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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 557405 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #125
The new version sometimes takes a noticable time for displaying information, even if the information hasn't changed. I notice this while changing tabs. This is annoying, for you have a white tab background while waiting for biography view. Version didn't have this, so I downgraded.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #126
Can't edit my post, so I have to make a new reply.

I just wanted to add that the older version that I downgraded to, now shows said behavior, too. I have no clue why, because I didn't change anything else in foobar2000 and never had this before. Perhaps it's not Biography View's fault, but I'm not sure.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #127
Can't edit my post, so I have to make a new reply.

I just wanted to add that the older version that I downgraded to, now shows said behavior, too. I have no clue why, because I didn't change anything else in foobar2000 and never had this before. Perhaps it's not Biography View's fault, but I'm not sure.

For what it's worth, I'm not having this problem at all. I did however experience it with earlier versions (the same will probably be the case with the latest version as well), until I started splitting my cache files into separate folders. As it turns out, having thousands of files in the same folder will eventually slow things down. What I ended up doing was to sort the files according to the first letters of the artist/band name (...\$left($swapprefix(%artist%),the),1)\...).

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #128
I just disabled cache, but things didn't change. Every now and then a white background with loading delay.
It's not that I explicitly enabled cache before. Cache was checked by default, but I didn't specify any paths, so I don't think anything had been cached before. I did a search on .txt files but didn't find anything on my hard disk.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #129

I have no idea at all.
Could you provide more information.
* Is the splitter that contains the biography panel ColumnsUI's tab stack?
* Are you using "Pseudo transparency" ?
* Are you using "Use glow effect..."?
* Are you using oppacity effect? (ie.Are Opacity values smaller than 255 ?)

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #130
Windows 7 RC, Core 2 Duo
Tab Stack - Panel Stack Splitter - Biography (nothing else in this Panel Stack Splitter)
No Pseudo transparency
No Glow
No Opacity, but Opacity value is 230

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #131
I have a very good Feature request:
If a song has multiple contributing artists, it would be great if Biography View could give the user a choice, maybe a drop-down menu or, even better, several (appearance-wise customizable) buttons that appear for each artist.
Of course, the first artist's biography should be displayed without user interaction, by default.

Even greater if Biography View could not only recognize the default artist separators (; and /), but also several artist separating strings like many people have in their library like "feat.", "featuring", "ft." (I agree users should use ; instead) and "vs.". The list could get long, so users should be given the option to customize this.

At the moment I use a complicated title formatting string just to filter out the first artist of such strings. Without it, Biography View wouldn't show anything in the current version.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #132
This is the code I currently use:
Code: [Select]
$ifgreater($strchr(%artist%,','),1,$left(%artist%,$sub($strchr(%artist%,','),1)),$ifgreater($strstr(%artist%,'vs.'),1,$left(%artist%,$sub($strstr(%artist%,'vs.'),1)),$ifgreater($strstr(%artist%,' feat'),1,$left(%artist%,$sub($strstr(%artist%,' feat'),1)),[%artist%])))

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #133
I have a very good Feature request:
If a song has multiple contributing artists, it would be great if Biography View could give the user a choice, maybe a drop-down menu or, even better, several (appearance-wise customizable) buttons that appear for each artist.
Of course, the first artist's biography should be displayed without user interaction, by default.

Even greater if Biography View could not only recognize the default artist separators (; and /), but also several artist separating strings like many people have in their library like "feat.", "featuring", "ft." (I agree users should use ; instead) and "vs.". The list could get long, so users should be given the option to customize this.

At the moment I use a complicated title formatting string just to filter out the first artist of such strings. Without it, Biography View wouldn't show anything in the current version.

Nice idea, I'd love to have that feature too.
Since using this component, I've been editing all artist tags with multiple artists to 1 artist, and then edit the song title to add "feat..."

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #134
ssenna, can you look here, and tell what is causing the error?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #135
Windows 7 RC, Core 2 Duo

I couldn't reproduce the problem, after all.(with Windows Vista)

ssenna, can you look here, and tell what is causing the error?

I don't know the error detailedly because biography view don't deal it directly.
It seems that DNS server returned error response to query for hostname-IPaddress resolution(perhaps when trying to access to
Is biography view working normally when the error appears ?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #136
I can't notice anything unusual when the error pops. Biography panel is working OK.
It looks like this:

