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Topic: foo_upnp (Read 1715732 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1725

Is it possible to hide an artist from the Artists list in the MediaLibraryTree when "Album Artists" is "Various Artist" ?

That can be accomplished by modifying the foo_upnp_ml_tree.xml file located in foobar's configuration folder. If you can elaborate a bit more on what you want to display and how you want it to display, I may be willing to help you further if what you want is possible. If not, I'll let you know.

Ok I'll try to explain it better (I'm sorry english isn't my native language)

I want to hide from the artists list the artists who appear only in a compilation, they all have the "Various Artists"  tag in the "Album Artist" field.

This option is present in XBMC. That allow to not display the artists who have only one or two tracks for example. In XBMC with this option activated they only appear as "Various Artists" in the artist list.


Reply #1726
I want to hide from the artists list the artists who appear only in a compilation, they all have the "Various Artists"  tag in the "Album Artist" field.

This option is present in XBMC. That allow to not display the artists who have only one or two tracks for example. In XBMC with this option activated they only appear as "Various Artists" in the artist list.

This cannot be done as there is no way to check the quantity of tracks by a particular artist in the media library using foobar's title formatting. Such a feature would have to be implemented by foo_upnp's developer, if it is even possible.

What is possible is to modify the pertinent spec in the foo_upnp_ml_tree.xml file so that any track having an album artist tag of "Various Artists" is listed under Various Artists and all others are listed under their artist tags.


Reply #1727
I have a problem, here is a short description :
  • Until now I had two machines on my LAN with fb2k, one acting as the server and the controller and the other as the renderer. Fine !
  • I bought myself a tablet and the excellent BubbleUpnp which I use as the controller with one machine as the server (with BubleUPnPServer as a proxy but that does not matter I think), the other one as the renderer.
    Generally speaking it works very well, except that in this configuration, metadata for compilations (I use %album artist% to tag them) are not passed the same way and on the renderer, instead of getting the artist in the %artist% tag I get this combination: %artist%; %album artist%. I tried to get rid of the ; %album artist% part after %artist% but with no success.

This is embarrassing because scrobbling is only feasible on the renderer if I want to benefit from the OpenHome renderer playlist persistence when my tablet is powered off. As well, last fm bio does not work on the renderer for compilations.
If that could help, I have also noticed that when using a controler on the server, in the "UPnP controller playback queue" playlist is updated the same way (%artist% is transformed to %artist%; %album artist%) when a track is played.
I hope it is clear enough.

I reproduced and fixed this bug, which made album artist appended to %artist% as you describe, in some cases.
Thanks for reporting.

Additional questions and comments :
  • From the playlist view in BubbleUpnp, the option "Show Album in Library" does not seem to work.
  • Feature request #1: Do you foresee any possibility that I could use BubbleUPnP to rate tracks and pass that information to the server ?
  • Feature request #2: It would be nice to search only in the playlist on BubbleUPnP (e.g. make the search function contextual depending on whether it is used from the playlist view or the library view)

1. It works here. Are you sure foobar2000 is the current Media Server selected in the Library tab when you initiate "Show Album in Library"
2. Not possible with regular UPnP AV
3. Not likely to be implemented as I do not imagine many users wanting to search the Playlist tab


Reply #1728
When my music library reaches a certain size the UPnP Browser will no longer list the contents under the Music folder. It displays "loading..." for about a second and then does nothing. Consequently I'm unable to access any music content on my media server.

Does anyone know if this problem is being addressed?


foobar2000 1.2.3 w/ UPnP plugin

Media server(s):
Windows Media player (library)
BubbleUPnP Server 0.6.4 (Internet access)

Windows 7 Ultimate

Media library size:
55.7 GB
12,751 files

Are you accessing the foo_upnp server through  BubbleUPnP Server ?
What folder is showing this behaviour ?
How many subfolders do you estimate this folder contains ?


Reply #1729
does anyone know, wether Playback stream capture is limited to stereo.

