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Topic: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus) (Read 182335 times) previous topic - next topic
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #25
Yes. Redownload, I've updated the files linked from the first post with 0.9.5+ compatible version. Nothing for 0.8.3 is coming though, sorry!
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #27

Edited: Since fb2k 1.0 (currently in beta) it's possible to hold shift while clicking the main menu to show it.
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #28
Too bad then. Well thanks for the answer and the plugin !

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #29
Thank you so much for this component. I hate to lose settings and statistical data if my PC crashes. foobar2000 itself runs stable but you can't say the same about Vista 64 or bad hardware glitches etc.

I think I'm pushing my hardware too much. Currently running Dual Monitor setup on a weak graphics card like 8800GTS also running latest drivers.
Yet just 10 mins ago I had a looping sound crash and everything froze. Don't know what caused it cos I didn't receive a BSOD so I could see the bug check code.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #30
Maybe start using Windows Vista…
ETA: mikusr reminded me that "Previous versions" is available only in Business, Enterprise and Ultimate SKU's.

And for those using Home Basic or Premium, there's ShadowExplorer.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #31
Hi there. Great component, dumb question: Where are the files stored, and how do I retrieve them when in trouble?

Thanks, pano

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #32
There is nothing to retrieve.
It is not making a series of backups.
Depending on how you have set up Foobar the files are in your Foobar directory/subdirectories or your user profile directory.


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #33
The most troubling foobar crashes also delete/overwrite the settings file, though.. Might I request that it makes a backup to a \backup folder along with the regular saves? (of at least the cfg file, and perhaps, though less essentially, also of the playback stats)?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #34
I also had quite a lot of problems with data loss and I appreciate this plugin. On XP I run additionally a backup software SyncBack over the foobar folder every day. It's capable of versioning and very light-weight. With this setup hopefully I'll never loose anything again... 

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #35
Ok, so I was wondering how exactly this component works? Where is the autosaved info actually saved? Yesterday I was working wit the GIMP Portable which froze on me and gave me a lovely white screen. Foobar was running in the background and I couldn't close it properly and was forced to do a manual reboot. Anyhoo on restart I started up Foobar again and I got an error dialog indicating that my foobar config file couldn't be opened and basically all my settings and playback info was reset

I have this plugin installed but can't locate the autosaved info anywhere. Or am I completely on the wrong track as to how this plugin works?

Edit: It appears from the posts above that I have no hope in recovering that lost information  Dang. I guess then a second (third? fourth?) for feature request for the backup of foobar.cfg; database.dat and playbackstatistics.dat is in order...

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #36
Ok, so I was wondering how exactly this component works?

This component allows periodic automatic saving of configuration and other data in foobar2000. The save operation itself does the same as (hidden) command "File > Save Configuration", that means it saves configuration (foobar2000.cfg), Media library database (database.*), playlists and any additional data managed by other components (for example theme.fth or PlaybackStatistics.dat).

This means the component does not save a separate copy of all the configuration files, it just makes foobar2000 write the current content to disk.


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #37
Hi all, version v4 with backup features is now available. See the updated [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=608432']first post[/a] for details.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #38
Now with autobackup! Our prayers have been answered! Will definitely give this bad boy a whirl when I get home

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #39
Excelent time and worry saver many thanks!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #40
just want to say a quick thank you for this plug in.

iv had it installed for some time now but iv never had to actually put it into practice until today when i booted up foobar & found all my playback stats had been wiped, but foo jesus had saved the day with a backup made last night.

thank you

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #41
Ok, this is great thanks!  and just to know that that hidden file>save cfg is there and i can bind a shortcut key to is great too.

While on a sailing/scuba adventure in Australia last summer, at night the crew would tie off to a mooring buoy with the regular line, and the 'jesus line'.  Why? cuz if the main line broke overnight, you'd say "Jesus, i'm glad we tied that other line, also".  get it?...foo_jesus

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #42
Thanks for positive feedback

See the updated [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=608432']first post[/a] for details about just released new version v6. Not a required update, just a some minor maintenance stuff.

and just to know that that hidden file>save cfg is there and i can bind a shortcut key to is great too.
With the fb2k v1.0 (beta), released a few hours ago, you can access this and other hidden commands by Shift+clicking on the menu, great for commands you don't need very often.
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #43
my computer just crashed (my fault) with foobar open. when i opened foobar again it said the config was damaged and everything was lost. but then i remembered i have foo_jesus watching my back and i was able to completely restore my foobar from the backup files.

i just wanted to say thanks for making this component. you just saved me from a heart attack.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #44
version >v4 with backup features is now available

How about using compression while building the zip file, those files compress typically to about 25% of the original size?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #45
Are you running of disk space?
Well ther reasons were rather I didn't want to pull whole zlib in and that the backup process should be as lightweight resource-wise as possible.
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #46
definitely agree with the light weight approach.
no real need to compress the zips in my opinion either.

on a semi-related note, have you considered adding an option to the config to allow specifying a different path for the destination of the zip files?
if it would add too much complexity not really a big deal at all, just curious if you had already considered it.

it would be nice to play the backup zips in an alternate location on another physical disk.
however, if it's not easily implemented i can always script move/copy of the zip's using robocopy.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #47
Well, I might use the simplest LZW compression to make them a bit smaller, shouldn't take much CPU, the disk access is a bigger bottle neck and all this is done in a low-priority background thread anyway.

Yes, I'm considering a configurable path for the backups. They could also go to a subdirectory "autobackup" by default, for example, which would create less mess in the profile folder itself if you want to retain longer history.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #48
thanks for considering
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #49
very cool on both accounts then.

i imagine the larger the DB's you have the more useful the compression would be.
i have an 19MB database.dat and a 7MB playbackstatistics.dat, so normal zip deflate mode drops my zips from 36MB down to 6MB ;-)