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Topic: Updated logo idea (the text, mostly) (Read 15069 times) previous topic - next topic
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Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

we was young an' full of beans

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #1
You know what, I like it. It's not a major overhaul, but a refresh of an already decent idea. An aliased MS Sans isn't really of this age (and frankly, if you're determined to use aliased fonts, there a much better alternatives) and the big light letters and a slight gloss over the logo makes the old seem new. But on teh whole it still looks like good old hydrogen, just a tad more modern. I like it.

Only critic I have maybe a bit smoother gloss on the logo, I'm not sure a hard color transition like that works on a discontinuous logo like ha's. But it's minor.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #2
I think it's very cool - HOWEVER, to me, the kerning seem weird. Instead of trying to match the width of the current font on ha-logo, I think it should be compressed better (if it can't be more bold). The subtitle should be slightly larger as well I think. I like the gloss-effect as well.

What's the font used?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #3
I would prefer the "old" version, in case of legibility.
I have realy worse eyes (-2,5 right -5,25 left), and i don´t use my glasses everytime when i´m a my pc, because my eyes exhaust very fast, when i work on my pc.
The trend, to make all thin and shiny and glossy graphics, is a special sort of hell for me and i try myself, for my own projects, to do a balance of "woah, neat!" look and usefull size of letters in graphics, for every handicaped person.

The old logo is a good compromise and i like it :-)

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #4
Wow, talk about reviving a year old thread!

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #5
Yeah, but I thought it was worth a revive
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #6
Also you forgot that the "audio"-part were written in a bold-style of the same typeface. I'd rather see something like this:

(Note: The font has to be licensed if this logo should be used.)
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #7
Also you forgot that the "audio"-part were written in a bold-style of the same typeface. I'd rather see something like this:

I really like this idea, but the "hydrogen" part is written well too thin. Even on my big screen (with big pixels) it is only a thin line.


Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #8

Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #9

Sort of. Sweet  - I really could imagine this to be the header of a comprehensive audio magazine... *dreaming*

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #10
What about putting "The audio technology" on one side of the g's "hanger" and the "enthusiast's resource" on the other side? Also, though the headphone idea is neat, one of the points of the current logo is that the dot and grey arc form an abstract "A", with the waves contributing to an abtract "H". The headphones don't represent the A very well at all.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #11
What about putting "The audio technology" on one side of the g's "hanger" and the "enthusiast's resource" on the other side?

I have already tried something likewise. There's no room for it... I could try increasing the font size slightly, but I think it will look odd.

Also, though the headphone idea is neat, one of the points of the current logo is that the dot and grey arc form an abstract "A", with the waves contributing to an abtract "H". The headphones don't represent the A very well at all.

Really?  I always saw it as headphones and soundwaves  But of course now that you say it, I can see it (sort of). Did you make the logo?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #12
What about putting "The audio technology" on one side of the g's "hanger" and the "enthusiast's resource" on the other side? Also, though the headphone idea is neat, one of the points of the current logo is that the dot and grey arc form an abstract "A", with the waves contributing to an abtract "H". The headphones don't represent the A very well at all.

I must say the abstract H and A wasn't really obvious to begin with (at least I never figured that one out).  I think the new one was cool. The subtitle could still be slightly larger though. a bit hard to read.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #13
The subtitle could still be slightly larger though. a bit hard to read.

I hope Segoe UI has helped that a bit

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Version 4:

(Note: The font has to be licensed if this logo should be used.)

Edit: I silently increased the font on the bottom one... Figured even Segoe UI was a tiny bit too small.

Edit 2: I added the history, so one can easier distinguish and choose his favorite.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #14
Pretty funny stuff this, spending a year to consider a new logo, most members simply ignoring the suggestion. 

"New logo? What's better with it?"¨

"I detect no difference! Admittedly I bought my monitor of craigslist for 20USD, but it's just as good as any overpriced so-called 'flat' monitor out there!"


"Did anyone ABX this against the old logo? I'm sure noone could!"

"Perhaps the logo LOOKS better, but IS IT better?"

"I'm sure some people would like an expensive-looking logo with a "LICENSED" font to show off, but that's not what music is all about, now is it?


Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #16
The grammar is off.  'Enthusiasts' is possessive here -- it should have an apostrophe either before of after the final s, depending on whether you want it to mean a single or plural enthusiast:  enthusiast's or  enthusiasts'

otherwise just leave off the s and make it more like an adjective, modifying 'resource'.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #17
Yeah, I actually just noticed after posting the last one

Edit: Fixed for the last one.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #18
Frankly I don't like Variants 3 or 4 too much as the text is either interrupted or colliding with letters.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #19
I agree

How about this?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #20
How about this?

I like the typefaces, but "hydrogen" now being a different weight to the "waves" is too many weight variations. The waves are a little disconnected, & the sub-title is more so - nor does it scan well being on two lines without the apostrophe. In fact, couldn't the sub-title be changed entirely, perhaps to something which clearly reflects HA's anti-woo stance - after all, that is what really differentiates HA from most other internet audio discussion forums.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #21
Regardless of the where the text is, the small font needs to fit the pixels better. Many of the vertical lines are 2 pixels wide, when they would look better being only 1 pixel wide. The 'L' in technology is shows this quite well.  For example:

The font on the right is Deja Vu Sans and was made using GIMP with the 'auto-hinting' feature.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #22
I like the typefaces, but "hydrogen" now being a different weight to the "waves" is too many weight variations. The waves are a little disconnected
I am already trying to change the logo slightly in various forms, especially to try to make the waves thinner and go with the rest. However, the current logo is a complete copy of the current, so in which way do you think they are more "disconnected" than the current logo???

In fact, couldn't the sub-title be changed entirely, perhaps to something which clearly reflects HA's anti-woo stance - after all, that is what really differentiates HA from most other internet audio discussion forums.
Bring in the bright brains

Regardless of the where the text is, the small font needs to fit the pixels better. Many of the vertical lines are 2 pixels wide, when they would look better being only 1 pixel wide. The 'L' in technology is shows this quite well.
I'm trying to manage the nasty antialiasing hinting-problems in Photoshop, but it doesn't seem easy. I'll try the font you mentioned to see if I can get similar results with this.

Edit: Yeah, I still have problems with the hinting even on the Deja Vu-font
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #23
I like the typefaces, but "hydrogen" now being a different weight to the "waves" is too many weight variations. The waves are a little disconnected

I am already trying to change the logo slightly in various forms, especially to try to make the waves thinner and go with the rest. However, the current logo is a complete copy of the current, so in which way do you think they are more "disconnected" than the current logo???

Just that the gap between the right most wave & the "h" is slightly larger than it was before (because of the lighter weight "h").
In fact, couldn't the sub-title be changed entirely, perhaps to something which clearly reflects HA's anti-woo stance - after all, that is what really differentiates HA from most other internet audio discussion forums.

Bring in the bright brains

Indeed. That excludes me, but a starting point might be "The home of DBT" - just a direction for suggestions, NOT an actual suggestion!

Edit: added clarification.

Updated logo idea (the text, mostly)

Reply #24
Just that the gap between the right most wave & the "h" is slightly larger than it was before.

Well, if you take the spacing between the waves in account, the spacing between waves and h in the present logo does not seem to have any correlation anyway. Personally I think it will become a little too attached if it's any closer to the logo.

Regardless if the present logo has a secret meaning, a headphone is at least closer to the subject of this community.

Probably gonna try out gimp tomorrow. I couldn't find anything useful from a google search on photoshop and hinting.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P