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Topic: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus) (Read 182335 times) previous topic - next topic
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #150
with foobar open, hold shift and click file>browse configuration folder. (that's assuming WINE can handle the command to open whatever file browser it uses)

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #151
Quote from: fohrums link=msg=0 date=

Foobar2000 directory stores all necessary information?

If it's in portable mode, yes.

  So, where and what are these files? This is because I don't have mine installed as portable.

Got it 

To properly understand this plugin, the opening should say "Works better if you have foobar2000 installed as 'portable'"

Now the contents of my .zip backup works when I extracted it to my foobar2000 directory.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #152
IIRC playlists and PlaybackStatistics.dat entries are now obsolete.

How can I backup the playback statistics from foo_playcount? Most importantly how can I found out how to backup a particular item?

I found out that these correlate to foobar2000's directory. As directories themselves or files.ext. This is what you call control! loving it!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #153
To properly understand this plugin, the opening should say "Works better if you have foobar2000 installed as 'portable'".

Not really. The only reason the description was inadequate for you is because you're not using the plugin.

In which case it helps to understand that since Vista (some 8 years ago), by default Windows expects configuration information to be saved to the user profile folder.

In the case of foobar2000, it's:

where xxx is your username.

The portable installation of foobar2000, where everything is in the program folder, is not normal. I don't think it's normal for any modern OS, actually.
That's so plausible, I can't believe it.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #154
I like to have everything in one folder, easier to manage with portable.

When using Windows' own management it can sometimes end up either in roaming, local, or documents.
And you may not know what the folder is called, some use their company name, other the product name.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #155
To properly understand this plugin, the opening should say "Works better if you have foobar2000 installed as 'portable'".

Not really. The only reason the description was inadequate for you is because you're not using the plugin.

I don't know where you got that idea 

I like to have everything in one folder, easier to manage with portable.

When using Windows' own management it can sometimes end up either in roaming, local, or documents.
And you may not know what the folder is called, some use their company name, other the product name.

Same, I love the idea of everything in one folder. The only reason for it to be in window's configuration 'appdata" is for registry purposes (shell link, shortcuts, etc), you know the useless stuff that windows apparently thinks is important  .

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #156
Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus), Free salvation for your configuration, playlists and soul.


Power surges made my playlist changes disappear... i had to save them by hand... THANK YOU!
I'm learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #157
Is there a way to exclude directories from the backup? There is one component that I do not want to backup because it creates a huge cached cover db. I do want to backup the rest of the entire user-components folder.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #158
Is there a way to exclude directories from the backup? There is one component that I do not want to backup because it creates a huge cached cover db. I do want to backup the rest of the entire user-components folder.

+1 makes sense.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #159
Is there a way to exclude directories from the backup? There is one component that I do not want to backup because it creates a huge cached cover db. I do want to backup the rest of the entire user-components folder.

Go into Preferences and take a look at "Advenced:Autosave & Autobackup". You'll see the setting for "Files and directories to back up". Just set that to whatever you want, omitting the folder you want to exclude. My setting is:


Hope that helps.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #160
Is there a way to exclude directories from the backup? There is one component that I do not want to backup because it creates a huge cached cover db. I do want to backup the rest of the entire user-components folder.

Go into Preferences and take a look at "Advenced:Autosave & Autobackup". You'll see the setting for "Files and directories to back up". Just set that to whatever you want, omitting the folder you want to exclude. My setting is:


Hope that helps.

I know I can do it that way, but that is really impractical for a number of reasons. I'd really like the option to exclude a specific folder while keeping all the others inside the parent folder.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #161
Well if you go back to the first post and click on the OPs username and view their profile, you'll see the last time they logged in was nearly 5 years ago. If the workarounds suggested are no good, you'll need to find something else.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #162
I do not know if it is a bug or whatever but;

after five days of trying and waiting I have come to the conclusion that this component is causing:

deletions of the cover art of the first file in random folders

I installed several components lately and after removing all of them and leaving this one for the last after installing one by one again, the problem has not appeared when I had this one left to install. That is why I think the problem is for this particular component.

Apart from that, the component is somehow confusing because I do not know exactly what does exactly backup and how can I restore the backups. I know the instructions are probably here but since I will uninstall it for good I will not check it anyways.

Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #163
I do not know if it is a bug or whatever but;

after five days of trying and waiting I have come to the conclusion that this component is causing:

deletions of the cover art of the first file in random folders

I installed several components lately and after removing all of them and leaving this one for the last after installing one by one again, the problem has not appeared when I had this one left to install. That is why I think the problem is for this particular component.

Apart from that, the component is somehow confusing because I do not know exactly what does exactly backup and how can I restore the backups. I know the instructions are probably here but since I will uninstall it for good I will not check it anyways.

