_cdda.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:14)
CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:12)
Converter 1.4
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:26)
Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:00)
Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 21:09:32)
Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_queuecontents.dll (2010-05-15 18:40:56)
Queue Contents Editor 0.3.6
foo_quicksearch.dll (2010-05-14 19:08:00)
Quick Search Toolbar 1.9
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-03-06 14:41:56)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 15:38:32)
Columns UI
foo_ui_hacks.dll (2010-05-01 13:10:06)
UI Hacks 2010-04-30
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:34)
Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-04-30 23:49:24)
Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-04-26 08:04:38)
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2010-04-30 00:01:08)
foo_uie_library_tree.dll (2009-04-19 12:16:58)
Library Tree 0.3.1
foo_uie_lyrics2.dll (2010-04-12 20:19:24)
Lyric Show Panel 2
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-05-08 21:50:52)
Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 03:02:12)
Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2010-04-07 03:04:37)
WSH Panel Mod 1.3.3

Recent events:
Watching: D:\Users\*****\Music
Album List refreshed in: 0:00.022996
Warning: Queue Contents Editor: Failed to read ui element settings. Reseting settings.
Startup time : 0:00.243233

Taking a short glimpse at it, the following statements might be interesting, but I got no idea of that..

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 03A86B61h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h

Call path:
Warning: Queue Contents Editor: Failed to read ui element settings. Reseting settings.

To clarify: It appears that the playlist is really totally empty, as saving the QueuePlaylist gives a file with similar content to a manually created empty playlist.