[font= "Lucida Console"][17:54:55] Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Dejan\Music\Jacques Loussier Trio\Satie- Gymnopedies - Gnossiennes\01 - Gymnopedie No. 1 - Var. 1.ape"
[17:54:57] DNS error (11004)
[17:59:31] Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Dejan\Music\Jacques Loussier Trio\Satie- Gymnopedies - Gnossiennes\02 - Gymnopedie No. 1 - Var. 2.ape"
[17:59:49] DNS error (11004)
[18:04:06] Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Dejan\Music\Jacques Loussier Trio\Satie- Gymnopedies - Gnossiennes\03 - Gnossienne No. 3.ape"
[18:08:33] Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Dejan\Music\Jacques Loussier Trio\Satie- Gymnopedies - Gnossiennes\04 - Gnossienne No. 6.ape"
[18:13:59] Opening track for playback: "C:\Users\Dejan\Music\Jacques Loussier Trio\Satie- Gymnopedies - Gnossiennes\05 - Gnossienne No. 2.ape"
[18:14:04] DNS error (11004)[/font]

And because nobody reported this, probably it is something at my side. Maybe some anomalies with my ADSL connection? But I don't see any errors alsewhere, and when I play internet streams there aren't any DNS errors but just with Biography view. How often Biography view is accessing intenet?
Just to mention that I have disabled firewall, anti-virus, mail-client, IM, browsers and anything related to internet connections.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #137
Image Limits greater than 5 from would be very nice. I'd like to set it to 50 or even more. It's very enjoyable to see many different artist pictures while listening to the music. Please implement this, if it is possible. 

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #138
When i open Properties of a track, i can see some extra info from :

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #139
I'm using Biography View 0.2.9 with foobar (DUI) and Dockable Panels. Works nice. However, I still can't figure how to activate vertical scrolling for long texts. Mouse wheel doesn't work, and I see nothing else. What can I do ?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #140
How often Biography view is accessing intenet?

Biography View will try to access to when the artist of now-playing track is different from one of previous-playing track.
(suppose that cache function is disabled)

If the error always appear when playing specific tracks, I want to know artist name of these tracks and your server(language) setting.

I'd like to set it to 50 or even more.

The purpose of this restriction is to suppress the load of the server.
I think 50 is too large.
At present, I have no plan to increase the maximum value.

maybe a good add for the next build Ssenna ?

I think titleformat availability of these info can be achieved by tag writing or using metadb_display_field_provider.
I have not decided whether to implement either.
Therefore, I can't gurantee the addtion in the next release.

Mouse wheel doesn't work, and I see nothing else. What can I do ?

Did you test Preferences->General->"Mouse wheel:scroll the object currently below pointer rather than the object having focus" ?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #141
If the error always appear when playing specific tracks, I want to know artist name of these tracks and your server(language) setting.

Server language is set to English. Cache is enabled and file saving disabled.
But, it really has something to do with Akamai - i.e. which is nonexistent host as I checked right now but googling there are lot of pages describing Akamai DNS errors.

First, as in that other post I mentioned, akamai string was in /system32/nmap-service-probes file, which I deleted
Then I run TCPView and noticed that jusched (java update) process was accessing the same akamai server. I disabled the process and all was good - there were no DNS error messages in console.
But now again I see akamai in PM foobar processes and again DNS errors.
If I close foobar - no more connections to akamai. Also if Biography view isn't loaded - no more connections to akamai.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #142
Did you test Preferences->General->"Mouse wheel:scroll the object currently below pointer rather than the object having focus" ?

Well, who can say that he/she knows all extensive foobar preferences by heart ? Thanks ssena.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #143
Oh, and maybe one suggestion : AFAIK with current version, when we are in the "Artist" mode only biographies and artist pictures are queried automatically. For albums we need to right click > Album in order to perform the query.

I would like album pictures to be also queried automatically (with no user interaction even if we are in the "Artist" mode), so all relevant pictures can be cached and viewed later offline if we wish to.

Thank you.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #144
Nice component! Feel good because i can see the biography while listening. It will be nice if the author add the "server(language)"with "cn(china Simplified)",and FB can get the biography from "".THX!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #145
At least, biography view doesn't contain any hard-coded "akamai".
I can't figure out what causes this problem.
( or your ISP might adopt services provided by Akamai, e.g.cache service.)

It will be nice if the author add the "server(language)"with "cn(china Simplified)",and FB can get the biography from "".THX!

As far as I test, if Chinese is selected in the same manner as the other languages, returns no text info.
(Threfore, I removed chinese from language list.)


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #146
When i open Properties of a track, i can see some extra info from :

I wrote about something like this here
I'd really like to be able to use the title formatting you suggest!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #148
thanks, it's working now, but how come the lastfm information will be displayed in PSS, but not in the item details panel? i need the item details panel because of it's scrollbar... :/

edit: is it because the lastfm information isn't added on track change, but after it is retrieved from the web?

edit: solved - it works when i restart foobar after adding panel...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #149
Thank your reply,Ssenna.
I still have two questions:
i) Sometimes, the biography will stop refreshing(especially when switch songs that not played to the end), when I close the FB, the program is still staying in the progress! So I have to push"Ctrl+Alt+Del"and force quit the program and start the FB, it can display again, I wonder if it's a bug?
ii) If there is not exist artist.txt, I try to setup a txt, but it can't display. What's the script about the txt?