I tried to playback multichannel tracks on a client-PC(with foo_upnp as renderer ) served by a server-PC (with foo_upnp_server) .
When the client played tracks accessed from upnp-Librarytree all worked fine.
When the client played back the streamcapture, output was 2channel only. (no matter wav or lpcm was checked in streamingprofile).

So, is this a limitation by design or the upnp-spec or a bug ?

It is limited to stereo for compatibility and simplicity. And multichannel would only apply to WAV (even if multichannel exists, there's virtually no UPnP device able to play it).


Reply #1730
I have a problem, here is a short description :
metadata for compilations (I use %album artist% to tag them) are not passed the same way and on the renderer, instead of getting the artist in the %artist% tag I get this combination: %artist%; %album artist%. I tried to get rid of the ; %album artist% part after %artist% but with no success.
I reproduced and fixed this bug, which made album artist appended to %artist% as you describe, in some cases.
Thanks for reporting.
Thanks ... it's fixed now with V1.6.7 of Bubble UPNP

Additional questions and comments :
  • From the playlist view in BubbleUpnp, the option "Show Album in Library" does not seem to work.
1. It works here. Are you sure foobar2000 is the current Media Server selected in the Library tab when you initiate "Show Album in Library"
yes I am sure (although it's not in the library tab but on the device tab). I also use BubbleUpnpServer as a proxy.

Another issue I have is that when trying to load large playlist or library portions of the library within BubbleUpnp (and after moving to the playlist tab and playing some tracks) it results in the renderer (foo_upnp) becoming unresponsive [reporting; Unable to open item for playback (error decoding proxy stream path request)], and then I have to restart the renderer and even the server. Should I report it in the xda forum?


Reply #1731
Thanks ... it's fixed now with V1.6.7 of Bubble UPNP

In fact, it is a foo_upnp bug. This bug (album artist appended to artist) triggers only when the renderer plays a tagless format like WAV or LPCM, or tagless mp3 transcode.
For all other formats, foobar2000 reads the real file tag from the stream instead of using the metadata supplied by foo_upnp.
It is probable you were streaming WAV or LPCM when you observed this bug.

Another issue I have is that when trying to load large playlist or library portions of the library within BubbleUpnp (and after moving to the playlist tab and playing some tracks) it results in the renderer (foo_upnp) becoming unresponsive [reporting; Unable to open item for playback (error decoding proxy stream path request)], and then I have to restart the renderer and even the server. Should I report it in the xda forum?

Ok, this is a BubbleUPnP Server bug that can trigger if you browse more than 10000 items (they do not need to be all in the same playlist).
I will fix it in the next version of BubbleUPnP Server, removing that silly limitation. Can you confirm you browsed a massive number of items ?
For example if you loaded a 12K items playlist, the first 2K items would trigger that error when being played in foobar2000.


Reply #1732
In fact, it is a foo_upnp bug. This bug (album artist appended to artist) triggers only when the renderer plays a tagless format like WAV or LPCM, or tagless mp3 transcode.
For all other formats, foobar2000 reads the real file tag from the stream instead of using the metadata supplied by foo_upnp.
It is probable you were streaming WAV or LPCM when you observed this bug.
uh ... probably yes.
In fact it took me some time to adjust the streaming profiles to be able to stream mp3/flac/ogg, because it seems that, strangely, is it determined by the controler and not the renderer, and I had to find the actual match with the renderer capabilities of my Nexus 10 (e.g. 11 025 Hz to 192 kHz) otherwise it would decode to PCM before streaming.

Another issue I have is that when trying to load large playlist or library portions of the library within BubbleUpnp (and after moving to the playlist tab and playing some tracks) it results in the renderer (foo_upnp) becoming unresponsive [reporting; Unable to open item for playback (error decoding proxy stream path request)], and then I have to restart the renderer and even the server. Should I report it in the xda forum?

Ok, this is a BubbleUPnP Server bug that can trigger if you browse more than 10000 items (they do not need to be all in the same playlist).
I will fix it in the next version of BubbleUPnP Server, removing that silly limitation. Can you confirm you browsed a massive number of items ?
For example if you loaded a 12K items playlist, the first 2K items would trigger that error when being played in foobar2000.
Yes that's what happens but I was trying to load around 5 000 items IIRC. Let me know if you need more testing.

