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Topic: Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6] (Read 8447 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

I'm trying to make an autoplaylist of rated songs sorted by path.  However, I get "Sort operations not available in this context".

%rating% IS 5 AND SORT BY %path_sort%

I also tried after/before in place of and, and path with and without %'s.

Can foobar sort autoplaylists, and if so, what am I doing wrong?

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #1
%rating% IS 5 SORT BY %path_sort%

(removed the "AND")

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #3
Are you using most recent Foobar?
Something similar such as:

%set% IS 1 SORT BY %venue%
%set% IS 1 SORT BY %path_sort%

works for me.


I assume you are building playlist via Library > Search

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #4
Are you using most recent Foobar?
Something similar such as:

%set% IS 1 SORT BY %venue%
%set% IS 1 SORT BY %path_sort%

works for me.


I assume you are building playlist via Library > Search

I'm running 0.9.6 Final.  However, I've been building my playlists with Library/Albumlist, but foo_albumlist is an official component installed with foobar.  I just tried Search and the query works, but the SORT BY command is useless since there's a sort BOX.

Albumlist on left, Search on right

So, I guess the new question is:  why doesn't Albumlist query syntax match with Search syntax?

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #5
Your query pattern made with the "Search" does match the Filter Pattern Made with "Album List".

An "Album List"-generated autoplaylist forces-sort based on the branches' sort pattern. A "Search"-generated autoplaylist doesn't have any kind of structure, so a declared sort pattern is necessary.

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #6

Though I do not use always bothered me that I never quite had a handle on this sticky little issue.

Two lucid typed lines of text and I be a smarter man.

thanks for insight


Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #7
Your query pattern made with the "Search" does match the Filter Pattern Made with "Album List".

An "Album List"-generated autoplaylist forces-sort based on the branches' sort pattern. A "Search"-generated autoplaylist doesn't have any kind of structure, so a declared sort pattern is necessary.

I mean syntax behavior then.

Anyway, I'm not sure you understood my point.  An autoplaylist generated with Albumlist can use any syntax except "SORT BY", which throws a popup that says "sort operations not available in this context".  If you view the playlist in foobar, you can select all the songs and you CAN sort the playlist.  My question is, why are Albumlist-based autoplaylists blocked from carrying out a function automatically that the user can do manually?

I suppose I should reword my question a bit:
Why are there 2 completely different kinds of autoplaylists included with a blank foobar installation which don't accept the same syntax?

Can't apply sort to Autoplaylist properties [0.9.6]

Reply #8

Your query pattern made with the "Search" does match the Filter Pattern Made with "Album List".

An "Album List"-generated autoplaylist forces-sort based on the branches' sort pattern. A "Search"-generated autoplaylist doesn't have any kind of structure, so a declared sort pattern is necessary.

I mean syntax behavior then.

Anyway, I'm not sure you understood my point.  An autoplaylist generated with Albumlist can use any syntax except "SORT BY", which throws a popup that says "sort operations not available in this context".  If you view the playlist in foobar, you can select all the songs and you CAN sort the playlist.
Yes, manual sorting is always available if a playlist isn't force-sorted.

My question is, why are Albumlist-based autoplaylists blocked from carrying out a function automatically that the user can do manually?

Look at the names of the boxes.
The Album List-generated playlist's box is called "Filter Pattern" because it functions similar to the Filter Box at the bottom of the Album List. 
The "Filter Pattern" box is necessary for an Autoplaylist because you need it when you create an Autoplaylist from a node that has the Filter applied onto it.

The Filter box does not accept "SORT BY" because the results of the Album List are automatically sorted by the Album List's view. Therefore, the "Filter Pattern" box doesn't allow "SORT BY", either.