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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 522389 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #375
Would it be possible to implement the following choice:  "Display biography info for selected track" or "Display biography info for playing track" in the panel preferences?

I think this would be a really nice feature and it doesn't seem to be too difficult.

Would also appreciate a way to set the bio to display for only the playing track.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #377

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #378
vbscript update for AMG reviews:

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #379
vbscript update for AMG reviews:

download link:



Do you think it is possible to update for AMG Biography?

I guess it has already be asked and maybe it is just not possible to implement it, but to add the possibility to change on demand (w/o changing manually the order in the preferences) the server for Biography panel and/or to specify a server for a particular biography panel in the layout would be great.
Hence we could have a specific Biography panel for, another one for wikipedia or for AMG...

Thanks anyway,
Decalicatan Decalicatan
Decalicatan Decalicatan

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #380
vbscript update for AMG reviews:

download link:


Thank you so much for this script.  It works perfectly.  I would also like to know if there is a way to have it pull the artist biography instead of the album review.  I know nothing about this sort of thing, so any help you could provide would be great. 


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #381
AMG biography VBScript update download link:

Usage: cscript //Nologo scripts\foo_allmusic_b.vbs "%album artist%"

Problem can emerge when there are more artists with the same name. Typical example, pop artist "Air", and returned result for jazz artists from 70s. Right now, first match is returned that matches artist name (played in foobar), and although options exists for "relevance" or "significant" parsing, that doesn't solve possible issue, as I quickly checked. So keeping the script simple and fast I won't add another page request to check artist discography for match. However if more users demand it, I'll do it

My only issue when I was writing first script was that I couldn't find a way to parse HTML page as XML/XHTML instead using regular expressions. I wraped it in XHTML but MS XMLDOM couldn't see it. If someone has idea how to parse HTML as XML in VBScript please let me know.

I know nothing about this sort of thing, so any help you could provide would be great.

If you compare both scripts you can see that it isn't that hard to pull arbitrary data from allmusic. Maybe I should have commented the code, but it seem silly to do so for such small script.

Edit: Minor issue corrected. Line 31: "<div id=""bio""> to "bio"">

Link updated

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #382
They work well and rapidly, thank you. One problem, if there is no result by the script, "no match for:" display. How can I to do then if I want to search by or wiki in turn?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #383

Thanks again for the script.  It works perfectly.  It would be great if you could have it check artist discography in the event of multiple matches, but I understand the desire to not want to do that unless really demanded.  I also do not know the impact of that additional check on the speed, as the script as written returns results very quickly, which is great.

Thanks again for you efforts.


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #384
I'm always listening online streams by FB2k, some of the radio supply dynamic track sources, is it possible search the artist/album info by run exterior script?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #385
Thanks for the script romor!

Do you have any idea why this query works:

cscript //nologo foo_allmusic_r.vbs "amos lee" "supply and demand"

But this one gives an error that no review was found (which obviously isn't correct)?

cscript //nologo foo_allmusic_r.vbs "amos lee" "last days at the lodge"


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #386
Apparently because of two paragraphs, meaning CRLF wasn't covered by regex pattern. I remember I considered this, but maybe forgot something at some point.

You can change last part of line 32: ([\S ]+) to ([\s\S ]+), or re-download from here:

Please post such issues in future also

About allmusic biography script, I'll consider discography search for multiple artists matches when I have time for vbscript

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #387
Thanks for the quick fix!      I'll will report any further issues if I encounter them.

By the way someone earlier reported that sometimes the text in foobar was incomplete.

I just encountered an example with the bio of Ryan Adams. After  a couple of sentences the text in Foobar abruptly ends with an H

However, when I ran the script manually, the complete bio appeared in the command prompt but the problem obviously is with the ü which should have appeared after the H (of the band Hüsker Dü).

Next I tried directly retrieving the bio of Hüsker Dü and it worked fine....

So there's a problem somewhere with these kind of characters, is that a known issue with the bio plugin itself?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #388
I uploaded Amazon review vbscript here:

Artist's Biography is not available through this webservice

I plan *later* to merge allmusic scripts in one and extend it with classical music reviews feature, that's why I'm not posting extension for allmusic biography with discography match

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #389
It feels not good to scroll with middle button of mouse if there's a long biography, it'll be nice to scroll it with "page up" and "page down".