Additional questions and comments :
  • From the playlist view in BubbleUpnp, the option "Show Album in Library" does not seem to work.
1. It works here. Are you sure foobar2000 is the current Media Server selected in the Library tab when you initiate "Show Album in Library"
I have customized foo_upnp.xml. Is there any requirements on how it should be formatted for the search to work? If I search manually it works well.


Reply #1733
In fact it took me some time to adjust the streaming profiles to be able to stream mp3/flac/ogg, because it seems that, strangely, is it determined by the controler and not the renderer, and I had to find the actual match with the renderer capabilities of my Nexus 10 (e.g. 11 025 Hz to 192 kHz) otherwise it would decode to PCM before streaming.

Yes, the profile used is determined by the browsing client, in your case BubbleUPnP. So the BubbleUPnP profile is used, even if you browse with it to play on another renderer (not the the BubbleUPnP renderer). That's why for each browsed item, there is the primary stream URL specified by the matching profile and foo_upnp adds a WAV and LPCM  compat stream URLs, one of which is always guaranteed to be playable by any renderer. BubbleUPnP (or most other control points) will use the first stream URL if it is deemed playable by the renderer or otherwise use one of the compat URL.

Yes that's what happens but I was trying to load around 5 000 items IIRC. Let me know if you need more testing.

This can happen with less than 10K items. Since each item has 3 stream URLs (see above) this can happen with 10000/3 = 3333 items.
So this really needs fixing.

I have customized foo_upnp.xml. Is there any requirements on how it should be formatted for the search to work? If I search manually it works well.

Yes, I forgot that for album search to work, the first SubTree of foo_upnp_ml_tree.xml must be left to what it is by default:

Code: [Select]
<SubTree label="Albums">
    <spec type="object.container.album.musicAlbum">%album%[ '['%album artist%']']</spec>


Reply #1734
Yes, I forgot that for album search to work, the first SubTree of foo_upnp_ml_tree.xml must be left to what it is by default:

Code: [Select]
<SubTree label="Albums">
    <spec type="object.container.album.musicAlbum">%album%[ '['%album artist%']']</spec>
Thanks ... It works now.

Another issue I have is that when trying to load large playlist or library portions of the library within BubbleUpnp (and after moving to the playlist tab and playing some tracks) it results in the renderer (foo_upnp) becoming unresponsive [reporting; Unable to open item for playback (error decoding proxy stream path request)], and then I have to restart the renderer and even the server. Should I report it in the xda forum?

Ok, this is a BubbleUPnP Server bug that can trigger if you browse more than 10000 items (they do not need to be all in the same playlist).
I will fix it in the next version of BubbleUPnP Server, removing that silly limitation. Can you confirm you browsed a massive number of items ?
For example if you loaded a 12K items playlist, the first 2K items would trigger that error when being played in foobar2000.

Well ... I made an additional test of loading a playlist of 5 000 tracks, bypassing BubbleUpnpServer and using directly the foobar media server. Although it was very long (I even had to kill BubbleUpnp which became unresponsive) I finally managed (in two batches) to get a full playlist which was not corrupted. I could save the playlist locally and after that it's working basically ok ...
I don't know if you plan any performance improvement apart from fixing the BubbleUpnp bug.

PS: It's probably normal but I have noticed that if I untick the "Add WAV/LPCM compatibility stream" in the foo_upnp server basic settings options I only get one stream (e.g. mp3) when sourced directly from foobar, but two streams  (stream #2: LPCM) when sourcing from BubbleUpnpServer.

Thanks for your support.


Reply #1735
Well ... I made an additional test of loading a playlist of 5 000 tracks, bypassing BubbleUpnpServer and using directly the foobar media server. Although it was very long (I even had to kill BubbleUpnp which became unresponsive) I finally managed (in two batches) to get a full playlist which was not corrupted. I could save the playlist locally and after that it's working basically ok ...
I don't know if you plan any performance improvement apart from fixing the BubbleUpnp bug.

Maybe this can be improved but for 5K items it will still be slow. Let alone take a lot of RAM.
What are you trying to achieve with playlists that big ?

