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Topic: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.6 (Read 2070540 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3000
No, it looks like it didn't even try to query the database. You might have turned it off by mistake. It's the checkbox next to the icon of a CD with a red plus on it.
Grrr, new install... my bad.  Thanx

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3001
Greetings from a noob.  I've been using CueTools (ver 15) for awhile but lately receiving an "Exception: An Invalid Argument was supplied" error when trying to split files.  Might someone be able to point me towards a solution?  Using latest versions does not solve.


Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3002
A little more information would help. You didn't even give a format for the input or output files.
FLACCL can throw this type of exception. Perhaps you changed the FLAC encoder?

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3003
Thank you for responding korth.  Apparently it has something to do with my particular computer (running Win 10).  I've tried the same program, same cue file on a different LT (also Win 10) and it runs fine.  BTW I am using unaltered default settings and have had no problems until lately.

I will try to clean all evidence of CueTools out of my registry, restart and see if that cures the error.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3004
If you're not running as portable, the settings file is in %appdata%\CUE Tools
Delete (or rename) while CUETools isn't running.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3005
Thank you again korth.  I'd tried everything with no luck, until I loaded it to a usb drive and it now works fine.'s good to have it working again.  :)

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #3006
Just a suggestion "for consideration" (I don't really know if there is a "good" way of improving this) for the settings. It concerns all the places there are tagging-related options. If I open the preferences, I see

* One tab for "Tagging".
* One tab for AccurateRip. Therein, there is a choice to write AccurateRip tags or not.
* One Advanced tab, where several sections are tagging-relevant.

At least, why not rename the AccurateRip tab into "AccurateRip&CTDB" and put the "Write CTDB tags" into there? Typically, I either want information to be updated or I don't ...

(And there is enough room in the Tagging tab to put the first two "advanced" tagging preferences to the right - could have an "Advanced" heading.)

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5

Reply #3007
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