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Topic: Python Grabber scripts (Read 89391 times) previous topic - next topic
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Python Grabber scripts

Reply #75
I have uploaded one of the 2E7AH amg scripts (from november 2009) in pastebin:

It grabbed (before amg search method redesign)  %genre% / %style% / %theme% / %mood% from amg from %album% tag

If someone can update the script with the new search method it would be great.

If 2E7AH is not ok with publication of its script on pastebin, please let me know, I will delete it (and also will delete this post with the link)

thanks in advance,
Decalicatan Decalicatan

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #76
I have uploaded one of the 2E7AH amg scripts (from november 2009) in pastebin:

It grabbed (before amg search method redesign)  %genre% / %style% / %theme% / %mood% from amg from %album% tag

If someone can update the script with the new search method it would be great.

If 2E7AH is not ok with publication of its script on pastebin, please let me know, I will delete it (and also will delete this post with the link)

thanks in advance,

I don't know Python, but I'll try and dissect that script so I have an idea of what is going on.
Hopefully, I can get mine to work well. Currently it grabs almost every AMG tag based on the input of the AMG Album ID...

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #77
AMG redesigned their site and search methods mid-October.

that's why everything stopped working.

i haven't messed with the python scripts yet, but the mp3tag scripts were completely broken by the HTML redesign.

i rewrote the mp3tag tag scripts to match the new html, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to re-do the python scripts.

I understand that. My PHP one works perfectly with the new design.
What I'm trying to do, is understand how the original Python script worked: "Did you have to input the AMG ID or did it scan files and search and find everything for you etc.? Also, what tags did it pull from allmusic?"

The Python script scanned the files and did a search for you.  I think it searched by album name first, and then artist (but I am not sure).  I think the only data it pulled from allmusic was the genre, styles, mood and theme.  They were all put into one tag and then a masstagger script could be run to separate them out into separate tags on each file.  I have the Python script and the masstagger script if you want them (I can email them to you).

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #78
AMG redesigned their site and search methods mid-October.

that's why everything stopped working.

i haven't messed with the python scripts yet, but the mp3tag scripts were completely broken by the HTML redesign.

i rewrote the mp3tag tag scripts to match the new html, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to re-do the python scripts.

I understand that. My PHP one works perfectly with the new design.
What I'm trying to do, is understand how the original Python script worked: "Did you have to input the AMG ID or did it scan files and search and find everything for you etc.? Also, what tags did it pull from allmusic?"

The Python script scanned the files and did a search for you.  I think it searched by album name first, and then artist (but I am not sure).  I think the only data it pulled from allmusic was the genre, styles, mood and theme.  They were all put into one tag and then a masstagger script could be run to separate them out into separate tags on each file.  I have the Python script and the masstagger script if you want them (I can email them to you).

Thanks - PM sent.
What I'm really trying to understand is the whole search bit. My script works if you know the Album ID, but I need to write it so that it can scan the file to get the Artist & Album (or they can be input) and use them to search, get the AMG ID and then go from there.

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #79
Thanks - PM sent.
What I'm really trying to understand is the whole search bit. My script works if you know the Album ID, but I need to write it so that it can scan the file to get the Artist & Album (or they can be input) and use them to search, get the AMG ID and then go from there.

I don't really know Python too well, but if you look at the script I sent you, you should see where in there it pulls the album name and plugs it into a URL to search for the album.  Then, if an exact match is not found, it searches the page of results for a matching artist (from the %album artist% tag).

Hope that helps.

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #80
I have uploaded one of the 2E7AH amg scripts (from november 2009) in pastebin:
thanks in advance,
I've downloaded the script and saved it under I always get this error:

Code: [Select]
foo_grabber_python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\user-components\foo_lyricsgrabber2\pygrabber\scripts\", line 3, in <module>
    import os, sys, subprocess, urllib, re, pickle, win32com.client
ImportError: No module named win32com.client
Is this script still compatible with  Lyrics Grabber 2 beta ?

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #81
Is this script still compatible with  Lyrics Grabber 2 beta ?

I don't know about that, but it seems you are missing PyWin32 Extensions (which doesn't come with offical Python distributions by default) and was redesigned is the meantime (judging from dates in this thread) so I would say you try something else

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #82
Ok - you're right - phyton installation was missing.

It's a shame that these scripts are no further developed...

Python Grabber scripts

Reply #83
Would it be possible to use this component to fetch and display list of all previous releases from an artist, possibly from discogs?