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Topic: Resampler plugin (Read 510114 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #402
downloaded the files but i think they are corrupted. 

Tried to install directly from foobar2000 and "unsupported format or corrupted file"
When unzipping, it show invalid archive.

Can someone advise ?

Good & fast resampler based on SoX resampling routines. (several times faster than PPHS Ultra).

normal version: []modified: []and []
sources: [attachment=7333:foo_dsp_....8.3_src.rar]

Discussion thread is here.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #403
Clear browser cache and re-download again. OR use another program to download .zip files.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #404
Thanks everyone for the precious tips, I have a little question:
assuming my sound board does not support 44100hz samplerate, but only higher ones (until 96000hz) so I set it from windows to 96000hz and 24bit, and I set 24bit also in the wasapi settings of foobar output.

my questions are: does the windows setting mean anything while playing music with foobar in wasapi mode? and more important: setting the sox target resampling to 96000hz is the good choice to be able to listen all the 44100hz sampled music i have? and what then about the native 96000hz stuff? do they get resampled as well or sox "skip" those automatically without touching them? (and here again: the windows setting mean something still in this case?)

Sorry for the tricky questions, i've been lurking a lot the forum! bye!

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #405
my questions are: does the windows setting mean anything while playing music with foobar in wasapi mode?

No. That settings only affects things going through the Windows mixer and both ASIO and WASAPI bypass it.

and more important: setting the sox target resampling to 96000hz is the good choice to be able to listen all the 44100hz sampled music i have?

Yes and no. SoX is fast and has super high quality but the resampler in modern Windows versions has superb quality too. I measured and WASAPI + SoX in fast mode is faster than DS output + Windows resampler. DS output has the advantage that it allows other sounds to play at the same time so you could watch video clips with sound or get sound notification about new important email. And foobar2000 can apply fade effects when you seek or pause playback so that annoying glitches aren't heard.

and what then about the native 96000hz stuff? do they get resampled as well or sox "skip" those automatically without touching them? (and here again: the windows setting mean something still in this case?)

In the above scenario the resampler DSP does absolutely nothing. And if you use WASAPI output the Windows mixer setting has no effect. If you use DirectSound output then the Windows setting has an effect. If the setting there matches your source files nothing gets resampled.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #406
Thank you very much! that was really helpful, btw I managed it using the SoX mod2 which allows me to resample only the sample rate i want to (that is only 44100hz to 96000hz in this case, since its the only one my audio board doesnt support) and I guess all the other sample rates are totally untouched.
PS: keeping the WASAPI setting to 24bit while playing 16bit content (or the opposite, if possible) does create any quality issue? Am I supposed to change it according to what i'm listening to?
sorry for the bad english, i'm italian

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #407
Keeping it at 24 bits at all times is best. The larger bit depth can contain 16-bit signal unaltered. And if you adjust volume the extra bits will allow higher SNR in theory. If you kept it at 16 bits and played 24-bit files, you would not be transmitting the full quality to your sound card. In normal situation the difference would not be audible but there's no point to intentionally do the wrong thing.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #408
Great, thank you  is there a way to somehow check if the playback of a 44100hz file upsampled to 96000hz is basically without quality loss?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #410
Very thank you for your powerfull addon !!!

Thank a lot  I'm using it for many years now on foobar2000.

Is it possible to add a function to your addon ???

I'm listening lot of DVD-A & SACD with samplerate over than CD format (44.1KHz)

And I don't need to use your great addon when I'm playing these kind of song or 24bits/96KHz & 24bits 192KHz music from linnrecords for example

Is it possible to add a function that auto disable your addon when listenig music that offer more than 16bits/44.1KHz ?

Thank you

PS : sorry for my bad english, I'm from France...
i7 3930K@4.4GHz & 16GB & E-MU 1616m+HD650+Cabasse SCS+Class D


Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #411
What's the benefit of real-time up/down sampling? I thought people use these kind of plugins just for converting?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #414
What's the benefit of real-time up/down sampling? I thought people use these kind of plugins just for converting?

The benefit is for CD format and add better quality, at least on one point : The DAC work better at 88.2 KHz than 44.2 KHz  the noise added by DAC is not @ 20 KHz but @ 40 KHz !

You MUST use integer multiplier like 2x or 4x and not upscale from 44.1 KHz to 96 KHz for example, but 44.1 to 88.2.

Why doing this in real time ? Because of size !!!

I can explain it better in French

Anyway, you don't have to expect quality like HD format
i7 3930K@4.4GHz & 16GB & E-MU 1616m+HD650+Cabasse SCS+Class D

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #415
I installed all Sox resampler plugins, but they do now work. My W4S DAC-2 still shows that it's accepting 44.1.

I tried PPHS resampler, it also does not work.

I have Win 7 64 bit and Foobar 1.3.1.

My guess is that the problem is Win 7 64 bit, because before I had Win 7 32 bit and all these resamplers worked.

It looks I've found the culprit:

You have to install the WASAPI plugin and choose it as an output option in the Foobar settings.

Without the WASAPI plugin installed, Windows outputs all the sounds in a format which is currently chosen in the properties of your sound device (format by default) in the Windows Control Panel (where you control all the sound devices).

I hope it helps.

Or ASIO plugin (I prefer)
i7 3930K@4.4GHz & 16GB & E-MU 1616m+HD650+Cabasse SCS+Class D

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #416

Very thank you for your powerfull addon !!!

Thank a lot  I'm using it for many years now on foobar2000.

Is it possible to add a function to your addon ???

I'm listening lot of DVD-A & SACD with samplerate over than CD format (44.1KHz)

And I don't need to use your great addon when I'm playing these kind of song or 24bits/96KHz & 24bits 192KHz music from linnrecords for example

Is it possible to add a function that auto disable your addon when listenig music that offer more than 16bits/44.1KHz ?

Thank you

PS : sorry for my bad english, I'm from France...

i7 3930K@4.4GHz & 16GB & E-MU 1616m+HD650+Cabasse SCS+Class D

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #417
You can use mod or mod2 versions of this plugin.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #418
SoX was updated and there are changes to the resampling code. Any chance to update the DSP, too?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #419
IIRC these changes are rather old, and they are already in the code of this plugin.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #420
So... This settings are the best to get the best sound quality ?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #421
Is there any way to implement resampling to 705.6/768 kHz? I happen to have a device that supports these sample rates and as of yet I can only achieve this by upsampling 192 kHz sample rates by 4x. It would be nice however to have a dedicated setting for any sample rate to be resampled to 705.6/768 kHz.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #422
Using foobar with the SoX resampler and have a question:
When downsampling from 24bit either 96/192kHz to 16bit either 44.1/48kHz...should I enable aliasing/imaging or keep it off? Or does it really not matter at all because any difference between the two are going to be differences above 20kHz hence I won't hear them?

The full settings I'm using are 50% (linear), 95% passband, and dithering. Are these the recommended/best settings? Obviously dithering is because of the bit change.

I'm asking these questions because I've been reading a bunch of posts about aliasing and right when I think I shouldn't use it because a great encoder should not introduce much noise, I read 5-10 posts in a row about why aliasing is actually good in this cae. It does add noise but in doing so it actually reduces a bunch of bad noise, ringing, etc.. So then I think I should use it. So I guess my above question is the most important...does it do anything noticeable at all or is it above the hearing threshold anyway and so it doesn't matter (to me) who will only be listening to it.


Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #423
Hi.  I am using "Resampler (soX) mod2" plugin

With this UI, is it possible to achieve the following Sox setting:

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #424
-v: Quality = Best
-M: Phase response = 0% (minimum)
-a: Allow aliasing/imaging = on