PS: It's probably normal but I have noticed that if I untick the "Add WAV/LPCM compatibility stream" in the foo_upnp server basic settings options I only get one stream (e.g. mp3) when sourced directly from foobar, but two streams  (stream #2: LPCM) when sourcing from BubbleUpnpServer.

BubbleUPnP Server always add a compat LPCM stream to proxy media servers (if there is no such stream already). This is part of the proxy feature making proxified servers more DLNA compliant. This LPCM stream is only used if the target renderer does not support the original (first) stream (and supports LPCM which is mandatory for any DLNA renderer).
What are you using a proxy media server of foo_upnp for ? On a LAN it is not really required. Proxy servers on a LAN can be useful to fix broken servers or to provide some non-exhaustive DLNA compliance for audio.

Btw BubbleUPnP (available within a few hours on Google Play) fixes the %artist% problem on tagless streams. I thought the bug was in foo_upnp but it was in BubbleUPnP.


Reply #1736
What are you trying to achieve with playlists that big ?

Just random playing a large set of files (e.g. for a given genre)

What are you using a proxy media server of foo_upnp for ?

I thought it was needed for Internet access and also to continue playing when the tablet is shut down (the open home feature IIRC).


Reply #1737
What are you trying to achieve with playlists that big ?

Just random playing a large set of files (e.g. for a given genre)


What are you using a proxy media server of foo_upnp for ?

I thought it was needed for Internet access and also to continue playing when the tablet is shut down (the open home feature IIRC).

Yes of course. I was just asking because sometimes people use BubbleUPnP Server for no good reason, thinking it is absolutely required to operate Android BubbleUPnP.


Reply #1738
Hi everyone,

First, sorry for my english but it's not my native language and I know it's not my best skill...

I tried to use this component to play music from foobar (on my labtop) to a Wifi speaker (Sony SA NS-510) in my wifi network... But I didn't succeed...

The functionaly "Play to" from Windows 7 works fine...
With Itunes, i can select my devices easily (Airplay)

But I don't want to be forced to use WMP and Itunes... I love my foobar !!!!

My problem is that no redender are detected in the Upnp Controller box... The combobox stay disabled...

Does anyone have a clue to help me ?





Reply #1739
For information, when starting foobar, i see in console that my devices is detected but not present in "Select a device" Combobox...

Code: [Select]
foo_upnp: 0.056: PLT_CtrlPoint::InspectDevice(1269)/7348: INFO: Inspecting device "5f9ec1b3-ed59-1900-4530-5453edc2a17d" detected @
foo_upnp: 0.826: PLT_CtrlPoint::ProcessGetDescriptionResponse(1394)/6720: INFO: Device "5f9ec1b3-ed59-1900-4530-5453edc2a17d" is now known as "SA-NS510 C2A17D"




Reply #1740
... Nobody's here ?
Please, I'm don't bare using Itunes to listen music...


Reply #1741
... Nobody's here ?
Please, I'm don't bare using Itunes to listen music...


Reply #1742
Good evening ... I have a feature request.

One of my favorite scenario is to "push" audio from computer A (in my office) to computer B (hidden in my living room and connected to my stereo), using the playback stream capture option, and to control foobar on computer A with foo_http_control and a client such as foobarcon on an android device.

The user experience is fantastic, but the limitation in that situation is that I cannot change the volume of computer B, as my android client is connected to computer A.

So I would like an option to synchronize volumes between the two machines. I guess that it could be achieved by synchronizing the volume slider in the controller windows (on computer A) with foobar main volume (e.g. reflect the changes in foobar main volume control in the controller window).

I have a workaround using Jamcast (virtual soundcard) but it is not ideal for other reasons and I would prefer to stick to native foobar components.

Do you think it's feasible, or do you see any solution to synchronize volumes ?

Thanks for your reply.