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #390
This plugin is pretty great, and I see alongside the biography text it also holds "similar artist" information? (At least... I assume it is this plugin.)

However this information isn't shown anyone and I can't figure out a way to use it... is there no titleformatting that would allow me to grab the information stored in Similar Artists/bio?

eg: Like so...?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #391
AMG biography VBScript update download link:

Usage: cscript //Nologo scripts\foo_allmusic_b.vbs "%album artist%"

Problem can emerge when there are more artists with the same name. Typical example, pop artist "Air", and returned result for jazz artists from 70s. Right now, first match is returned that matches artist name (played in foobar), and although options exists for "relevance" or "significant" parsing, that doesn't solve possible issue, as I quickly checked. So keeping the script simple and fast I won't add another page request to check artist discography for match. However if more users demand it, I'll do it

My only issue when I was writing first script was that I couldn't find a way to parse HTML page as XML/XHTML instead using regular expressions. I wraped it in XHTML but MS XMLDOM couldn't see it. If someone has idea how to parse HTML as XML in VBScript please let me know.

I know nothing about this sort of thing, so any help you could provide would be great.

If you compare both scripts you can see that it isn't that hard to pull arbitrary data from allmusic. Maybe I should have commented the code, but it seem silly to do so for such small script.

Edit: Minor issue corrected. Line 31: "<div id=""bio""> to "bio"">

thank you!

you can get information discography?
I do not know anything about scripting ....

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #392
AMG biography VBScript update download link:

Usage: cscript //Nologo scripts\foo_allmusic_b.vbs "%album artist%"

Problem can emerge when there are more artists with the same name. Typical example, pop artist "Air", and returned result for jazz artists from 70s. Right now, first match is returned that matches artist name (played in foobar), and although options exists for "relevance" or "significant" parsing, that doesn't solve possible issue, as I quickly checked. So keeping the script simple and fast I won't add another page request to check artist discography for match. However if more users demand it, I'll do it

My only issue when I was writing first script was that I couldn't find a way to parse HTML page as XML/XHTML instead using regular expressions. I wraped it in XHTML but MS XMLDOM couldn't see it. If someone has idea how to parse HTML as XML in VBScript please let me know.

I know nothing about this sort of thing, so any help you could provide would be great.

If you compare both scripts you can see that it isn't that hard to pull arbitrary data from allmusic. Maybe I should have commented the code, but it seem silly to do so for such small script.

Edit: Minor issue corrected. Line 31: "<div id=""bio""> to "bio"">

Link updated

a quick guide on how to use this script?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #393
file>preferences>tools>biography server. add run external script to the current source list. highlight it and move it to the top of the list.
back in the left hand pane, select run external script and add this new command

Code: [Select]
cscript //Nologo scripts\foo_allmusic_b.vbs "%album artist%"

now i'm not sure if the scripts folder here is relative to the user profile folder or the main foobar folder so you'll have to work that out for yourself. save the script from the pastebin website using the same file name.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #394
as i was bored, i tried looking at fixing the vbscript so that line breaks in the AMG bio are retained but it was beyond me. 

so i bodged in a little jscript to handle that. the script is here....

note this uses a different file extension and must be saved/called accordingly.

Code: [Select]
cscript //Nologo scripts\foo_allmusic_b.wsf "%artist%"

(i prefer %artist% over %album artist% but that's just a personal preference)

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #395
thanks, but doesn't work here, don't know why...just create a folder called "Nologo scripts" and put foo_allmusic_b.wsf in that...

ps, Is it possible to keep album review from allmusic?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #396
nologo is a command line switch - not part of the folder name. i even put the folder name scripts in bold...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #397
I love this plugin....but my only problem is with the "AC/DC" name, I use the following file path to save the data on my pc:
Metadata: C:\Users\maXelo\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\lastfm\artist\$swapprefix(%artist%,A,The,Los,El,La,At The,As I,At The)
Image:    C:\Users\maXelo\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\lastfm\artist\$swapprefix(%artist%,A,The,Los,El,La,At The,As I,At The)

Folder path: C:\Users\maXelo\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\lastfm\artist
File Name: [(%artist%,A,The,Los,El,La,At The,As I,At The)]

Folder path: blank
File Name: [%artist% - ][%album%]

But somehow I can't save the AC/DC data, any ideas?...thanks in advance

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #398


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #399
I'm sorry but where exactly do I put that string?