This wouldn't be possible. foo_jesus doesn't touch any of your files. It forces a save of the index-dbs and playlists (I can show you the SDK calls if you want), and then zips everything up into a directory you specify. It wouldn't have access to your library.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #164
The problem has not appeared when I had this one left to install.
One or two days and no problem at all. No hard feelings, though, just informing. Regards.
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #165
To restore, just unzip the zipped backup file you're interested to restore (you will find them by default in "autobackup" folder), at foobar's root directory, overwriting all.
Probably foobar will re-index your library after that, it will take few minutes if it's big, but it will maintain your ratings and everything else not saved in your MP3 files.

Good luck.

I know it is from 2010 but.
First of all, I gave it a second chance and since yesterday install no problems with covers.

Second; according to that but it will maintain your ratings and everything else not saved in your MP3 files. That covers then some tags I created myself as for example album rating and song rating or RYM link—rateyourmusic—? I mean tags not default to Foobar.

Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #166
Second; according to that but it will maintain your ratings and everything else not saved in your MP3 files. That covers then some tags I created myself as for example album rating and song rating or RYM link—rateyourmusic—? I mean tags not default to Foobar.
No. album rating, and song rating, and RYM links sound like tags you're storing in the mp3 files themselves. Those will not be saved by foo_jesus. foo_jesus backs up your index-data folder which is where components which have databases typically store that data. foo_jesus only backs up files and directories you tell it to. Go to Preferences >> Advanced >> Autosave & Backup, and you'll see a list of all files and folders it's backing up.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #167
Thanks. I thought that those tags were stored somehow in Foobar but you are right I think that if I can see them on MP3tag then they are stored in the file.

EDIT: but then it means that even if my Foobar gets wipe out those tags are still saved so I do not have to do it all over again because Foobar will backup the settings—in property dialog—as in Artist, Album artist and custom tags. That is awesome. I have not thought about that. Awesome.
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #168
Thanks. I thought that those tags were stored somehow in Foobar but you are right I think that if I can see them on MP3tag then they are stored in the file.

EDIT: but then it means that even if my Foobar gets wipe out those tags are still saved so I do not have to do it all over again because Foobar will backup the settings—in property dialog—as in Artist, Album artist and custom tags. That is awesome. I have not thought about that. Awesome.
Well technically foobar isn't backing up the tags you see in the property dialog, they're just stored in the files themselves, but yes, they wouldn't be lost if foobar got wiped somehow :)

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #169
Well technically foobar isn't backing up the tags you see in the property dialog, they're just stored in the files themselves, but yes, they wouldn't be lost if foobar got wiped somehow :)

I meant that I have Foobar showing those custom tags in property dialog—spoiler—and according to Autosave then it will back up my current configuration, and then it will be shown again. How I love having left iTunes and Windows Media Player, in those cases, you would have to rate all of your songs again one by one if anything went wrong. Regards.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #171
Because I have a mess of playlists (thanks a lot YouTube Track Manager) I closed my Default playlist accidentally and didn't notice. Then lo and behold, foo_jesus autobackup zips contain NO PLAYLISTS. Just configs, index and crap. Completely useless... False idol!

Default config for `foo_jesus`: `configuration;playlists;index-data;theme.fth;PlaybackStatistics.dat`

So I guess the playlist is gone for good if it's not in the zips and I can't Undo, right?

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #172
If you are on Windows 7 you could try Previous Versions feature. Otherwise you could try file recovery software like Recuva. But if you have closed the player and don't have the playlist stored somewhere outside foobar there are no simple ways to get it back.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #173
Good suggestions! I've located an oldish manual backup of that playlist and given up. What I'd like to know is why there aren't any playlists in the autobackup zips. This is what I was relying on foo_jesus to do.

How would one Recuva the playlist anyway? Since the playlist format is binary not UTF8 how would you know that you got it? The filename is opaque (random string) just like the contents. Is it performance considerations that are keeping the playlist format from being serialized into something you can view in a text editor?

BTW, the reason I did a manual backup was that I was using foo_youtube_source and mixing local files with music from YouTube, and I could just feel the poor support for this kind of usage. (I was trying some tunes out, moving what I liked to this playlist I lost... so everything I had painstakingly selected the past few days vanished in a poof of accidental middleclick.)

Losing work and silos you can't play from are unacceptable in 2018. A decent player logs everything (event sourcing), has adapter plugins for playing any media source (see VLC or youtube-dl) and has working (per-track) auto-tagging from Discogs or other sources.


Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #174
Just configs, index and crap. Completely useless... False idol!
No, wrongly used for the wrong purpose.

The default config is from 2010 and since then no updates of the component took place, but the folder structure of foobar2000 itself changed since then. Replace 'playlist' in the configuration by 'playlist*' and it will also save the playlists in the future.

foo_jesus can never be a replacement for a proper backup concept, but it can help where you need to recover from recent changes, for which a normal backup is too old.