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Topic: Resampler plugin (Read 524610 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #475
Just want to say thanks for this component. Been meaning to check it out for ages, and it works exactly how I need it to.

Background: I run a mastering studio where EVERYTHING (all DACs, PC, drivers and digital equipment) is clocked to the master capture ADC. To change the sample rate is a PITA as I have to go into my Crookwood mastering console's menu settings multiple layers to do it. Every time I want to audition a quick 22k mp3, or enjoy listening to 192kHz Norah Jones albums, for example, it's a bit of a hassle to go hardware menu diving just to be able to do so. So I have been wondering for ages how I could keep things at 44.1 (my usual) but have those different SRs be automatically converted to 44 on the fly (I know it's not the best quality conversion, I go offline SRC for that in mastering duties with FinalCD or iZotpe RX7 Advanced). Now, thanks to the Mod2 version, I can specify that all those other SRs are real time converted to 44.1 and I can listen quickly without having to dick around.

THANK YOU! I wish I had sorted it out much earlier...

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #476
@darkflame23 : If you want to resample everything to one single frequency, then you don't need the "mod2" version?
I use the mod2 in order to select for upsampling files of unsupported sampling frequency, but I do not want to spend that weak computer's CPU load on resampling when I don't have to.

(My "ideal" component would intercept an "unsupported" error message and only then start resampling, but I don't switch output device when I don't have to.)

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #478
Version 0.8.4 is available (see the 1st post).

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #479
Ivqcl:  Thank you for the update, mod2 is one of my "essential" plugins.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #480
Thanks for the update. Love this component.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #481
Thank you for an update of this very fast and transparent SRC, for me unique in that it's suitable for real time playback conversion and imo very high quality offline conversion.
Shame it has not yet been added into components catalog.  

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #482
Possible bug with v. 0.8.5
Options for 2x/4x upsampling are not saved. After adjusting one of the upsampling values, confirming with "OK" and subsequent plugin options window opening, there stays "1000".

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #483
@jaro1 Thanks, should be fixed in 0.8.6.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #484

mod link still points to 0.8.4 ...

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #485
No reason to update them. The bug was introduced in 0.8.5, so they weren't affected.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #486
Hola! What is the best configuration for the SoX resampler and the Smart Dither in foobar2000 for downsampling (24/96 to 16/48) and upsampling (16/44.1 to 16/48)? I'm not interested in speed, I'm interested in the maximum configuration. Thanks.

SoX default settings:
Quality: Best
Passband: 95%
Allow aliasing/imaging: No
Phase Response: 50% (linear)

Smart Dither default settings:
Target bith depth: 16 bps
Amount of dither in bits: 1.0 bits
High-pass filter the dither noise: Yes

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #487
@lvqcl version 0.8.6 is not available for fb2k?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #490
Hi lvqcl, thanks for the awesome software! Do you know how long the filter is for x8 oversampling? Would we get better performance with an even longer filter?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #492
Do you know how long the filter is for x8 oversampling?
Have no idea.

Would we get better performance with an even longer filter?
Why? It can be worse, not better.

I know SSRC is 16k max, if that's useful. It is often suggested that longer filters are more accurate, though more computation-intensive. Why do you think longer filters can be worse given the same design?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #493
I thought that "performance" means speed, not accuracy.
There's no need for better accuracy, because SoX quality is already excellent.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #494
Longer filters can lead to more pre- and/or post-echo or ringing. The current filter design is already sufficient for mathematical accuracy, which is already way more than you'll ever need for audible accuracy.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #495
Why are there 3 versions of the plugin? I understand that 'mod' with the list of frequencies blank is equivalent to 'non-mod' version.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #496
Do new versions compiled with 1.4 SDK use dynamic library linking when used with fbk 1.4?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #497
Yes, new versions (0.8.4 and newer) are dynamically linked to MSVC runtime files.

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #498
Any chance you can re-code  S0x binary to sound better for Classical Music with extended highs?

Re: Resampler plugin

Reply #499
SRCs are not designed to change the sound of the music, but be transparent. You'd be better served with an EQ, extend your own highs. :)