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Topic: Kameleon by Br3tt (Read 339472 times) previous topic - next topic
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Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #475
Can one also put this the cover are not covered separately from a folder separate directly from the day ID3? If not all cover liked to pack by hand in a folder there some songs the cover have already integrated!

sorry but your traductor is shit ! we do not understand at all what you want to say !

Shazbot, nanu nanu ! 

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #477
Regarding chronflow it's probably my paths and file names in extended variables.
So I got the paths ending correctly with "/"
And I put file names as %album%*.*
Anything wrong there? reads perfectly well except for chronflow, no image at all.

What does the heart do?
How do I set it so that if no artist art is found (but cover is), display default background?
How can I make the background cycle between artists pics? For example if I have multiple Red Hot Chili Peppers back grounds
Album names with : what should the path to the album art be? replace : by what? tried _ - x and space. none worked.

Bug: When pressing INFO AL or PL, if  you than press spe, art, lyr, etc it will load as full panel, and it won't split if you try to add more. You have to press again in INFO AL or PL to put things right.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #478
What does the heart do?

The heart button changes <MOOD> tag to 1. In effect, it changes the track number to gold.
The "i hate this song" button beside it changes <SKIP> to 1. Testing it, it doesn't really skip the track. It changes the track number to an "i hate this song" icon.
Pushing both buttons turns the track number into a golden "i hate this song", signifying your bipolarism.

It doesn't seem to have any connection with the love/hate track in, which is a pity.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #479
Bug: When pressing INFO AL or PL, if  you than press spe, art, lyr, etc it will load as full panel, and it won't split if you try to add more. You have to press again in INFO AL or PL to put things right.


not a bug, when you are maximized in the left panel, you can switch to another panel but it stays maximized (wanted!), just click the zoom out button to go back to panel stack display (mini-panels)

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #480

Nice cfg ^^

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #481

You need to add additional entries to run services.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #482
Can one allow to not indicate the cover directly from the file MP3? (ID3Tag ) without separate folder for it to make?
Excuse for my bad English. Translated with Abacho!

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #483
hmm .. strange issue, but when I updated from 1.2 to 1.2.1 I've problem with foobar. There is no fonts in playlist, now after returning to old version, still I can't see fonts. Adding screenshot

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #485
Bug: When pressing INFO AL or PL, if  you than press spe, art, lyr, etc it will load as full panel, and it won't split if you try to add more. You have to press again in INFO AL or PL to put things right.


not a bug, when you are maximized in the left panel, you can switch to another panel but it stays maximized (wanted!), just click the zoom out button to go back to panel stack display (mini-panels)

Ok than I think we should be able. After pressing AL or PL of Info which automatically loads maximized, if we click  SPE twice next. First it would show SPE maximized. After the second click, it would minimize. Pratical.

It's your skin in the end. I'd be appreciated if you could help me with  my questions being that the heart button was already clarified.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #486
hi brett...

i've got a little trouble with stats... (with 1.2.1, but not with 1.2.0).
i can't see them...

you can view a 1.2.0 screenshot here (with stats) :

and a 1.2.1 screenshot here (without stats) :

I don't understand...

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #487
hi brett...

i've got a little trouble with stats... (with 1.2.1, but not with 1.2.0).
i can't see them...

you can view a 1.2.0 screenshot here (with stats) :

and a 1.2.1 screenshot here (without stats) :

I don't understand...

change made from 1.1 to 1.2.x : now, stats only use %play_counter% tag info and no more %play_count% tag

you can change %play_counter% values in GB Stat and in ELPlaylist panels to make it match you %play_count% tag ...

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #488
Falstaff,could you add an option for info panel to switch the follow cursor or now playing mode?

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #490
Kameleon bug has been reported here and seems to be causing users to want silly things. Please fix this.


Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #492
If you're going to insist on the 4-digit format, could you use $left(%date%,4) or something to allow longer dates to not interfere?

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #495
how i can change shuffle order to random in new version?
cant find code in script settings...

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #496
BUG?: It is a bug but not sure if it's fixable. When viewing a different playlist that is not the one playing, if you try to minimize all album headers in the - button it will take you back to the playlist that is currently playing. Gets annoying to me as I'm constantly editing songs and many times they are on a different playlist.

Falstaff, could you please answer my questions above? thx

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #497
BUG?: It is a bug but not sure if it's fixable. When viewing a different playlist that is not the one playing, if you try to minimize all album headers in the - button it will take you back to the playlist that is currently playing. Gets annoying to me as I'm constantly editing songs and many times they are on a different playlist.

Falstaff, could you please answer my questions above? thx

fixed in v1.2.2 just released

Change log :

1.2.2 :
- Bug fixed : sometimes playlist switcher left panel had bad refresh (very annoying) => no more now (btw no more reproduced with the fix)
- Bug fixed : buttons + / - to expand or collapse the playlist ativated too the 'Show now playing command' => removed
- YEAR display in the playlist header : now, long dates are accepted but it still display only the Year (it take by default the 4 digits on the left : 2005-07-24 => 2005)
- Tweaks

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #498
BUG?: It is a bug but not sure if it's fixable. When viewing a different playlist that is not the one playing, if you try to minimize all album headers in the - button it will take you back to the playlist that is currently playing. Gets annoying to me as I'm constantly editing songs and many times they are on a different playlist.

Falstaff, could you please answer my questions above? thx

fixed in v1.2.2 just released

Change log :

1.2.2 :
- Bug fixed : sometimes playlist switcher left panel had bad refresh (very annoying) => no more now (btw no more reproduced with the fix)
- Bug fixed : buttons + / - to expand or collapse the playlist ativated too the 'Show now playing command' => removed
- YEAR display in the playlist header : now, long dates are accepted but it still display only the Year (it take by default the 4 digits on the left : 2005-07-24 => 2005)
- Tweaks

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #499

How to change font size to look better? see image, please.
