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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 537141 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #325
hey there 2E7AH, thanks for this stuff... i have downloaded python and the script but i have no idea how to install this stuff? i opened the scripts in python and the little command line box opens and closes then i open foobar but nothing has changed and there are no extra options in the preferences page?

anyhelp appreciated

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #326
screenshot on post #318  is clear I think. You only need to add "run external source" as first source in biography preferences

you can run it from command prompt also by calling the script with python and adding two arguments: artist and album, so that it will print to stdout

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #327
Much thanks 2E7AH for the AMG review script! Working flawlessly.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #328
First, thanks for the great work.
scripts aren't executed withing same album, thou artist scripts are executed on album change even if artist is same
This is the intended behaviour. The current version checks only whether the command line is the same.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #329
Unfortunately, the image of screen-shot is broken and can't display, would you mind unload another one? Many thanks.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #330
Does anybody Know how to do in the comman line? Thanks.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #331
Does anybody Know how to do in the comman line? Thanks.

Something like...

"D:\python\python.exe" "scripts\" "%album artist%" "%album%"

...but change the path to python.exe to wherever it is on your computer. Note I found that in windows 7 it wouldn't find "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe". Even with the quotes it stopped at the open bracket. Weird.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #332
Thank you for your reply Ledge, I'll to try immediately.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #333
Note I found that in windows 7 it wouldn't find "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe". Even with the quotes it stopped at the open bracket. Weird.

You'll have to take care or parentheses as they are special characters for foobar (discussed many times)

@joelzhao: Are you saying that imageshack service isn't available in China? I'll reupload elsewhere if that the problem

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #334
i like the plugins very much. Because i have a lot of classic music, i want to have an  composer view    and a  band view  like the biography view. Also in a separate panel.

so my questions: is it easy for you to make them also as a component like the biography view (then i think,  i make an extra panel and it will function)


where in the component are the "words" to be changend

Thanks for every answer


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #335
screenshot on post #318  is clear I think. You only need to add "run external source" as first source in biography preferences

you can run it from command prompt also by calling the script with python and adding two arguments: artist and album, so that it will print to stdout

It seems that i am the only one whose can't make it work... 
I've done everything like your screenshot, but... nope, nothing appears.
Maybe because of my portable installation? Python and Foobar are not in the same Drive.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #336
I'm grateful to 2E7AH. He took care of my problem by PM and point me the problem i've got.

For those who might have the same problem:

Python 3.1 doesn't work for this use.
Use ActivePython 2.6.X instead.

@2E7AH, I've already told you by PM, but twice is better than never : Thanks mate.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #337
Is there some way to extract automatically the artist image from to the artist folder on the pc?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #338
have a look at the "server" preferences. i believe you can specify the location where it caches files using title formatting.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #340
2E7AH, is it possible for the AMG review script to look up albums using the 'artist' tag instead of 'album artist'? I tried editing the command line but that doesn't help. Thanks.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #341
There is some idea.

1. Support Multiple Value in Run Enternal Script
I use following command.
cmd /c manualinfo.bat "%artist%"
But this work only $meta(artist,0).
I set "%<artist>%" to remap meta.

2. Blacklist image function
Some time, bad image(e.g. too small, not relation etc.) downloaded.
Please limit image downloading by filesize, imagesize, blacklist.

3. Up max download image count(20-30?) or accumulation chache support.
4. Support Multiple Value in "Get Artist Picture from" menu.
5. Load Image from custom folder.
Core built-in artreader not support multiple value.

Thank you.


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #342
Script for Biography view accessing foo_lyricsdb db seemed funny to me so I made this little script which automatically displays lyrics in Biography view panel:

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #343
I'd like to raise the limit for server pictures from 6 to 100 or even more. Is that possible? Please, more pictures! 6 is not enough. It's so great to have a slideshow from pictures you haven't seen before.

And it would be great if there's an option to left- or right-align the pictures. Maybe customizable anchors for all 8 directions. (Top, Top-right etc.).

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #344
I noticed that you can't align both text and pictures perfectly. In my example, both text and pictures have borders and the same "y" padding:

The top align is perfect, but the bottom align has a difference of 1 pixel. I tested with several different images, so I don't believe it has something to do with the test images.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #346

In Biography view's options, I  found a "Remap meta" field for "Artist" that contains
Code: [Select]

What is that supposed to do? I never saw title formatting like this and didn't find any hint in the official title formatting reference. I am tempted to replace it with $meta(artist,0). Is there a difference?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #347

In Biography view's options, I  found a "Remap meta" field for "Artist" that contains
Code: [Select]

What is that supposed to do? I never saw title formatting like this and didn't find any hint in the official title formatting reference. I am tempted to replace it with $meta(artist,0). Is there a difference?

It expand multiple value.

If %artist% value is A;B;C,
Biography view recognize tag value separately.(A,B,C)

It is useful on multi artist tracks.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #348
So does it search for artist A first, and if nothing is found for that artist A then it searches for artist B?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #349
So does it search for artist A first, and if nothing is found for that artist A then it searches for artist B?

No. You can change artist by context menu.
I think Biography view is not kindness for anonymous artist.

You can set artist info text manualy.
Put text file some dir.
after, you make simple script that load this text content.
Finally, config "Run External Script".

sample bat script:
@echo off
type %~1.txt