Reply #1743
Current setup:
foobar 1.2.4
foo_upnp 0.99.45
Xbox360 system music player

Streaming FLAC and MP3 is currently working perfectly. I do, however, still have a subsection of my library still encoded as ALAC from my misguided iTunes days. I've made sure that decode to PCM is set to "always" with the type as a WAV stream and the only exceptions being mp3/wma. However, it doesn't seem to convert the ALAC files. They display with no times in the playlist on the Xbox and get skipped with an error about incompatible format when I attempt to play them.

While I could batch convert everything to FLAC, I'd rather avoid that unless I have a pressing reason to do so. Is there a reason it wouldn't be compatible with foobar's native ALAC decoder?


Reply #1744
I've made sure that decode to PCM is set to "always" with the type as a WAV stream and the only exceptions being mp3/wma.

Try setting it to LPCM instead of WAV.


Reply #1745
foo_upnp 0.99.46 is available (see first post of this topic for download link).

It is recommended to upgrade, as this version fixes a braindead bug that can cause high ping every 50s (thanks to the the user who reported that one)

As I also updated Platinum UPnP, let me know if you find any regression (stuff that worked in previous version but not in this one)


  • updated Platinum UPnP to
  • compiled with speed optimizations (should make browsing slightly faster)
  • fixed UPnP device search requests emited every 50s by mistake, flooding the network with unecessary SSDP trafic and potentially causing high ping spikes every 50s
  • server: fixed opened files for streaming not closed
  • server: fixed foo_upnp sometimes misidentified as WMP in BubbleUPnP
  • browser: fixed lock on UPnP Browser Selection playlist lost if moving the playlist
  • server: "can decode http streams" set to true for PS3 profile


Reply #1746
foo_upnp 0.99.46 is available (see first post of this topic for download link).

It is recommended to upgrade, as this version fixes a braindead bug that can cause high ping every 50s (thanks to the the user who reported that one)

As I also updated Platinum UPnP, let me know if you find any regression (stuff that worked in previous version but not in this one)


  • updated Platinum UPnP to
  • compiled with speed optimizations (should make browsing slightly faster)
  • fixed UPnP device search requests emited every 50s by mistake, flooding the network with unecessary SSDP trafic and potentially causing high ping spikes every 50s
  • server: fixed opened files for streaming not closed
  • server: fixed foo_upnp sometimes misidentified as WMP in BubbleUPnP
  • browser: fixed lock on UPnP Browser Selection playlist lost if moving the playlist
  • server: "can decode http streams" set to true for PS3 profile

Thanks for fixing this so promptly.

- Dutchy


Reply #1747
Good plugin I love it, at least it does what want and that is to play musik from my NAS. But I do have one request which would be very handy for me. I dont like if programms cant be controlled via keyboard and I think that the UPnP Browser doesnt support any keyboard actions instead of up and down right now. The keyboard actions I would love to have are:

CTRL+F > That the cursor jumps into the search field
Enter > To open a path in the tree structure or to add a album to the playlist
Up/Down/Left/Right Cursor > To navigate through the tree structure. Up/Down works already but right only works if you once clicked on the entry to retrieve the subfolder structure


Reply #1748
At first I would like to thank you for this marvellous plugin, I'm using it as UPnP/DLNA server for my Linn ADSM.

I am still using release 0.99.40 - which works just fine - because newer releases don't show up at my control points (BubbleDS on Android and Kinsky on Windows 7) after wake-up from Windows stand-by and hibernate, I would have to everytime manually stop/start UPnP Media Server or restart foobar2000 to correct this behaviour.

Is there anything I do wrong?

Thank you very much in advance!


Reply #1749
Good plugin I love it, at least it does what want and that is to play musik from my NAS. But I do have one request which would be very handy for me. I dont like if programms cant be controlled via keyboard and I think that the UPnP Browser doesnt support any keyboard actions instead of up and down right now. The keyboard actions I would love to have are:

CTRL+F > That the cursor jumps into the search field
Enter > To open a path in the tree structure or to add a album to the playlist
Up/Down/Left/Right Cursor > To navigate through the tree structure. Up/Down works already but right only works if you once clicked on the entry to retrieve the subfolder structure

You can use + and - keys to expand/close a folder. Additionally, + will execute the action assigned to left-click when entering a folder containing items.