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Topic: EAC pb5 directory problem causes File Creation Error (Read 8534 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC pb5 directory problem causes File Creation Error

Does anyone know how to fix the directory problems that changed between pb4 and pb5?  I usually use an external compressor to create Lame MP3 files.  When I use pb5 with the same settings imported from pb4 that always worked before, I now get a "File Creation Error" with any CD I put in as soon as it tries to create the first Wav file before sending it to the Lame compressor. 

This is the filename naming scheme I use: \%D\%C\%A - %N - %T
which would normally change to \CDartist\CDtitle\trackartist - tracknumber - songtitle.

If I manually create the directories and use %A -%N - %T, then the file gets created correctly

Thanks for any help with this one.

EAC pb5 directory problem causes File Creation Error

Reply #2
You cannot (nor could you with any previous version including pb4) use a leading slash in your naming scheme.

Thanks for your help.  Removing the leading slash corrected the problem in pb5.  It's possible that this was not supposed to work in pb4, but I went back into pb4 and added the leading slash again.  It did work in pb4 so this is a change between the 2 versions and explains why the imported pb4 configuration file didn't work.  If you get other people who say that pb5 doesn't work, this may be something to check.  Thanks again since your suggestion fixed the problem.

EAC pb5 directory problem causes File Creation Error

Reply #4
I archive my music files on a Samba server.

After recently upgrading from EAC pb4 to pb5 on a Win2k operating system, I received the “File Creation Error!” with the first rip I attempted after the upgrade. No configuration or setting was changed, only the upgrade was different. I meticulously checked every setting that might conceivably be causing the error yet found nothing.

Finally, I had read that certain UNC pathnames will not work in pb5 and mapped the EAC extraction directory to a letter drive, changing the output destination from \\server\music to L:\

I was able to duplicate the same problem on a Vista machine - with EAC pb5 a UNC pathname to a server (\\server\music\) resulted in a "Fire Creation Error" which was resolved when the server was mapped to a letter drive in Windows.

Not being a technical person I cannot explain why the pathname would make such a difference with a program update but perhaps this information will save someone else some time in finding a solution to this problem.