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Topic: [Not My Release] Library Tree (Read 133212 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #200
And another request, make library view playlist seperate from the currently playing one, like columns UI filter panels do.

Had a play around with Library Tree and I can't see any option to enable/disable something like this. Any suggestions on how to get Library Tree to behave like Columns UI filters?

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #201

Is it possible to change names of root items in the tree (Library, ActivePlaylist, Playlist, AutoPlaylist)?

If not, dear author, please consider adding this possiblity

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #202
And another request, make library view playlist seperate from the currently playing one, like columns UI filter panels do.

Had a play around with Library Tree and I can't see any option to enable/disable something like this. Any suggestions on how to get Library Tree to behave like Columns UI filters?

I just logged in to ask this same thing. Does anyone know if this is possible?

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #203
Is it possible to have multiple tags in one level of the treeview like for example a list of both %<artist>% and %<composer>%?
The very act of observing, influences what happens.

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #204
I tried this component and it's so superb: 'Related with now playing' or showing custom tree of library items based on currently playing track is something I miss much

Can you (dev) port it to default UI as you already have components developed for?
My main concern is Facets. If Facets existed on Columns UI I'd switch right away, but as I don't see development going there and if porting is possible, it would be awful

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #205
To the dev - Can you add user defined root nodes, for both views and playlists?

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #207

i miss a right click feature to re-order my Views, like "Move Up" / "Move Down", would be very very useful

Thanx by advance!

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #208
I have been using this "Library Tree" component for a while now.

Sometimes when I populate my CUI "NG Playlist" and then play something in "NG Playlist" and then create a "New Playlist" (in other words navigate away from "Now Playing" playlist while it is still playing), at this time if I try to re-activate the "Now Playing" playlist  by Toolbar button or Menu item... NOTHING HAPPENS !
Neither Toolbar button nor Menu item will respond any more, in other words I can not go back to my "Now Playing" playlist.

This problem is intermittent and I don't always see it happening.

My other Library Viewer's are "Explorer Tree" and "Filter panel" and I NEVER get that problem occuring with them.

Could ssenna the developer of this component, please review the code of this component, thanks.

This is not a bad component, I enjoy the configuration choices, but if I see this problem appear a few more times then I'm going back to "Album List" panel.

By the way, a feature request please... I enjoy formatting complex views with very long strings of text, is there any chance you can add "RGB(x,x,x)" color syntax so I can have multiple colors on one line when viewing a list in "Library Tree" ? It would be nice.

For the record, "Album List" panel allows color syntax scripting, but not so with "Library Tree".

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #209
This is a redundant reply; mods please merge into previous post, thanks.

What I should have typed:
Sometimes, I get a problem of "loss of interactivity" when using "Library Tree"...
If I select a line in "Library Tree", and thus send items to my CUI "NG Playlist", and then click and play an item in "NG Playlist",
If I then create a "New Playlist" (in other words navigate away from "Now Playing" playlist while it is still playing), at this time if I try to re-activate the "Now Playing" playlist by Toolbar button or Menu item... NOTHING HAPPENS !
Neither Toolbar button nor Menu item will respond any more, in other words I can not go back to my "Now Playing" playlist.

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #210
Hi everybody.

I read all the thread but didn't see the answer to this:

- is it possible to have many "views" under one grouping costant or tag label?
(In playlistTree it was called "Folder" and it was a costant)

Code: [Select]
      +Album - title
      +Artist - album - title
      +Performer - instrument
      +BBC radio



@ q-stankovic:

How do you compare it to our old PLT,
in smartness and in performances?

Is this slow too when filled with many views?


[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #211
I've made some custom views for media library, but they all getting displayed in wrong alphabetical order. For example:

Are there something that could help me?

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #212
Could you please provide a bit more information?

Which Library Viewer do you use? Where are Items displayed (Libary itself like in facets or a Library Viewer Playlist)?

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #213
I'm using Library Tree viewers, though in Album List viewer everything is fine.
It looks like this:

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #215
As i can see, this is not sql tree viewer

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #216
It could be playlist tree mod - not sure though. ImSp, mind sharing where you got the skin from? Looks very nice!

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #218
From the readme in library tree:

   You can specify how to split nodes by using "\" and "|".
   The previous nodes to "\" are sorted with ascending order.
   The other side, the pevious nodes to "|" are sorted with decending order.

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #219
Anyway, thank you for help =)

Hey, it worked just fine! I just installed last version of player with this new skin today, and used my old view presets, the one with "|", from old foobar, where everything was working fine for years. Thank you!
I got this skin from here

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #220
ImSp, great to hear! I am not using library tree since album list panel works fine for me (I have several of them in a tab stack ) but it looks like it all depends on wether you use backslash or pipe for new nodes.
Thanks for the link, very appreciated! I will take a close look at this skin

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #221
Would be great if this worked with default UI....

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #222
i use it with foo_popup_panels. as the name suggests, it's a popup window and you can't embed it in your layout but it works well enough for me. just make sure you set the close button to hide the window - that way all settings are retained for further use.

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #223
How to create an autoplaylist? The query pattern should contain the following
NOT %last_played% DURING LAST 15 WEEKS AND %artist% IS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Multiple values must be included)

[Not My Release] Library Tree

Reply #224
Sometimes when I populate my CUI "NG Playlist" and then play something in "NG Playlist" and then create a "New Playlist" (in other words navigate away from "Now Playing" playlist while it is still playing), at this time if I try to re-activate the "Now Playing" playlist  by Toolbar button or Menu item... NOTHING HAPPENS !
Neither Toolbar button nor Menu item will respond any more, in other words I can not go back to my "Now Playing" playlist.

Sometimes, I get a problem of "loss of interactivity" when using "Library Tree"...
If I select a line in "Library Tree", and thus send items to my CUI "NG Playlist", and then click and play an item in "NG Playlist",
If I then create a "New Playlist" (in other words navigate away from "Now Playing" playlist while it is still playing), at this time if I try to re-activate the "Now Playing" playlist by Toolbar button or Menu item... NOTHING HAPPENS !
Neither Toolbar button nor Menu item will respond any more, in other words I can not go back to my "Now Playing" playlist.

Is Library Tree still supported?  I don't see any updates since 7/2011.  I love the component except for issues similar to those that derty2 describes.  If I add files to a folder monitored as a media library folder, the Library Tree takes a while to update and, during that time, it will hang.  For example, right-clicking in Library Tree to add a track to the playlist will bring up an hourglass pointer and then time out after a few seconds.  Once the media library is 'refreshed', normal functionality returns to Library Tree. This happens whether the monitored folders are local or networked.

Could this possibly be fixed?  I don't see this hang in any of the other components that I use.